John Livingston

Rumpists vs Trumpists

A “rump state” is the remnant of a much larger political power that has lost power and territory. It is usually replaced by another political entity that only allows the “rump” political entity a titular or ceremonial presence. Such a presence is usually conditioned on terms of appeasement and explicit cooperation in exchange for nominal recognition. Such nominal recognition of the “rumpists” by those in real power comes with not only the price of lost respect by the people who used to support the classical liberal positions of the appeasers, but ultimately with the destruction of the civil liberties of all the people, many who out of fear supported the “rump” state. The “rumpists” become expendable political tools for the new establishment—usually and of necessity fascist in nature.

We see this process all the time happening in the theater of politics. The American College of Surgeons wanted to support the Affordable Care Act—aka Obama Care, because “they wanted a seat at the table” and felt they could influence future dealings with Congress and the Federal Bureaucracy—they have ended up completely marginalized and disrespected by the very people they were trying to influence. Remember—You can keep your doctor you can keep your plan?”

In local government, City Fathers have allowed themselves to be co-opted and used in the name of public service and future tax revenues for the municipalities they are serving while they accepted campaign contributions from developers and financers who contribute to their political campaigns. They then ask for the votes of citizens whose property will be destroyed. RUMP POLITICS or appeasement?

In 1940 Marshall Philippe Petan a World War I French hero who was the victor at The Battle of Verdun took over the titular government of France then under Nazi Occupation. That government with a cooperating press and elite aristocratic ruling class—including many high up Bishops and Cardinals in the Catholic Ecclesiastical Structure—as opposed to the Church, were responsible for deporting over 22 million Jews into concentration camps. They aided and abetted Nazi troops from Normandy to Southern France. They wanted a seat at the table, and it got them nothing but disdain and disrespect—as always happens.

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The Cheney, Bush, McCain, Romney, McConnell, Boehner, Ryan wing of the Republican Party desperately wants a “seat at the table”. The have become the “rumpists” of the Republican Party. The want to be relevant and are willing to concede personality over political philosophy in order to stay in the game. The Harris—Walz Marxist political philosophy is just as fascist as it is progressive. Many of its long-term goals are the antithesis of the goals of classical liberalism. Enlightenment and Biblical principles with an emphasis families, children, faith and liberty are not part of what Kamala-Tim are talking about. Any Republican and I believe any person of understanding who has taken the time to educate themselves about the policy differences between our two Presidential candidates and who doesn’t vote for the Republican ticket, is aligning themselves with atheistic and command and control political and economic philosophy either out of ignorance or laziness or in the case of the “rumpists” in the Republican Party, out of personal spite and envy—and the hope of returning to future power.

Just like the “Rumpists” in Vichy France who supported Nazi atrocities in order to keep themselves in the game, acquiescing, though sometimes willingly, abandoning one’s principles to “fight for another day”, may be politically expedient in the short term, but the strategic advantage that is their goal is almost never realized. Republicans should recognize this when dealing with abortion. By stating that we are against the killing of baby boys and girls in a mother’s womb is morally wrong, we should also state that just like every person who is against abortion—we are all sinners, and there is no sin greater than God’s love, mercy and forgiveness. Believers should do everything we can to fill our own hearts and the hearts of everyone with forgiveness so we can all get onto the road of repentance and redemption. We as mere mortals are only in the position to influence their hearts. We cannot change their hearts. Mr. Trump should unequivocally state that he is against abortion unless medically indicated—less than 3% of the time. He will do everything to support young mothers and fathers and most of all young babies and children. Just like Mr. Lincoln had to wait to emancipate the slaves in the Confederate States, at this point in time a Federal Law abandoning abortion would not be appropriate, We should support Dobbs and let each State decide the issue. Trying to appease feminists’ groups on this issue would make us all “Rumpists”—just like the French Nazi sympathizers that sent millions of Jews to their deaths.

We can win this election going away if we stay true to our principles. The temptation to take “rumpist” positions and appease a group of people will only lead to a loss of respect and influence in the end.

Photo Copyright World Economic Forum ( Remy Steinegger

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One reply on “Rumpists vs Trumpists”


“[T]hey measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” (2 Corinthians 10:12)

To measure one biblically unqualified candidate as opposed to another biblically unqualified candidate is, at best, foolish.

The only standard by which all candidates should be measured is by the Bible’s immutable/unchanging moral law, especially its mandatory biblical qualifications, made impossible with Article 6’s ban on Christian tests.

So how does Trump measure up against the Bible’s biblical qualifications?

Among others, he fails in that if elected, he’ll swear allegiance to the biblically seditious Constitution as the law of the land. He also fails in his promotion of capital criminals – e.g., the LGBTQers, especially as the first President to appoint an avowed sodomite (Richard Grenell) to his cabinet, first as his Ambassador to Germany and then as his Acting Director of National Intelligence.

There is absolutely no biblical justification whatsoever for unbiblically voting for a biblically unqualified candidate into an unbiblical position of civil leadership, who, if elected, will swear to uphold the biblically seditious Constitution as the law of the land!

For evidence that the Constitution is biblically seditious, see free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective,” in which every Article and Amendment is examined by the Bible, at

For more, regarding Article 6’s Christian test ban, see Chapter 9 “Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land.

Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page “Primer” of “BL vs. USC.”

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