John Livingston

The Leviathan Deep State

Donald Trump completed the greatest political comeback in American history when he won both the popular vote and the Electoral College vote last November. I think the well-organized weaponization of our legal system against him, the centralized control of the media from the highest levels of government—let’s just say collusion, and the demonization and characterization of his personal life, became so obvious to the average American citizen, that even those who didn’t completely buy into his political philosophy were willing to support him no matter what new false allegation was brought up. Above all else the average American is fair, honest, and we have always lived by the adage of attending to the “logs in our own eyes”.

The average American also has common sense and a discernment that for a majority of us is based on Classic Western philosophy and Judeo-Christian moral predicates, Those experts in the media and academia, who in generations passed would have themselves been well grounded in a political philosophy based on those principles, instead became the standard bearers of a humanistic gnostic relativism that when given a chance over the past 60 years, has been unable to solve even the simplest problems facing every day citizens. Look who runs our cities. Going back over 170 years, the social structures built on the political philosophies of totalitarianism, Orthodox Marxism, Socialism in all its forms have failed miserably.

Over a billion lives have been lost from famine, genocide, political exterminations, and civil and World Wars caused by the failings of systems that make the means to the end of political power, secondary to the accumulation of power itself. When man puts himself at the center of his universe and not God, bad things happen.

So, we won the battle this time. Now the real work begins regaining the trust of WE THE PEOPLE and reestablishing the social contract between the people and government. The first step I believe is to look at what happened briefly, then define the real problem moving forward.

Christ Troupis Book

Russian collusion and the Christopher Steele—CIA—New York Times—Perkins-Coie false news “Pee-Pee tapes. No one has been investigated more, slandered (Geroge Stephanopoulos), searched impeached—twice, prosecuted, convicted, shot, and then elected. Yes, the American people saw through the whole Shakespearean drama. They didn’t need an Ivy League Law school degree to understand the reality of what was going on. Their common sense told them what was right and that what was happening to President Trump was wrong and by most of our standards evil. The Mug Shot in Georgia was an inspiration and a call to arms.

Military readiness, protecting our border, fighting inflation and debt leveraging our children and grandchildren’s futures, addressing problems overseas in Ukraine, The Far East, and The middle East are all priorities. I believe the common theme to all these problems that Mr. Trump has explicitly and implicitly promised to address is described by his ideas of “Winning” and MAGA.

Larry Arnes the President of Hillsdale College in this month’s IMPRIMIS describes the underlying problem as being the replacement of the Constitutional State by the “Administrative State that began as far back as the Woodrow Wilson administration. Congress and legislative bodies at the state and local levels pass laws. But the bureaucracies embedded deep in the bowels of government offices in Washington DC, State Capitals and in City Halls across our country define the rules and implement the regulations that ultimately govern the people. We don’t even know who these people are.

The Federal government employes 23 million people—not including 3 million active-duty military. We have an additional 750,000 civilians working in The Department of Defense. We found out from Rand Paul 2 weeks ago that only 5% of the civilian Federal workforce works 5 days a week in office. How are many Little Lois Learner’s or James Comey wannabees playing video games while logged onto their government computers while drinking their 9AM cup of cappuccino in their bathrobes or undershorts at home going to justify their timecards?

The administrative state is where waste and “woke” still thrive, It is the reservoir for the accumulated waste of over 60 years of changing the way government spends money. The Homestead Act of 1862 signed by Abraham Lincoln gave away 10% of the American Land to anyone willing to work on it and make their “stake” productive—or build a railroad. Assets moved from the government to the people. In 1930 over 60 percent of government spending was done by cities, towns, and counties. The Federal government controlled 13% of government spending. In Idaho today over 50% of our State budget comes from the Feds with strings attached. Overall government spending accounts for 24% of GDP. When monies come from distant sources, the government itself must become centralized.

When spending is controlled at the local level, government becomes decentralized, and spending becomes more efficient. Economist have pointed out that it takes over $3 of Federal spending to produce the same return as 1$ of private spending. Just look at what has happened to health care spending since Obama Care—over 60% of health care spending is done by the Feds—10% more than 10 years ago—remember, costs—quality—access? Unlike in 1862, the flow of assets is moving not from the government to the people, but from the people to the government. Why the heck should the government own the Transportation Department Building on State Street that is almost empty? For the same reason St. Luke’s—talk about a bureaucracy, owns so many half-used buildings—because the ramifications of making a bad economic decision does not fall upon the decision makers like it would for a small businessman or farmer or a household. Instead, it falls upon taxpayers who pay for government insurance, and patients who see their health insurance premiums rising year over year to allow governments and large hospital corporations to invest in real estate that goes unused and whose value is only based on its future potential. Our taxes and health insurance premiums are used for investments of government and large corporations.

The real problem facing not only Mr. Trump but Mssrs. Ramaswamy and Musk is the administrative state. The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) will be fighting laziness and inertia under every rock at Foggy Bottom, Langly, Chrystal City and The Pentagon. It will be a long and hard process, but if it is not accomplished the leviathan of bureaucracy will soon devour itself and us along with it.

Idaho is attempting to address these problems but in my humble opinion it is using an “inside out process”. Government cannot address itself by investigating itself. Independent outside audits of government agencies—operational and financial need to be completed. Having government agencies investigate government agencies will only lead to more problems and more committees and more government agencies, and more lobbyists and lunches at the Arid Club and Governor’s Cup outings, but the underlying problem will not be addressed. “The swamp cannot investigate the Swamp”

We should at least attempt to slay the beast of THE ADMINISTRATIVE STATE. It will be a never-ending process. Let’s hope our elected officials have the courage to address these issues. I know Mr. Trump does.

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One reply on “The Leviathan Deep State”

It all remains to be seen. Talk is cheap. And, if Mr. Trump allows Vivek to import half of the Indian subcontinent to take away American jobs and undercut wages, the 2026 midterms will be the end of the Dead Elephant Party and Mr. Trump.

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