
The Obama/Soros machine beats Trump

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The election results are hardly the “great victory” claimed by President Trump.

Republicans picked up a few seats in the Senate only because unpopular Democrats were up for re-election in conservative states, and lost the House. However, conservative Senator Ted Cruz barely survived in Texas, and the Republican gubernatorial candidate in conservative Georgia, Brian Kemp, only has a narrow lead. The conclusion is inescapable that the “Brown is the New White” rainbow strategy of Barack Hussein Obama is working, putting conservatives on the defensive all across the country.

While Obama’s candidates may not have won in several high-profile cases, the fact is that Texas and Georgia are now ripe for future liberal takeovers. That’s because of the strategy Obama has pursued, with the help of Brown is the New White author Steven Phillips, who is backed by the billionaire Sandler family. A year ago, at an America’s Survival, Inc. conference, analyst Trevor Loudon warned of the left’s plan to take the concept of Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition and create a new American majority fusing communists, progressive whites, minorities, Islamists, and immigrants.

Republicans had a great economy going for them. Still, in another shocker, Arizona Senate Republican candidate Martha McSally was maintaining a very small lead over self-proclaimed bisexual Democrat Kyrsten Sinema, a favorite of atheists and secularists. The Democratic Party constituency is now full of New Agers and others who “shun religious labels” like Sinema. New Age leader Oprah Winfrey campaigned for Democrat Stacey Abrams in Georgia, who received more than 48 percent of the vote.

In an example of how the Catholic Church has lost its way, voters in liberal but “Catholic” Massachusetts approved Question 3, allowing men into women’s restrooms. Pro-morality and pro-DNA people were crushed at the polls. The conservative Boston Catholic Insider reports that Boston’s Cardinal Sean O’Malley and the other “spineless” Massachusetts bishops “completely caved and copped-out on voicing even a word of opposition to the transgender bathroom bill. Not a peep!”

In a related event, Kim Davis, the Christian clerk from Rowan County, Kentucky, lost her re-election race. Supporters of Davis, who had been jailed for refusing to sign a “gay” marriage license, were called “haters” by Shepard Smith of Fox News. Smith, one of the openly gay Fox employees, was never admonished by his corporate bosses for his anti-Christian venom.

Trump press secretary Sarah Sanders, who valiantly fights the hostile press, declared the November 6 results “a huge victory for the president” because Trump had “spent the last week campaigning heavily for Senate candidates and we’re seeing the payoff.” While Trump’s campaigning for the November 6 election was significant, it is also a fact that the GOP picked up seats because of a quirk of timing – the fact that so many Democrats were up for re-election in Republican-oriented states.

On cultural issues, the conservative losses were substantial. Michigan voted for marijuana legalization, on the heels of former Republican House Speaker John Boehner writing a column for the Wall Street Journal calling for complete legalization nationwide. It benefits Democrats by creating another constituency for the Democratic Party, a process set in motion by former drug abuser and President Obama himself. The potheads are people whose love for the weed will keep them coming back to the polls to vote for more and cheaper drugs – and then more “free” health care to address the damage they cause. Heroin injection centers are next on the agenda. This complements the Obamacare takeover of the health care system, a process still underway and now confirmed by Democratic Party control of the House.

Incredibly, the strategy of legalizing the drug on a state-by-state basis may now be officially endorsed by President Trump. National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman Senator Cory Gardner has a bill co-sponsored with left-wing Democrat Elizabeth Warren to do just that. Gardner claims he has Trump’s private support for this approach. Gardner had dictated that the Senate GOP campaign arm would not fund pro-Trump Senate candidates like Corey Stewart in Virginia.

The Drug-Free America Foundation reports: “Michigan is the 10th state to legalize the possession, cultivation, and retail sale of marijuana. The other nine states in this failed experiment include: Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington.” Much of this effort was financed by billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros.

Rather than oppose Soros and his drug legalization campaign, Rep. Steve Stivers, who leads the National Republican Congressional Committee, condemned his fellow Republican, conservative stalwart Rep. Steve King, just days before the elections. Stivers called King, who defends Western civilization, a white nationalist. King won his race, but the controversy demonstrates how left-leaning Republicans in charge of the Republican caucus in the House will now work to diminish the influence of its more conservative members. In short, the House Republicans are in a shambles and their strategy of “opposition” to the Democrats looks like a mess, or maybe a sham. Stivers, by the way, had predicted that the Republicans would retain their House majority. But it’s hard to do that when you’re attacking fellow Republicans.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the likely new House Speaker, won’t fund the border wall. But she is already promising to offer the radical LGBTQ “Equality Act” for consideration. Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth calls it the “Criminalizing Christianity Act” because it would “effectively criminalize traditional morality” and outlaw opposition to special protected status for sexual minorities. Yet, as he notes, Republicans are mostly silent. Forced to vote on such a bill, at least some Republicans will go for it, wanting to look fashionable. If the “Religious Right” fails to fight these dangerous trends, the GOP could then go the way of the British Conservative Party, AWOL on the cultural issues.

Not all was lost for conservatives. Staunch conservative Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert won big in Texas, after he appeared on the Lou Dobbs show on Fox and defended criticism of billionaire George Soros. “It’s not anti-Semitic to criticize Soros, and Israel issued a statement a year ago saying just that,” Gohmert said. Fox had previously banned Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch for criticizing Soros on the Dobbs show. Then, Fox yanked a pro-Trump ad on the illegal immigration issue. It wouldn’t be surprising if Gohmert may now be banned from the channel by its corporate bosses, the Murdochs, who are partners with Michael Bloomberg in the open borders group Parnership for a New American Economy.

In a statement to the Daily Caller, Rep. Gohmert doubled-down on his criticism of Soros: “The alt-left media, including the New York Times, has decided to provide an all-out defense of their beloved, self-identified and remorseless former Nazi collaborator of Jewish lineage, who even the Israeli government knows well is not their friend. George Soros, an anti-God, anti-Israel billionaire, is perhaps the largest ever global funder of efforts to undermine America’s Constitution. Anyone who puts this much effort into the destabilization of America and the destruction of Israel deserves to be called out for his actions.”

Such strong statements are increasingly rare for Republicans, some of whom are folding like cheap suits in the face of the billions of dollars spent against them by billionaires such as George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. Rep. King, who has called for a House Committee on Un-American Activities to root out subversion, is among the few Republicans who continue to speak out about the threat and what is at stake.

When Fox News censors respected conservatives like Chris Farrell, you know we are in deep trouble. These acts of censorship by the leading “conservative” news organization demonstrate why our Roku and YouTube channel, America’s Survival TV, is so necessary. We expose Soros and have done so consistently since our Soros Files conference in 2011. As black businessman Zubi Diamond said at that conference, Soros was the money behind Barack Hussein Obama, and Obama was beholden to him. Now the Democrats can count on billions from Bloomberg and others. Bloomberg himself said he would be spending a total of $110 million on the midterm election.

The Obama/Soros machine, now apparently in control of Fox News, is alive and well. We can anticipate the channel moving to silence or dismiss its pro-Trump commentators, most notably Sean Hannity, probably on spurious grounds that they are mixing politics and journalism. As for the president, Trump cannot compete effectively unless and until he and his advisers understand the “permanent revolution” strategy of Obama and his billionaire backers. Analyst Trevor Loudon’s speech at one of our conferences, on the “Rainbow Conspiracy,” is a good place to start understanding this next phase of the revolutionary struggle.

The White House clearly doesn’t understand the revolutionary forces they are up against. Obama and Oprah are not going away. And now, in terms of the media, Trump can’t even depend on Fox News.

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