Opinions / Op-eds

Down The Trail To A Digital ID

Incrementally, steps are being taken to either engage Americans into an ongoing tracking or a digital ID system, all for the purposes of continual surveillance. One such step is about to become a requirement, or at least, that is what they want you to think. Real ID is a program issued by the Department of […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Prevent Biometric Digital IDs

Nearly a Quarter of US States Introducing Biometric Digital IDs, Many Are Republican States Published August 24, 2023 by Leo Hohmann Journalist Leo Hohmann makes the case that both Democrats and Republicans are eager to advance the digital ID/ central bank digital currency (CBDC) recipe for globalist control. He wrote, “*Digital ID + CBDC = Total […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Coming Soon to Your City

By now everyone is somewhat familiar with the dangers of smart cities and has heard about 15-minute cities. These versions of how everyone should live center around technology and compacting humans into small areas in order to save the planet. Supposedly. It is really about surveillance.  Most people are also probably aware that these versions […]


Speaking of Digital ID

Not to minimize or negate anything, but all the fussing over masks and restriction on Constitutional rights is a drop in the bucket compared to what is being prepared for true obliteration of the same and more in the future. The Commons Project has been prepared to overtake any semblance of our Constitution. This project […]


Why China’s ‘Social Credit’ Scheme Will Create More Corruption, Not a Better Citizenry

The final version of China’s social credit system is expected to be fully implemented by 2020. — Published with Permission of — News of China’s social credit system has been making waves across media outlets for months. Some publications are going soft on the massive surveillance state, saying it is not as bad as it seems […]

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