Opinions / Op-eds

Important Notice of Fruitland City Council Meeting Concerning Expansion of TVCA

Dear TVCA Families,

Thank you so much for all the letters you submitted to the city. This effort has shown tremendous support to our city leaders.

The purpose of this e-mail is to provide you with an update on our ongoing efforts.

On June 28, we filed an appeal with the City of Fruitland with the assistance of our attorneys at Givens Pursley LLP.

The city has placed our appeal on the agenda for the City Council’s July 10th hearing, but the city has advised us that the City Council will not be accepting new testimony or evidence at this hearing.

The City Council’s options are to:

  1. Deny the appeal and uphold the Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC)’s decision.
  2. Grant the appeal and reverse the PZC and approve with conditions.
  3. Grant the appeal and remand to the PZC to hold a noticed public hearing where new testimony and evidence may be presented.

The city has requested that we inform the community/parents that no public testimony will be taken on July 10th. 

We invite you to attend the meeting on Monday, July 10th, at 7:00pm as a show of public support as this will be helpful to ensure the appeal is granted. 

Our team is working in coordination with the Idaho Department of Transportation (IDT), the city’s engineer (Ardurra), city staff, and potential neighbors to develop a strong plan to address the traffic concerns raised in the previous meeting and to promote a positive outcome.

Thank you for your ongoing support as we build out our school.

Your Leadership and PTCA Team

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