John Livingston

Resistance or Collaboration

I have never been very interested in the “soft sciences” of sociology or psychology, but I have been interested in their distant cousin, economics. Transactions—financial and otherwise, and commerce, bring people together and ultimately form the basis of our growing societies. Unquestionably feelings of love and loyalty have a very important place in our lives […]

John Livingston

Rumpists vs Trumpists

A “rump state” is the remnant of a much larger political power that has lost power and territory. It is usually replaced by another political entity that only allows the “rump” political entity a titular or ceremonial presence. Such a presence is usually conditioned on terms of appeasement and explicit cooperation in exchange for nominal […]

John Livingston

The Glory of the Lord

Lynn and I have spent the last 5 days touring The Beaches, Museums, and Cemeteries in Normandy. This has been a pilgrimage planned for most of my adult life and it did not disappoint in any way. We spent all but the last day with a guided tour group, but we wanted to “decompress” the […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Destructive Forest Mismanagement

Our Forests are Dying & Burning due to Poor Forest Management & the Ban on DDT Insecticide which Controlled Pine Beetles. Please work to restore DDT to stop the death & burning of our precious US Forest Service forests. DDT was used very safely to control Pine Beetles. Poor forest management of not allowing the […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Why Rank Choice Voting is BAD

“Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good.” ~ Thomas Sowell Ranked Choice Voting will be on the ballot in November as Proposition 1, but what is RCV and what will it do to Idaho and you? Prop 1 eliminates […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Math of Ranked Choice Voting

Prop 1, Ranked Choice Voting, will be on the ballot this November. What is it? What impact will it have? Should Idaho support it? The Ranked Choice Voting website explains what it is: “Ranked choice voting (RCV) is an election method in which voters rank candidates for an office in order of their preference (first […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Sustains Act – Theft Of Private Property

Along with other state Attorneys General, Raul Labrador was successful in stopping the Natural Asset Companies (NAC), at least for now. However, in its continued quest against the American people, the federal government has essentially put the same agenda into a piece of legislation called the Sustains Act. Basically, the Sustains Act is the same […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Idaho Prevails Against Biden-Harris Administration in Federal Stockwater Case

[BOISE] – Attorney General Raúl Labrador secured a significant victory for Idaho water rights against federal claims of unconstitutionality in the United States v. Idaho. U.S. District Court Judge David Nye rejected the Department of Justice’s attempt to block Idaho ranchers from seeking forfeiture of stockwater rights on public lands that the United States is […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Rural Community Advocates, Save Our Ground, to hold fundraiser Event in Kuna

(Kuna, Idaho) Save Our Ground, rural community advocates, gained a temporary stay in Ada County, to stop an industrial-scale solar farm in the middle of farms in the Melba and Kuna communities during Ada County Commissioners meetings in July and August. They are planning a community benefit concert to fund the non-profit. Dustin Ferdinand, one […]

John Livingston

Ours to Lose

We are hearing a lot about Marxism and Socialism surrounding the views of the Democratic Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates. As much as they are trying to make the election about Donald Trump’s abrasive personality the central issue of the campaign, they won’t succeed unless he lets them. It is very important that we don’t allow […]

John Livingston

Taxation and Federalization

When I decided to write my two articles about taxes and local government I wondered if there would be any interest in the subject. I have received more e-mails and comments personally and on the phone from more people—including local legislators and politicians, than I have for any of my previous articles. It seems Idaho […]

John Livingston

The Ruling Elite AKA ‘The Mod Squad’

Liz Cheney so desperately wants to be relevant. She wants to be part of the conversation. She rides for a brand that is quickly becoming extinct. The Romney-Rockefeller wing of the Republican Party that chopped down the campaign of Barry Goldwater, tried to sabotage both of Ronald Reagan’s campaigns, and finally came up for air […]

Gem State Patriot News