Bob's Words of Wisdom

Kamala’s Interview vs Trump’s new Alliance with RFK

It appears that Kamala is in over her head and can’t make up her mind what she is for and what she is against. She is a bit like Joey Biden only Joe has changed his mind so many times that his mind finally gave up and stopped working. This seems to be a problem with Democrats in general. Kamala the Border Czar is responsible for having open borders but doesn’t want to own the fact that she is the one who allowed 8 million illegals cross our borders. Now she wants to give them free healthcare and the right to vote even though most of them can’t speak read or write English. I seriously doubt that she has had anything to say about decisions that are being made by the former Obama team of progressive leftists. For 3 ½ years Joe and Kamala have worked day and night to destroy our country and believe me they have done an excellent job. From killing our supply of cheap energy to the 20% inflation that we are all dealing with now because of the high cost of energy and their unbridled government spending. The middle class that Kamala says she wants to help have been the ones who have suffered and been exploited the most because of her and Joe’s policies. I believe if you took the time to watch the CNN interview with Harris and Tampon Tim you would agree with most of what I just said.

What we didn’t hear in this interview was anything about Kamala being responsible for our country’s invasion by 8 million illegals costing the U.S. taxpayer up to 150 Billion dollars a year. She even tried to blame Trump for killing the Senate immigration bill which was a farce and would have done nothing to stem the flow of illegals like House bill HR2 would have. Kamala also touted how good the economy was doing and talked about how inflation had come down but never said anything about how it grew 20% under the Bidden/Harris administration. She talked about how she was ok with fracking yet during her campaign in 2019 for president she was vehemently against any fracking at all. All we heard for those 22 minutes were lies and flip flopping from previous commitments. While it is normal for presidential candidates to do a bit of flip-flopping during campaigns what we are seeing from Kamala is a complete rewrite of where she stood only four years. She said nothing about her policies for the economy except that she thought the corporations were price gouging and wanted to limit price increases to help curtail the high cost of living which she and Biden caused with their Biden-nomics. Kamala is trying hard to divorce herself from anything Biden has done and the liberal media are doing all they can to erase any and all traces of her history that could be detrimental to her being elected. We are seeing a full court press from all of the liberal communications companies including the social media giants.

So enough about Kamala and Tampon Tim for now and let’s take a look at this new alliance between RFK and Trump as adversity makes for strange bedfellows. Shunned by the democratic party and forced to fight for the right to get on ballots in every state the dem’s pushed RFK to take a look at how he could accomplish his goals and make a difference in this presidential race. Low and behold he found a friend in Donald Trump and this combination may wind up being a beacon of hope that Americans have been looking for in a world of censorship and government overreach. Both of these gentleman have made it clear that there is no compromising on the First Amendment giving us freedom of speech in direct contrast to how the Biden administration has trampled our constitutional rights. We know now that the Biden/Harris administration pressured META’s Zuckerberg to use his social media company to censor Covid 19 content showing their disdain for free speech.

This new partnership goes deeper than free speech as both Trump and RFK want to restore greatness to America. They want to take us back to a time when America was filled with hope and a belief in itself. A time when we led the world with innovative ideas, technology, productivity and a time when America was the healthiest nation in the world. These two want to restore America to a place where we can confront our problems, work out our differences and bring about great new successes. They are working on a concrete plan for the future and together have embraced a new slogan “Make America Healthy Again”. For years RFK has been talking about and crusading for an answer to the increase in chronic health problems which he believes is associated with a corrupted food supply. He wants to clean up the corruption he has seen in the FDA, NIH, and CDC so they begin looking out for the health of the American people and not the financial profits of Big Pharma. This is quite a contrast to the Biden/Harris administrations wanting to control our meat industry for the sake of climate change and give is fake meat and bugs to eat. If Americans are not healthy how can they move forward and become successful and the same goes for improving the health of our children.

Christ Troupis Book

The liberal media quickly poo pooed this alliance claiming it will do nothing to help Trump in this election as they went into full blown damage control. This was not just a blow to their egos but a gut punch to the Kennedy clan who are 100% behind Biden. The Democrats will continue to spin this alliance as nothing to be concerned about while in essence, they not only never expected this they don’t know what to do about it except have the media lie and criticize. The democrats did everything they could to discourage RFK from running as they knew he would draw votes from either Biden or word salad Kamala the candidate who can’t sting two cogent sentences together that are not scripted. The Dems and their crooked media players will continue to make disparaging remarks about this union between RFK and Trump because they know this could be the push that Trump needs to win.

We have learned that the democrats are the party of censorship and if we take a little religious side road here the ultimate victim of censorship was Jesus Christ. That’s right the one who was killed for his words of truth about salvation by grace through faith in Christ. For this was labeled “hate speech” by the religious rulers as they didn’t like what he had to say that they were sinners and the only way to heaven was through him. Not much different than today as government attempts to silence the truth at all costs. Even Facebook was caught flagging the comment “Jesus died so you could live” as “hate speech” a message that is foundational to all Christians. Don’t you see the similarities?

We are in a battle, as I said in my last article, of Good vs Evil and the outcome will be decided in this next election where we will either take back our country and our freedoms or lose them forever. Wake up people and get your butts to the polls on November 5th as your future and that of your children depend on getting Trump elected. I don’t care if you don’t like the way he speaks sometimes as you will always find something wrong with every candidate but take a look at this video which addresses what we call Trump Derangement Syndrome. It has gone viral and was put out by RFK’s running mate. You might also forward this to anyone who you think is suffering from this chronic disease.

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6 replies on “Kamala’s Interview vs Trump’s new Alliance with RFK”

Happy Labor Day, Bob . Another excellent analysis of communist puppet, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. Harris and her commie comrades are the antithesis of all that America stands for..All who love freedom must vote in November..don’t sit by and watch our country destroyed until she becomes Venezuela.

As always Dem’s fraud and duplicity’s modus operandi when outed, can’t be more clear here.

All along they sought to toss Kennedy off November ballot in particularly in Georgia and New York.
Within days they keep denying RFK Jr.’s requests to be removed from 10 swing states. RFK filing lawsuits in states to keep his names back on.

Dem’s excuse? Too late, ballots have already started printing. New ballots with RFK’s name back on? Duplicitous.

TOO MUCH TADOO ABOUT NOTHING – at least when you recognize that all three of them are merely different degrees of liberal.

There’s only One with the authority to determine what constitutes true conservatism. And anything left of His right is left, liberal, and ungodly.

When this immutable standard is consulted, Trump is merely a right-leaning (barely) liberal.

For more, see blog article “Right, Left, and Center: Who Gets to Decide?” at

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