Opinions / Op-eds

It’s Time to Defund Climate Change

Food control is people control. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the gas of life. Without it we would have NO food to eat or oxygen to breathe! The agenda to eliminate fossil fuels will result in starvation as wind and solar are NOT 24/7 sources of electricity. Production agriculture and industry cannot exist without fossil fuels. The globalist agenda is to control all human activity on the planet, to destroy our economy and redistribute our wealth to developing nations like China and India, the world’s largest polluters.

The war on CO2 includes the ludicrous Carbon Capture which will concentrate atmospheric CO2 and bury it in the Earth. Our crop plants are already starved for Carbon Dioxide as they would like 1500 to 2000 PPM, but only get 420 PPM now. Carbon Capture is a taxpayer’s money wasting boondoggle. Many commercial greenhouses “fertilize” with extra CO2 to speed growth.

In the early 1930’s Soviet Union leader, Joseph Stalin used famine to kill an estimated 6 million Ukraine people to bring about his collectivist, Communist agenda. He had all the animals killed and the grain was hauled out or destroyed. This is why the Ukraine people hate Russia. Recall that many communist revolutions began with “agrarian reform.” Thomas Jefferson wrote in his autobiography he warned, “Were we directed from Washington when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread.”

In 1966, the book, “Ill Fares the Land, The Famine Planned for America” by Dan Van Gorder was published by The John Birch Society affiliate Western Islanda. The 240-page book exposed the hoax driven by the federal government that American farmers were overproducing food.

The facts in the book revealed a conspiracy by communists in the federal government to make our country more dependent on food imports. This began in 1933 with the Agriculture Adjustment Act (AAA), which allowed the federal government to buy agriculture surpluses, and pay farmers to not grow to supposedly “limit “overproduction.” The 1933 AAA was ruled unconstitutional until in 1938 when a FDR appointed liberal Supreme Court ruled it constitutional.

“The overproduction hoax was originated, not to help the farmers, but to weld the chains of slavery on him as the initial step in socialization of the entire American economy. It was devised by a group dominated by trained agents of Communist infiltration.”

In the book, the author named names and provided proof of the Harold Ware communist cell, which included Alger Hiss, a convicted Soviet Spy and the first secretary-general of the anti-American, pro-Communist United Nations.

Now, to supposedly reduce the use of fossil fuels, Gates wants us to eat worms, insects and fake meat. However, humans can NOT digest these “food” substitutes. He also plans to reduce non-existent climate change by putting substances in the atmosphere to reflect sunlight.

While we think that our nation’s farmers are in control of our food supply, that is incorrect. There are about 20 large companies that dominate the world’s food supply. They control what comes to you and at what price. They have a tight control of the world’s food source. Farmers have little control; thus, farmers are leaving their land in droves.

Now, hundreds of thousands of prime farm land is being purchased by Bill Gates and our number one enemy, China. Much land in China is very polluted so that it can no longer produce food.

The UN’s Agenda 2030 is the main World Government project to transform the world. It will make us more dependent on federal and world government for everything. We must have Congress pass S. 3428 and H.R. 6645 to get out of the United Nations nest of spies. .

A concerned citizen, Adrian Arp, Ph.D. NOTE: The attachment is a condensed article used to comply with the requirements of letters to editor. I felt that the additional information above would be interesting to you.

I recommend The New American Magazine, to get truthful information. Online they have daily articles and podcasts. Bimonthly publication is 44 pages of valuable information. I recommend getting the hard copy.

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