Opinions / Op-eds

Op-Ed: Article V Convention Fails in Idaho

The Idaho House overwhelmingly rejected House Concurrent Resolution 10, aimed at petitioning Congress to call an Article V Convention of States. This is a decisive victory for Idahoans by safeguarding America’s Constitution. The resolution failed by a significant margin, 44 nays to 26 ayes. This rejection occurred despite Convention of States promoters who have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to influence state legislators. The national Convention of States Project has for several years spent fortunes influencing Idaho legislative races in hopes to remove opposition against their failed agenda.

An Article V Convention, often represented as the Founder’s intended method for amending the Constitution, poses grave risks during our nation’s current expanding political polarization. Though intended to allow states to propose amendments, the provisions of Article V remain dangerously vague. The Constitution provides no guidelines for selecting convention delegates, no limitations on the matters that could be addressed, and no mechanisms to rein in a “runaway convention.” Former Chief Justice Warren Burger warned of these risks, asserting that there is no way to limit or control what such a convention might do once convened. The Republican National Committee codified this sentiment in its 2012 resolution firmly opposing any attempt to convene an Article V Constitutional Convention, seeing it as an opportunity for radical liberal groups to fundamentally rewrite the Constitution to advance their agenda.

HCR 10 sought to lead Idaho down this perilous path under the guise of reining in federal power by enacting balanced budget proposals and other supposedly populous remedies such as Constitutional Amendments. However, this resolution would do nothing to prevent special interests from hijacking a convention. Progressives, with their well-funded campaigns, would eagerly seize upon the lack of precedence as an Article V Convention has never been called under our Constitution. Without historic guidelines and guardrails, the Left would seize to promote policies that are antithetical to Idaho’s conservative values. The Constitution has already withstood the test of time. Its existing amendment process has allowed it to evolve responsibly without exposing the entire document to wholesale revisions.

The Idaho Republican Party opposed this resolution during its committee hearing as well as the Republican National Committee who have opposed an Article V Convention of States for years. The defeat of House Concurrent Resolution 10 makes it clear that such proposals are not only unnecessary but reckless. Our Constitution, regarded as the most successful governing document in human history, deserves to be protected—not jeopardized by activists or lobbyists who would render it unrecognizable.

Today’s defeat of HCR 10 speaks not only to the wisdom of Idaho’s lawmakers but to the enduring importance of grassroots efforts in defending our liberties. This outcome signals that Idahoans, and in particular conservatives, have no interest in gambling with our founding principles. The Idaho Republican Party will continue to stand guard and advocate for the preservation and integrity of our Constitution. We urge all Idahoans to remain vigilant and oppose any future attempts to endanger our state and national sovereignty through this reckless Article V Convention scheme.

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6 replies on “Op-Ed: Article V Convention Fails in Idaho”

Wondering how many Republicans think it is o k or protecting the Constitution by our president telling us he is above the law since he is “saving the nation” in relation to his quoting Napoleon:
“The man saving his country violates no law.”
Flakking for Tesla on the White House lawn is apparently no longer against the law.

Excellent! To me the Article 5 arguments seemingly appealed to those who supported the Rigged Choice voting scam. But the real tell is the way the Democrats are reacting.

Dorothy moon, you are one of the many RINOs in charge, why although I am a lifelong conservative, is the reason I don’t claim to be a gop member. I hold my nose half the time I vote for republicans. Another example is the governor little. Your (this) article is merely scolding thousands of conservatives and treating us like unruly children. You sound like the demucoms you claim to oppose. It appears you are part of the uniparty establishment mechanism which is a main reason for the divided nation you talk about.

Chairwoman Moon: Did a great job of pointing out why Idaho House of Representative members vote NO HCR 10. Leftists and special interest groups have been trying to get their hands on the US Constitution for decades to destroy our individual rights (Bill of Rights) in favor of collective rights controlled by the central government. Those promoting an Article V second, dangerous convention say that the states will run the convention. This is a big lie! When 34 states have applied, Congress will make the call and control the convention, NOT the states. The Congressional Research Report prepared for Congress on April 11, 2014 said. Once a call is made, the convention delegates will have total power to create an entirely new constitution. James Madison, considered the “Father of the US Constitution” said a second convention would be very dangerous. It would be another run-a-way convention like the first one. However, the second one would not be behind closed doors. The US Constitution is not defective, but only those elected officials that do not keep their oath of office to abide by its provisions. Those that don’t should be replace by voters. NO second convention is needed. Way to dangerous!

For evidence, see free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective,” in which every Article and Amendment is examined by the Bible, at Bible versus Constitution dot org. Click on the top entry on our Online Books page.

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