
Organ Harvesting Ban May be in Trouble

Our legislation – the Idaho Unborn Infants Dignity Act – may be in trouble at the Legislature. Despite strong support from many legislators, we have hit a major bump in the form of a slashing AG opinion which argues that trafficking in aborted baby parts may be “constitutionally” protected.

In the midst of the national scandal revealed by the Planned Parenthood videos, we asked Governor Otter to look into the practices of Planned Parenthood here in Idaho. In his response letter, Governor Otter told us:

“At this point, it is incumbent upon us all to ensure that this cannot happen in the future. I will review our existing laws and propose legislation, if necessary, to make certain that there is no loop hole that would allow practices that have occurred in other states to occur in Idaho.” (August 6, 2015)

The simple truth is, Idaho law now reads much like the federal one which Planned Parenthood has been taking full advantage of: Organ harvesting and trafficking is legal in this state, so long as Planned Parenthood does not “profit” from the sale. And there is overwhelming evidence that Planned Parenthood has been skirting even this lame restriction by cooking their books and hiding income from their evil backroom business.

The only way to make sure this doesn’t happen in Idaho is to ban the harvesting of organs and tissue from aborted babies – period. SB 1349 would make such dark practices illegal. It would make it illegal to conduct experiments on tissue harvested from aborted babies.

Our legislation demands that the remains of aborted babies, or babies lost to miscarriage, be treated with the same respect as the remains of other deceased human beings.

Despite the fact that our legislation only deals with important moral issues following an abortion – the Attorney General is arguing that our bill violates Roe v. Wade. His review is giving lawmakers pause.

We have provided key legislators with a 12-page rebuttal to the AG memo – making it abundantly clear that there are no real constitutional issues in requiring that the remains of babies lost to abortion or miscarriage be treated with respect and dignity.

It is decision time for Idaho legislators.

And that is where you come in: We urgently need your prayers. And we need you to channel your outrage over the desecration of aborted babies into phone calls and emails to legislators — especially members of the Senate State Affairs Committee.

We agree with Carly Fiorina: This matter is one involving the state of our nation’s character. Now that we know what is happening, how can we turn a blind eye to such callous, inhuman practices? Planned Parenthood and the Abortion Industry must be stopped. Those who seek to profit from the destruction of innocent life must be turned back. Decency must be defended.

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