John Livingston


There is a lot of HATE being spewed in the post-election commentary by the likes of Joey Behar, Rachel Maddow, and Joy (no irony in her first name there) Reid. Conservatives and Christian conservatives have heard during early election cycles the words “deplorable” to describe “people like us”. Mr. Obama opined that we “cling to our guns and Bibles”. Words in a political debate quickly turn into policy as the Department of Justice, The IRS, The FCC, and the CDC and NIH took dead aim on individuals and organizations who did not “toe” the progressive-socialist-democratic party line. Did Lois Lerner ever have to account or atone for her digressions at the IRS?

Words like misogyny, racist and fascist are routinely used to describe fellow citizens who differ from the elite ruling class sycophants in the media and in the deep state regarding issues that we differ on. Creating schisms and divisions in our society is actually part of a well described game plan written about by the likes of Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky—RULES FOR RADICALS. Most of the people spreading post-election hate lack the intelligence or emotional intelligence to even see that they are a big part of what Americans overwhelmingly rejected this past election. When I listen to the mean-spirited words from Joy Reid, Rachel Maddow, and Joey Behar, I am inspired to find the reason for their unabated hatred of their fellow men and women. The moral superiority of Barak and Michelle Obama as they berate young Black men for voting for Trump is worth looking into.

I want to discuss another idea that is seldom talked about. MISANDRY:

Misandry is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against men or boys. Both men and women can participate in the practice of MISANDRY.

Christ Troupis Book

Like with misogyny, misandry can be deployed not only against the opposite sex, but within the genders there can be hatred for one’s own gender. Regarding the psychology of misandry and misogyny I am not an expert. In medical school I spent only three months on the psych wards. My training was very Freudian. I recognize my limitations when discussing these issues, but I believe I see a pattern that has been emerging for years in people and political organizations that subscribe to theories of “toxic masculinity”. I believe that as family structures have been assaulted at every turn, the role of men—fathers in the family, has been increasingly marginalized and been made less important. I believe people as they grow up without the love of a caring father, become ever more resentful of men in general. I believe many in the ivory towers of academia, in the media, and particularly politicians either knowingly or unknowingly use this void in the life of many young people to garner support for their own political daddy marginalizing agendas.

Daddy issues are often leveled at women who have dysfunctional adult relationships with men because of a dysfunctional father-daughter relationship. Daddy issues are actually gender-neutral and can happen to anyone. (Although it will likely present differently in men than women). As described in a Psychology Today Article by Linda Neilsen entitled WHAT ARE DADDY ISSUES:

Daddy issues can be caused by: 

  • Absent father: A father who was either not physically there during childhood or who was emotionally absent. 
  • Abuse or neglect: This can be physical, emotional, or sexual, and may be directed towards the child or the mother.
  • Codependent relationship with father: A close paternal bond is healthy, but there is such a thing as too close. When a relationship with your father turns codependent, you might repeat those patterns as an adult. 
  • Unaccepting father: If you had a father who constantly criticized you or pointed out your flaws, you may be more likely to develop daddy issues as an adult. 

The strong women in my life seem to have all had strong bonding relationships with either a father in the family, or a grandfather, or a stepparent who loved them unconditionally and let them know that they were valued and loved. The women (and men) who did not experience that type of relationship in their lives as they were growing up, seem to be suspicious and at times hateful of men.

I believe that as I have watched the “woke” ideology embrace MAGA hatred—both men and women, they are exhibiting MISANDRY. It is OK to disagree with Trump’s political philosophy, or his policies. To ascribe the words, they have to his actions has become pathological in many instances. The hate they are demonstrating in their words and actions toward Donald Trump and his followers is actually a form of psychological sublimation that they have been unable to deal with in their own life. If you “hate your father” and are dealing with your own limitations of inner peace or perceived upward mobility, then it is far easier to blame an authoritative figure in your life—like a father who wasn’t there for you, than it is to blame yourself.

The fact that so many strong women came out to support Mr. Trump is witness to my position.

My Quaker Grandmother used to say that it takes a woman in the house to teach a boy to be a man—a husband and a father—and it takes a man in the house to teach a young girl to be a lady—a mother and a wife. We all fail each other many times over regarding these issues. Charles Murry has opined that “THE STUFF OF LIFE” happens in families so all this is messy. “The stuff” left over when we all go out on our own, determines how we live our lives and make our decisions about other people. Standing back and looking at how we deal with each other tells us a lot about each other.

Mr. Trump is a strong man. We need strong men today. Men have been marginalized and blamed for many of the problems we have in our society, and in many cases rightfully so. It is time for men to start being men again. Men are first of all warriors and workers. Donald Trump can help lead the way. He is both. Like all of us, he is not perfect. PERFECT is a promise for another day. For today we need a strong man who will work for us with a warrior’s spirit. Today is not yet tomorrow.

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2 replies on “Misandry”

Let them scream, yell, threaten, shave their heads, and deny intimacy to their Beta Male partners. If they do not beget any offspring, their Marxist-Infanticide ideology will soon be on the wane. I believe it is called cutting off your nose to spite your face.

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