Bob's Words of Wisdom

Trump’s Election is a Mandate for Change

A Mandate for Change: Trump winning this election will change the course of America back to its original premise of Freedom, Justice, and Prosperity for all. We have seen the enemy and it was us. Fortunately, Americans saw how they were being manipulated for the past 4 years under Biden/Harris and said very loud and clear in this election “We’re not going to take it anymore” and gave Trump a decisive victory winning all seven swing states and the popular vote. The people’s mandate was for CHANGE and they are going to get it.

Blue States are already Promising Resistance: Simply amazing, it only took one day for the leftist governors to declare that they are going to fight Trump and defend their states from change. None of them defined what that change was only that they were not going to cooperate with the Trump administration’s policies they did not agree with. I would presume that one of them would be not using state law enforcement agencies to help in rounding up illegals for deportation.

Democrats Look to Blame Someone for Losing: The blame game is underway in the democratic party and you can bet that this kind of a loss will not be taken lightly by the rank-and-file members of the party. There is plenty of blame to go around but it seems that those being targeted are Obama, Pelosi, and Biden. Let’s be honest the left had no policies that were going to help the average American pay for food, gas, and rent. All they offered is four more years of Biden/Harris misery.

The Deep State Running for Cover: Nothing is scarier to the Deep State than seeing their psyops, schemes, and propaganda backfire, forcing them to realize, “Crap, we’ve lost power.” Unfortunately for the liberal left the American people have rendered their verdict for President Trump. They have decisively chosen him to lead our country for the next four years, even the globalists are running for cover. The dummies over at the FBI are scared stiff of retribution for their unbridled targeting and harassing of anyone who doesn’t fall in line with the progressive agenda. They now realize there is a new sheriff in town and he is carrying a very large broom and you can bet that Christopher Wray’s days in office are numbered.

European Leaders Scrambling: It is interesting to note that the many European leaders that were so critical of Trump and his policies are taking lessons in kissing ass and back-peddling their criticisms of our president-elect. The first to ‘swallow his pride’ and jump on the phone with Trump this week was Emmanuel Macron, President of France. Most of the European leaders are very concerned about Trump’s new tariff policy which either could either hurt or help them economically. My bet is that the WEF will fall by the wayside and lose much of its power along with the U.N. and World Health Organization. Personally, I hope we will not have to hear any more from that idiot John Kerry about Climate Change while standing next to his private jet.

Media Meltdown: There was a time when the American people could rely on what they were being told by the major media networks and newspapers but that has all changed as media has become a place where we now get opinion reporting instead of factual reporting. I have been talking about this for years, how the network news corporations and the elitists that run them have become the propaganda machine of the radical left. This election has exposed the corporate media for the propagandists they are and Americans are now ignoring much of what network media has to say. Voters have learned that there are many alternative media platforms and podcasts that have become available in the past few years. Just look at how Joe Rogan’s podcast with President Trump reached 48 million people. I found it amusing how the Hosts of these network media giants like CBS, NBC, and ABC were completely dumbfounded by Trump’s strong performance in this election. It was even more comical to watch the hosts CNN and MSNBC become speechless after Trump’s win. Does this mean an end to the lying from these leftists? Only time will tell but I’m sure there will be some interesting conversations at their Thanksgiving dinner tables.

Lawfare Must Cease to Exist in our Republic: As the lawfare used against President Trump winds down because you can’t prosecute a sitting president we are going to see an end to these investigations and made-up charges. Hopefully, there will be a commission to investigate if there was collusion with the current administration to pressure the DOJ into these frivolous prosecutions of President Trump. This type of lawfare cannot ever be used again in a presidential election or for that matter any election. I believe that most Americans would also like to see an investigation into the Jan. 6th committee and all of the shenanigans that took place trying many patriots as insurrectionists and putting them in jail for extended periods of time. Many lives have been destroyed by this committee and there needs to be retribution for those who were responsible for this injustice.

The American Voters have Spoken: Even with over a Billion dollars in campaign funds the American people saw through the lies being touted by the liberal media and crazy Kamala that Trump was the new Hitler and a Nazi. They saw these leftist democrats for what they were, liars and cheaters who were only interested in retaining power as they were slowly destroying our country. As I have said many times in past articles this election was a great awakening of the silent majority. Who would have “Thunk it” that the Republican Party would become the party of the working people and the Democrats would be the new party of corrupted elitists. For years union workers were solid supporters of democrats as were Hispanics and Black men but all that has changed as Americans all realized “It’s the Economy Stupid”. But it wasn’t just the economy it was our wide-open borders that have allowed millions of illegals to enter our country that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

The Beginning of a New Era of Prosperity and Peace: We now have a President who will actually work for the people and not the elitists who have raped and pillaged our country like a horde of Huns under the leadership of Barack Obama Trump is the new leader of the free world and has already spoken with 70 world leaders. Even Putin called Trump courageous in a call to congratulate him on his election. The world will be a better place with Trump as the leader of the free world. The executive orders will be flying around the White House like mosquitoes in a swamp when Trump officially takes office and in fact, the transition is already underway. His first orders will be to Secure our Border, Open up Drilling and Fracking, and renew the tax cuts due to expire in 2025. He will undo all the executive orders from Biden and dump all of the new regulations implemented by an EPA that was choking the life out of our country’s economy.

Resistance from the left will Continue: Biden and company are currently working on many more executive orders to put roadblocks to the changes Trump wants to make but have no fear just about all of them will be reversed although it may just take some time; The left are not giving up on bringing socialism to our country and you can be sure they will pretend to move more to the center but that will just be another false move.

Moving Forward with Real Leadership: I believe we can look forward to 12 years of prosperity and peace with 4 years of Trump and hopefully 8 years of Vance. These two men can be the key to America’s future prosperity and world leadership. I only hope that the virus that has been running through the veins of our public education system and higher learning institutions will have run its course. We have had 60 years of indoctrination of our children and it will not turn around on a dime. While we are still going to hit many bumps in the road forward Trump is taking us on the road less traveled which will bring us to a new age of hope and prosperity for all the working people of this country.

God Bless America and remember “We Get the Government We Deserve”.

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