Bob's Words of Wisdom News Opinions / Op-eds

An Open Letter on a Free Press versus Fake News

We recently published a story on Gem State Patriot News panning Betsy Russell’s article in the Spokesman Review regarding a link to a story on White Nationalism which Rep. Heather Scott shared on Facebook.

We wanted to bring our readers’ attention to another story printed in the Bonner County Daily Bee which tells the true story instead of the “Fake News” written by Betsy Russell about Heather’s Facebook post.

We found this comment in the article by Rep. Scott succinct and to the point. “I found it ironic this is exactly what Betsy Russell and others in the media did concerning my post,” Scott wrote. “The real story headline should be ‘Boise media once again tries to get it wrong.’ … Many see (Russell’s) views leaning toward socialism. Her choice to print that Rep. Heather Scott defended white nationalism is a complete lie and shows her sad lack of any kind of professional journalism standards.”

We agreed with Heather that the story Betsy wrote was totally biased and without merit or as we called it a “Hit Piece”.

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This type of article written by a liberal reporter like Russell is exactly what we have been talking about for the past year. This is not reporting by any standard and in-fact is an attempt to give a false impression of a conservative representative like Scott for the sake of making her look bad to the people of North Idaho. This is the same thing that goes on around our state and particularly in the Treasure Valley which has two primary written news sources—the Idaho Statesman and the Idaho Press-Tribune—both of which lean hard to the left when it comes to politics.

If you want to get a straight story, you can no longer rely on most of our newspapers or our TV and Radio stations (with the exception of the Kevin Miller Show on 580KIDO) as they too are run by liberal factions and report biased stories each and every day. We used to say America had a “Free Press” and it had a real meaning, but today with the major media companies owned by and managed by the far left, it appears we have turned that to “Fake Press”.

Gem State Patriot News has been working hard for the past four and a half years to bring you the truth, and we have never allowed ourselves to be influenced by political factions—although lord knows they have tried time and again. We are a conservative news source, and we don’t pretend to be anything else.

Our readers are mostly average Idahoans who have strong conservative values and who typically have a good understanding of the Constitution. We hope to continue to bring you valuable news stories that will give you a true picture of what is happening in Idaho, and we hope you will continue to value the content of our publication.

Bob “Nugie” Neugebauer, Publisher

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