
Press Release: Steve Bradshaw For Idaho Governor

Second term Bonner County Commissioner, Steve Bradshaw announced his candidacy for Governor of Idaho (July 27, 2021). “We face tremendous threats from massive Federal overreach to our way of life. Western traditions of Freedom, Independence, and Self-Reliance — not government dependence – are the very essence of Idaho. We simply will not be dictated to by Washington D.C. or Governor Brad Little when it comes to our way of life and values.”

Steve was born in Texas and moved to Bonner County in 1988 with his wife and two sons. He’s been the Pastor at the Cocolalla Cowboy Church for the last 17 years. His passion for self-reliance stems from his dedication to working hard, trusting God, and doing what’s right for people and his family. These simple “truths” are foundational to our being and how we get our state and country back! TRUTH to POWER.

His vision is simple; bring honesty, accountability, and integrity back to Idaho government and her institutions. This can be accomplished by removing politics and politicians out of government – remember “Government of the people, by the people, for the people.” Moral judgement, common sense, presenting truth regardless of opinion are what’s needed.

Our founding fathers blessed us with the Constitution. This document is our freedom, defines the framework of government and above all defines citizens’ rights as related to government. Steve knows this is the only way forward. “I believe we, as Americans and Christians need to engage in the battle. What is right in the eyes of God— not what’s right in our own mind or according to what a particular party or special interest group thinks. Doing what right does not have anything to do with color, party affiliation or ethnicity. It’s just the right thing to do.”

Christ Troupis Book

Please join us in our battle as we Restore Idaho and Restore Our American Republic. It’s time to ROAR! God bless all of you.

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3 replies on “Press Release: Steve Bradshaw For Idaho Governor”

Looks like the rinos Little and Simpson don’t want to enter debates with other candidates, it is no wonder why. May the Lord bless you Steve Bradshaw!

We don’t need more candidates to dilute the vote pool need to dethrone Little. We need people who have a following to back the candidate with 2 qualifications: most closely follows your chosen positions, most likely to pull in enough votes to do something other than dilute the opposition candidates.

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