Opinions / Op-eds

New Idaho Laws

Did you know that most laws passed by the Legislature took effect on July 1? Several key pieces of legislation, carried by our dedicated Republican lawmakers, are now in place, and I want to share a few of them with you.

Remember when the Biden Administration called concerned parents “domestic terrorists” because they dared speak up at school board meetings? The Legislature passed Senate Bill 1361 which mandates that school boards allow public comment before implementing any new policy. Your right to be heard by your elected officials is protected in Idaho thanks to Senator Cindy Carlson.

House Bill 710 is in effect as well, which gives parents a process for removing books from schools and libraries that are obscene and harmful to children. We started working on this issue when I was still in the Legislature, and I am so pleased to see it finally pass. Contact your local library to find their policy to comply with H710. Thank you Representative Jaron Crane for carrying this bill.

Senate Bill 1232 ensures that any parent under investigation by Child Protective Services is informed of their constitutional rights, including the right to an attorney. This is crucial for ensuring citizens are aware of their rights and the limits of government officials’ authority. Senator Scott Herndon did a fantastic job with this bill.

Christ Troupis Book

House Bill 498 is important as well. It says that websites must use age verification to make sure children are not being exposed to pornographic content. One major website shut off access to the entire state rather than comply with the law. Curious, is it not? Thank you Representatives Elaine Price and Julianne Young for introducing this important bill.

Last year, the Legislature passed House Bill 71, banning child gender mutilation through drugs or surgeries. This year it passed House Bill 668 which prohibits using public funds for any gender transition. Idaho taxpayers should not be on the hook when a man decides he wants to be a woman, or vice versa. Great work by Representatives Julianne Young and Bruce Skaug.

These important laws demonstrate why we must continue electing Republicans to our State Legislature. Democrats label you domestic terrorists for speaking at school board meetings, defend harmful materials in libraries, erode your rights, raise your taxes, and indoctrinate your children.

We have seen the consequences of Democrat rule in once-great states like California and Colorado. We cannot afford to lose our beloved Idaho.

Voting is just the beginning. Reach out to your senator and representatives to get involved in the legislative process. Our future depends on it!

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One reply on “New Idaho Laws”

Excellent steps in the right direction.
Now, what can we do to get education funding to each student, regardless of the school they attend?

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