
PRESS RELEASE: Ammon Bundy for Governor

For Immediate Release – March 7, 2022

Just days ago Ammon Bundy announced that he would not be entering the Republican primary but instead will run independent for Governor of Idaho. His goal is to unite Idahoans of all parties (if any) and cut off the establishment control that is destroying Idaho as we know it.

We have full confidence that this goal can be obtained! In a short period of time we have gathered more than enough signatures needed to meet the requirement administered by the Idaho Secretary of State to run in the general election. Therefore, we are pleased to officially announce that Ammon Bundy will be your choice for liberty as Governor on the ballot in November!

Through the petition process, thousands of Idahoans have voiced their support for Ammon Bundy as Governor. As an independent candidate for Governor Ammon Bundy will put forth the conservative Republican platform that the republican establishment in Idaho refuses to implement. We are very grateful for the efforts of hundreds of Idahoans who chose on their own to gather signatures by the thousands. We are constantly amazed by your support!

Christ Troupis Book

Thank you,
Bundy for Governor Team

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3 replies on “PRESS RELEASE: Ammon Bundy for Governor”

Congratulations. There are three liberty candidates running for Governor. Should Governor Little win the primary “We The People” need to know if Janice and ED would support Mr. Bundy in the General Election or will they continue to support the party line and endorse Brad. The answer to that question will help me decide how to vote in the primary.

The baby story is terrible seems guilty before proven innocent
The federal money offered up should be turned down in a free state because there is always strings attached believe me Idaho doesn’t want to go down Jay the dictator Inslee slope.
I was looking to move but where for Liberty and freedom!

Now that the Idaho Primary and the Idaho State GOP Convention is over, it is time for Janice
McGeachin and Ed Humphries and the other Primary gubernatorial candidates to declare if they are going to support Gov. LITTLE or Ammon Bundy for governor.
It is time to choose either continuing tyranny or freedom.
Which will it be candidates?

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