John Livingston

The Ruling Elite AKA ‘The Mod Squad’

Liz Cheney so desperately wants to be relevant. She wants to be part of the conversation. She rides for a brand that is quickly becoming extinct. The Romney-Rockefeller wing of the Republican Party that chopped down the campaign of Barry Goldwater, tried to sabotage both of Ronald Reagan’s campaigns, and finally came up for air for four years with Bush the senior—Bill Clinton was far more conservative than Herbert Walker Bush, is too slowly being laid to rest. Many of my more middle-of-the-road Republican friends despise the RHINO label so let’s call the faux-pseudo-conservative wing of the Republican Party the “mod squad”. Such Bastions of virtue as Mitt Romney. Paul Ryan, John Boehner, The Bush brothers and the Cheney family have proven once and for all that their loyalty is first and always to themselves, and not to their country.

Liz Cheney says she is not only not supporting DJT, but also going to vote for Kamala Harris and her great beta-male vice-presidential running mate Tim Walz. The Democratic ticket is the most radical and Marxist ticket in the history of our country. They support price and rent controls. They support nationalizing health care and the Federalization of local zoning laws= no respect for property rights of citizens. They have been in office for 3 1/2 years and watched our military lose respect in the world and become less of a deterrent than any time since the beginning of the Cold War. Enlistments in all branches has reached critical lows, and reenlistments are likewise at an all-time low. They have little respect for law and order. The have yet to explain what principles govern their policies. They have yet to present their policies. Who are their heroes? Saul Alinsky, Karl Marx, Mao, Che Guevera, or Obama? I don’t have time to write about immigration and the trafficking of drugs and humans that is the tip of the iceberg that is really a Trojan Horse invasion without any attempt for assimilation.

The “mod” squad voting for the Marxist ticket simply shows us the hubris of the elite ruling class. Their perceived entitlement to the levers of governance and influence in business will soon be marginalized. That status and influence is more important to them than any principle or values that would inform their political philosophies and policies.

They should be very careful when they attempt to take the moral high ground, and then they support a candidate(s) whose lives are just as suspect as anybody else’s. They should look for the “logs in their own eyes”—as should we all, before assuming a sanctimonious “prone jackknife” or dorsal lithotomy positions.

 Is the squad for or against a strong military?

Is the squad for or against capitalistic principles and free markets?

Is the squad for or against energy independence—drill baby drill?

Is the squad for or against the killing of 650,000 little baby girls and boys every year?

Is the squad for or against the transgender agenda and are they for Title IX enforcements?

The privilege and entitlement that many on the class of “mod” have been born into has proven to be more important than an allegiance to a political philosophy based on Biblical and Natural Law principles.

Come to think of it do Liz and the “squad” believe in the principles of our Founding and do they revere and respect the courage of our Founders and the almost 1 million people who died in wars upholding those principles—including 400,000 who fought in our Civil War to help abolish slavery?

The other side—the Obama—Biden—Harris—Pelosi—Sanders side seem to want to start over again. They seldom speak reverently of our Founding or our Constitution They want to pack the Supreme Court and do away with the filibuster. They want to raise taxes and take even more money and resources out of the private sector. They have already savaged our military and weakened it to the point where our adversaries have become intrigued and adventurous.

No Ms. Cheney you have proven with your little “hissy fit” that you care more about yourself than you do about your country. With a Trump Victory you and the ” mod squad” will have finally “lost your way to promotion and pay” RK, and we’ll learn about privilege and entitlement from you jml

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One reply on “The Ruling Elite AKA ‘The Mod Squad’”

Well said. Liz Cheney thinks that by trashing Bush she can rescue the family reputation in the eyes of the establishment. How craven

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