Opinions / Op-eds

“We Choose Freedom”?

The Question is Freedom for Whom or What?

There’s a house in my neighborhood that has a sign in the yard, a sign with white lettering on a blue background that says, “WE CHOOSE FREEDOM.” Based on the blue color and what I know of the residents, I surmised it was a Democratic campaign slogan. A Google search confirmed that it is indeed such, and that the slogan apparently came from a campaign speech given by Kamala Harris, but likely gifted by a speech writer since Harris isn’t exactly the sharpest tool in the shed.

Boldly declaring that “We Choose Freedom” implies that the other side, in this case, Republicans, does not. It implies a superiority of thought and action, even a nobility, which those on the other side don’t possess. Perhaps the other side goes as far as to choose the opposite of freedom, which must be something like captivity or tyranny or slavery. That’s kind of a heavy accusation, even if only implied, so I think this is a matter that merits closer examination.

First, let’s consider the Covid hysteria of the not-too-distant past. It was by and large the Democrats who were all about forcing people to inject an inadequately tested, experimental, gene therapy drug masquerading as a “safe and effective” vaccine whether they wanted to or not, and it was the Democrats who slandered and persecuted the non-compliant in a variety of creative ways. Perhaps they would like to explain to all of us how this promoted the freedom they claim to choose.

Again, it was mostly those champions of freedom, the Democrats, who reveled in mandates seeking to force people to wear masks that were falsely claimed to prevent the passage of a virus. It was largely Democrats who forced schools, businesses, and churches to close for long periods of time, causing sometimes irrevocable harm to the vital functions of education, commerce, and worship. Please explain how that too furthered the noble cause of freedom.

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Democrats are on record as wanting to ban and confiscate American’s firearms. Never mind that gun ownership and its inherent right to self-protection are constitutionally protected rights. Maybe those evil, racist, slave-owning, and above all, white, Founding Fathers just didn’t understand freedom nearly to the degree that sophisticated, modern-day Democrats do. How exactly is freedom preserved and protected by the Left’s incessant attacks on the Second Amendment?

Then of course there’s freedom of speech, probably the preeminent freedom of those enumerated by the Bill of Rights. Suffice it to say that Democrats are only in favor of the free speech they agree with. Anything else is fair game to be censored, shouted down, and cancelled. That would include anything critical of or questioning the “vaccine,” the masking and lockdown mandates, the farcical “climate emergency,” the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election, or in fact any other speech critical of the current Democratic regime and its policies.

So please, Democrats, don’t insult our intelligence and discernment by claiming that you choose freedom. You choose nothing of the sort except for the freedom to rid yourselves of your unwanted, unborn offspring. You do choose a lot of other things though. You choose one-party rule in perpetuity if you can get away with it through election fraud and other despicable means. You choose lawfare, incarceration, and even assassination against your political opponents. You choose flooding the country with illegal aliens that you plan to parlay into Democrat votes. You choose taking away the right and ability of Americans to defend themselves against crime and even tyranny. You choose to silence and punish speech you don’t like. Finally and most pitifully, you choose to safeguard your ignorance of the truth by consuming only one-sided media that is of, by, and for the Democrat Party.

Maybe members of the political party that embraces so many anti-freedoms shouldn’t be lecturing others on a subject they obviously don’t believe in. If truthfulness could be mandated as easily as ineffectual, virtue-signaling Covid masks, that sign that made me think about all this would have read, “WE CHOOSE CONTROL AND ONE-PARTY RULE.” In stark contrast to the disingenuous slogan, “We Choose Freedom,” the slogan of the so-called MAGA Republicans is forthright and honest. “Make America Great Again” means redeeming America from the failed and destructive policies of a Democratic administration. No empty platitudes or meaningless and misleading rhetoric, just redemption for a nation desperately in need of a new direction at a critical juncture in its history.

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2 replies on ““We Choose Freedom”?”

GOD IS THE AUTHOR OF FREEDOM/LIBERTY; thus only God can define what it is and how it’s attained.

As individuals, liberty is found only in the blood-atoning sacrifice and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, per John 8:32 & 36, 2 Corinthians 3:17, etc.

As a society, liberty is found only in the Bible’s perfect law of liberty, per Psalm 19:7-11, 119:44-45, James 2:12, etc.

Consequently, liberty was officially lost in America when the 1787 cadre of Enlightenment and Masonic theistic rationalists (aka constitutional framers and founding fathers) made liberty a goal (almost a God as in France) instead of corollary of implementing the Bible’s perfect law of liberty (Psalm 19:7-11, 119:44-45, James 2:12, etc.) as the law of the land.

And no efforts that help to perpetuate the biblically egregious Constitutional Republic (including it’s unbiblical elections) is going to restore liberty to America. Only a return to Yahweh as America’s Sovereign and thus His moral law can achieve this.

For more on how the Bible’s triune and integral moral law (the Ten Commandments and their respective statutes and judgments) apply and should be implemented as as the law of the land under the New Covenant, see free online book “Law and Kingdom: Their Relevance Under the New Covenant” at bible versus constitution dot org. Go to our Online Book page and scroll down to title.

Then “A Biblical Constitution: A Scriptural Replacement for Secular Government.”

Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the right-hand sidebar and receive a free copy of a book that *examines* the Constitution by the Bible.

Freedom is a physical condition denoting the absence of bonds or bondage. Liberty is a political condition certified by the social right to do whatever does not infringe upon the rights of your neighbor. And that DOES NOT mean “within the limits of the law”, since the “Law” is often nothing more than the will of tyrants. Natural Law commands of us two directives: 1) Do all you have agreed to do-the basis of all contracts. 2) Do not encroach on the person or property of another-as specified in The Ten Commandments. – H/T to Thomas Jefferson and Richard Maybury.

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