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Letter to the Editor: ‘The Media on CAIR’

I would like to tell you about an incident that occurred while I was at a protest against the Council on American and Islamic Relations (CAIR).

While I was at the protest on 9-21-15, in Spokane, The Spokesman Review approached me and took several pictures of the sign I was holding and asked of me the nature of my protest. I explained that the book, Muslim Mafia, was the focus of what I was trying to show the public Jurist. I was holding the book up with my sign so to advertise its importance. They took my name but failed to show my message accurately when they published the article on 9-22-15. The investigative book, Muslim Mafia, by P. David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry, gives a documented inside look at the subversive intentions of the Muslim Mafia.

At the protest, Representative Matt Shea, called for the Spokane City Council to honor the fallen heroes in our military who fought against al-Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood, also known as, Ikhwan Mafia. Instead they honored CAIR, the un-indicted co-conspirators of the Muslim Brotherhood.

In 2008, the FBI found secret documents naming CAIR and others as part of a Muslim Brotherhood conspiracy to infiltrate and destroy America from within. In the largest terror financing case, The Holy Land Foundation Trial, Abdurahman Alamoudi, one of CAIR’s board members, was convicted of raising millions of dollars for al-Qaida.

Christ Troupis Book

Truth is in the details and the record. As stated in the book Muslim Mafia; the record on CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), and NATE is complete with documents and court cases creating the necessary facts for the public Jurist to decide the case for themselves.

The American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) leads the counsel against CAIR currently in court. Attorney Robert Muise of AFLC, stated in part, “a public trial will expose CAIR for what it is, a Shariah-ist front group.”

This information should be of utmost importance to our local city and county governments. In all good conscience, I would not want our county complicit in providing support to CAIR.

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