Opinions / Op-eds

Raul Labrador: Paying Tribute to Those Who Serve!

On Veterans Day we pay tribute to the brave men and women who have served our nation in uniform, honoring those in the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard, and National Guard. Their service has been characterized by selflessness and a sense of greater purpose. And for making that choice, we are eternally grateful.

We must also take a moment to recognize that when a service member joins the military, it’s a family commitment to our country. For each deployed service member, there are often family members here at home supporting them. Whatever accolades we bestow upon our service members and veterans, let us always remember to also bestow upon their families. America owes each of them a debt of gratitude.

I am so proud of our military men and women in Idaho. And I am humbled by the opportunity they provide us to live peacefully in the greatest country in the world. May we remember our veterans not just on Veterans Day, but every day. 

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2 replies on “Raul Labrador: Paying Tribute to Those Who Serve!”


Veteran’s Day is one of the principle propaganda mechanisms for signing up more boys and girls for the international bankers’ wars – not on behalf of America, but on behalf of the United States of America. The latter of which has been responsible for all but destroying the former.

That’s right – America and the United States of America (aka the Constitutional Republic) are NOT the same thing! Not even close.

In fact, early 1600’s Puritan America whose governments of, by, and for God were established upon the Bible’s immutable/unchanging moral law was sacrificed on the altar of the late 1700s Enlightenment United States of America whose humanistic government of, by, and for the people was established upon capricious man-made traditions (aka the biblically seditious Constitution).

The latter is also known as the Grand Experiment in Self Government. Self-government!?! Gee, what could go wrong? Everything, just open your eyes and look around you. Everything gone wrong in America nationally is the consequence of this monumental case of biblical sedition committed by the 1787 cadre of Enlightenment and Masonic theistic rationalists.

Thus, ours is not to save the United States of America but, Lord willing, to restore America.

For more regarding these two polar opposite forms of government, see Chapter 3 “The Preamble: We the People vs. Yahweh” of free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at

Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page “Primer” of “BL vs. USC.”

The influence of Christian morality and ethics has declined so much that they do not support the intent of the founding fathers. No longer are church memberships the majority of the population. So no longer is the majority understanding of ethics and morality Christian. So the decline in society behaviors is predictable.

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