John Livingston

We Have Not Yet Begun to Fight!

I am writing this post on the morning after the Donald Trump/Tucker Carlson town hall meeting in Arizona four days before the presidential election.

The presentation by the speakers was exquisite. For me, the best speaker was RFK Jr. He has an obvious speech impediment and speaks with a graveling forced expiratory effort, but his passion and love of his family and country and his respect for Mr. Trump were compelling and moving. He said that he had 10 brothers and sisters and 70 first cousins,( the result of Catholic “family planning”)—jml He talked about his estrangement from many but not all of his siblings because of his support for DJT. Most of all he talked about his 30-year battle against corporate interests and the “mercantilist corporate collusion” in the military, educational, and medical industrial complexes. I couldn’t help but think that this is exactly what is happening at all levels of government. In Idaho we have the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry (IACI), The Idaho Education Association (IEA), The Idaho Medical Association and Hospital Association (IMA-IHA), and more recently local government lobbies like The Association of Counties and Cities

What Mr. Trump and his supporters are rallying against is the current state of affairs regarding THE PROCESS OF GOVERNMENT. Monied lobbyists and corporate interests control the process from the funding of campaigns to the back door hospitality at The Arid Club or a round of golf or shooting sporting clays or shooting trap at the Governor’s Cup—Did you know that they raise money for education at the governor’s Cup? Again, those types of activities are a party waiting for an excuse to exist. In my local town of Garden City, the local pols and government bureaucrats have been doing Ex Partee business with out of State developers and financiers for years. All for a campaign fund raiser and a round of golf. The great poet put it perfectly:

“For a cap and bell our lives we pay, Bubbles we buy for a whole soul’s asking, Tis heaven alone can be had for the asking” — James Russell Lowell

Mr. Trump is leading the charge against “the process of government” at the Federal level. Who is going to lead that charge in our State and in our counties and municipalities? Our Governor certainly knows where all the bodies are buried in Idaho. Many people in the Republican Party in Idaho know where the corruption and collusion are rampant between private corporations, professional lobbyists, and government agencies and bureaucrats. Let’s see if after the election they are willing to do anything about it.

The symbiosis described above is facilitated by a media that is not capable of reporting the truth. Regurgitating a political narrative at the expense of reporting the truth is the job of a propagandist, not a professional journalist. What happened after the Arizona Trump rally is typical of the PRAVDA-TASK like tactics that have been part of our politics ever since Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan took on CBS/ABC/NBC/NYT/WAPO and let’s not forget PBS.

During his interview last night with Tucker Carlson, Mr. Trump said—I paraphrase, that Liz Cheney was a NeoCon and like so many old school Republicans she was attached to the military industrial complex. He said that those people were too willing to put our cherished treasure ( our young men and women) in harms way in foreign countries, and if she had to stare down the barrel of a gun with nine or ten other guns starring back at her she may be more reluctant to send our children in harm’s way. He never put a target on her head as reported by Drudge and all the other Beta-male and female—can we say “he-she’s” in the mainstream media.

Liz Cheney is proving as so many other establishment Republican and Democrats are proving, that they have no allegiance to fundamental Biblical and Natural Law Principles. Liz Cheney like so many others is an entitled establishment legit who is threatened by an electorate that has earned their own way in life. Like so many in the entitlement classes—both upper and lower classes, that participate in the world of entitlement and government largesse, when all else fails they play the “victim” card. The only thing Liz and those like her care about is power. Power over principle is always dangerous.

Mr. Trump was making an argument for the “sanctity of life”. There are certainly just wars where the ultimate cost must be leveraged in order to confront evil. The way not to get into that kind of situation has been defined by Mr. Trump as per Mr. Reagan, for the past 8 years. In short—”Peace through Strength”. Proxy wars like The Ukraine always end up like Viet Nam—look at Afghanistan in the later years. If I were a mother or father of a child serving in our military, I would be much more comfortable with Mr. Trump as the Commander in Chief. You can believe for sure that there are many political Admirals and Generals at the Pentagon, and upper-level agents at the CIA and DOJ that are shaking in their boots fearing that their days are numbered and their influence and access to power will be no more. Mr. Trump cares more about “the troops” than he does about going to cocktail parties hosted by Raytheon, Boeing, or The American Medical Association (AMA) at The Congressional Country Club!

Mr. Trump is leading the charge against the process of government that has put us on the verge of both economic and political socialism in our country—at all levels of government. The “Federalization” and corruption of our State and local governments is every bit as much at stake in this Presidential election.

Even if Mr. Trump wins—especially if he wins, the fight will continue.

Every Navy man and woman knows the words of John Paul Jones as he was asked to surrender his ship the Bonhomme Richard to the British in 1799—I HAVE NOT YET BEGUN TO FIGHT”. Truely an iconic moment in American History very much like another iconic moment given to us by Mr. Trump:


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