Bob's Words of Wisdom

Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies

If you listened to the second presidential dumb-bate, you wasted 90 minutes of your time as nothing of substance was brought to the forefront with the exception of realizing that Kamala still has no plan to fix the problems she and Joe have created. This dumb-bate was a set-up to hail Kamala as America’s future and to demean Trump as a failed president even though under Trump, America’s economy was the best since that of Ronald Regan.

While the vice president got the softball questions the ones directed at our former president were meant to entrap and anger him. The moderators’ first question to Kamala was the most important as it dealt with the economy. “Are you better off today than you were four years ago.” The best Kamala could come up with was to tell us how she grew up in a middle-class family and has a plan to lift up middle-class families by creating an “Opportunity Economy”. She did say she would give middle-class families a $6,000 tax credit and give a $50,000 tax deduction to start up small businesses. She continued accusing Trump of giving tax cuts to billionaires and said he would institute a 20% sales tax on consumer goods. Everyone realizes that the Trump Tax cuts were aimed at the middle class not at billionaires and I’m not sure where the 20% sales tax came from possibly tariffs which proves that Kamala is not only a liar but does not understand economics. In fact, she is going to let the Trump tax cuts lapse raising taxes by about $1,500 for middle-class Americans and has plans to add more taxes on top of that.

Kamala continued to lie for the rest of the dumb-bate and was never fact-checked on any of her erroneous comments. It was not hard to see that the moderators were working hard to make Trump look bad and Kamala look good. How Trump kept from blowing up during this 90-minute trouncing of him is beyond me and I would think beyond the understanding of most of the 67 million Americans watching on TV. This was a new level of propaganda perpetrated by ABC to make Trump look bad but it didn’t work. Even the left admonished the moderators for being biased with their questions and fact-checking. I urge anyone who didn’t watch the debate to take the time to watch it and form your own opinion. Unfortunately, those on the left will neither take the time to watch nor understand how biased it was.

Personally, I think that this debate gave independents an opportunity to see just how biased the left can be and probably swayed many of them to take another look at Trump. While many of the polls credited Kamala with a win and gave her a slight edge in the polls it didn’t last more than a day. Two days later Rasmussen one of the most trusted pollsters came out and said Trump was 4 points ahead of Kamala however, you will be hard-pressed to find this story on Google and they have buried it and claimed that Rasmussen has bad polling. The media has gamed the system so that unless you look at a news source like News Max, Trump Social, X, or a conservative site such as Rumble you will get nothing but biased opinion from the left.

Even Fox finds ways to help the left with their so-called Power Rankings after the debate which touted that this is a neck and neck battle. I believe you will find that these pollsters are all under-surveying Republicans just like the 2016 election while many voters are not answering calls from pollsters. I believe we will eventually find out that these polls are going to be off by a 4 to 6 points margin and when all is said and done Trump is in the lead and I still believe that has a bit to do with RFK’s endorsement. If you remember during the 2016 election there was a lot of exit polling going on and those taking the polls were surprised at how many voters when asked who they voted for simply said “It’s none of your business” and I believe that is the case in today’s polling. Personally, I think this is another 2016 election depending on how much cheating is done with mail-in votes.

This election is number one about inflation and the economy and how the middle class is struggling to make ends meet. Illegal immigration is the second biggest issue and as I have said for months both on the Kevin Miller radio show and in this newsletter we have been invaded by illegals and migrant crime will continue to increase. We are now seeing how members of a criminal Venezuela gang have taken over apartment buildings in Aroura Colorado while a Texas hotel is shut down after being infiltrated by another Venezuelan gang. Americans who have been undecided about who to vote for are finally understanding that these two issues have been caused by Kamala and Biden’s policies for the past 3 ½ years.

We are now finding out that no matter how much some voters including independents and even some democrats may dislike Trump they are going to vote with their wallets because they are empty. The second reason is they want their families to be safe and that is being jeopardized with our open borders and the free flow of drugs into their communities. While I don’t think it would be advisable for Trump to debate Kamala again, I do believe if it were held in a different venue like Fox or News Max the outcome would be much different. We are in a battle of Good vs Evil and I do believe this quote from the Bible is appropriate from James 3:5So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire!”

Consider ships as well. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot is inclined. Currently, America is a large ship being piloted by a very divisive captain and first mate and they are steering us on a course that will lead to our destruction. So as you continue to listen to the arguments pro and con for Trump and Kamala as to why they should be the next leader of our nation I ask you to remind yourself that in today’s world what is true and what is a lie is a matter of the source you’re using. The liberal mainstream media and social media propaganda machines are running at full throttle to get Kamala elected, so much of what they say is skewed to the left which makes it difficult to find the truth.

We ask you all to not be swayed by the many lies being told and as it says in John 8:32 “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

May God Bless America.

“We Get the Government We Deserve”

Spring Favorites

2 replies on “Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies”

Bob Neugebauer: “We ask you all to not be swayed by the many lies being told and as it says in John 8:32 ‘And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’


Beginning with perhaps the most consequential lie of our times – that is, that the Constitution is biblically compatible and the reason for America’s former greatness.

For anyone who know the Bible, Deuteronomy 28 in particular, please think! In Verses 1-14 God promises to bless nations who look to Him as Sovereign and thus His moral law as supreme.

In Verses 15-68, God promises to curse nations who refuse to look to Him as Sovereign and His law as supreme.

Question: Which of the two represents early 1600’s America?

Answer: 1600’s America, whose governments of, by, and for God were expressly established upon the Bible’s moral law. See, for example, New Haven, Connecticut’s 1639 Constitution.

Question: Which of the two represents the late 1700’s United States of America, aka the Constitutional Republic.

Answer: The 1700’s government and its humanistic government based upon capricious man-made Enlightenment and Masonic traditions, aka the biblically seditious Constitution.

Thus, if you believe God, you know that America’s former greatness (blessings from God) were the result of those early 1600’s governments of, by, and for God.

In like manner, if you believe God, you know that America finds herself today precipitously teetering on the precipice of moral depravity and destruction as a consequence of the late 1700’s government of, by, and for the people.

For more regarding these two polar opposite forms of government, see Chapter 3 “The Preamble: We the People vs. Yahweh” of free online book “Bible Law vs, the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at

You’ll a partial quotation from New Haven, Connecticut’s Constitution in this same Chapter.

The least you can do is find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page “Primer” of “BL vs. USC.”

The sad thing is, I was in Philly during the week of the debate. The TV ads were literally one lie after another, there wasn’t one word spoken in any of the Harris ads that was true. Unless the voters of PA are fact checking the commercials for their selves, the majority are not, they are being fed a big bowl of lies and will vote based on these lies. There have always been liars, but this is a whole new level. Welcome to the new normal where people lie with a straight face and a total disregard for truth, and they mean what they say.

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