Bob's Words of Wisdom

It’s now simply a case of Good vs Evil

While we don’t know how much RFK’s endorsement of Trump will affect the election, it is certainly a move in the right direction. If nothing else, it will show Americans how far to the left the democratic party has moved when we see a die-hard democrat like Robert F Kennedy endorse a republican for president.

This could be the monkey wrench that screws up the plan to keep Kamala in the basement just like they did to Biden as RFK is sure to swing between 4 and 8% of his supporters to vote for Trump. Kamala has been totally scripted to say only what is on the teleprompter because the party leaders know she is not capable of thinking for herself. You only need to know that the platform she presented with new taxes, and plenty of government giveaways was a means to sway votes in her direction. There are still no policies regarding what she will do if she is elected, only vague messages about how much she has done with Joe to save the country from Donald Trump. Kamala is truly an empty Pant Suit who doesn’t have a clue how to fix the economy. Joe and Kamala were instrumental in destroying our country with their new regulations that stopped drilling for gas and oil on federal land on their first day in office and at the same time opened up our borders to millions of illegals.

Kamala claims she can fix all of our problems. If this is true, why hasn’t she done so in the 3 ½ years she has been in office? Neither Walz nor Harris have presented any brilliant ideas on how to Make America Great Again except for stealing Trump’s ideas. The only thing they have presented are a means of buying votes with more government spending and giveaways while hiking our debt by over 2 trillion dollars. Keep in mind that neither of these individuals has had any real experience in running a business so why would we hand them the keys to our country and its economic future?

We should all be concerned about this election as it will determine which fork in the road America will take. Will we take the one that leads to economic recovery and a closed border or the road that leads to socialism or even communism where the middle class will disappear into the sunset? I’m not sure that the voters in our country are ready to make this type of decision nor do I think most of them understand the consequences if Kamala and Walz win this election.

As I write this, there are only 72 days to the most important election in U.S. history, and it is doubtful that there is enough time for the electorate to learn enough about how dangerous it would be if the democrats win this race. With the liberal media and social media technology companies doing all they can to scam us into voting for the democrats, it will be much like when Hitler took over Germany with his propaganda machine. We think that what happened in Germany can never be repeated. We forget that Germany was a profoundly Christian nation, so what happened that allowed satanic evil to creep in and destroy this country? We too often get sucked along with the culture especially living in America. Here, things are pretty good and there is the lack of suffering and lack of evil around us that lulls us into a state of passivity and silence but silence in the face of evil is itself evil.

Are Americans asking themselves have I been silent and where’s the evil? Everyone seems to think what is happening in our country will go away. But will it or will it grow into something more sinister than we ever imagined?

We are a Christian nation yet we hear very little coming out of our pastors, priests, and rabbi’s mouths on where they stand, and it has to make you wonder why are they so silent in these difficult times. If we believe we are any different than the church of the 30s in Germany, we are fools as what could be more chilling than silence in the face of evil?

It is difficult when we see how blessed we are to believe there is this thing called evil. When you look back at our history, Americans have paid the price for freedom with their blood sweat, and tears. Our government allows us to be free to say whatever we want without the fear of oppression, although some would argue that point under the current administration. Why do so many of us take our freedoms for granted? The world in which we live is currently a broken, sin-sick place and it has only taken 3 ½ short years to get us here. It is hard for me to imagine where we will be in the next four years if Kamala and company are elected.

God sees how we believe by how we behave. It’s not what you believe, it is how we live our lives and don’t speak up about injustices. The lord is letting everything go to hell at the speed of light to wake up his church and it is truly a blessing that things are getting so bad that people are now asking themselves should I speak up? If you’re silent when everything is going downhill, God knows you’re not trusting him. Many of our clergy are silent because they are afraid to lose members if they speak out. However, I believe if more of our clergy did speak out, they would find their congregations would grow not diminish. We have to stop playing it safe and get involved by speaking out and doing what we can to change how our nation has been going in the wrong direction. It is time for all true Christians to stand up and be counted because if we don’t, we are all going to hell in a handbasket.

It was Dietrich Bonhoeffer who spoke out against Hitler and it is high time we stand up against this progressive movement that is leading us into the great abyss of socialism or even communism. If that happens, we will have no more freedom of speech or freedom of religion. Bonhoeffer talked about religion and about religious people going to church and that you must live your life for the lord. Everyone is currently looking the other way playing it safe which puts us in tremendous danger.

The time is now for Christians to speak up loudly and use their influence to show how much we love Christ and we will not put up with these evil progressive ideas. You either trust the lord with your life or you don’t. We are in the same place that the German church was in 1933. This is a nightmare and if we are afraid to speak out against cultural Marxism critical race theory transgenderism madness or any of these issues, we should remember that God is judging us by our actions. He will continue to judge us because the lives of millions depend upon what we do to fix the problems. Too many Americans have been silent in the face of evil. We either live free and die for the truth or keep silent in the face of evil and we will reap the same fate as Germany did. We need to wake up. We need to be an army for Christ. Believe me, there will be no second chances. If evil wins it will be our fault. Remember all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

“We Get the Government We Deserve”

Spring Favorites

8 replies on “It’s now simply a case of Good vs Evil”

I totally agree with your assessment of this current nation. I have copied my assessment written in 2008. It is some what long (five pages),
but I think it will be worth your time to read it.

My People Who Are Called By My Name
A communique to the Evangelic Churches By Pete Ketcham
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The following communique is based on the moral issues besieging the Christians of this Nation. It is about the question of why God has allowed this moral degeneration to continue, and what can be done to reverse this downward trend.
As the evangelical fundamental Bible believing Christian community ponders the moral degeneration of the USA, they often quote a biblical scripture from 2nd Chronicles 7:14 which says, “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
Unfortunately, fundamental Christians do not agree on, or understand what all is required on their part to fulfill this promise of God concerning the USA. Most will agree that they do know how to be humble, pray, seek the face of God,… but turn from their wicked ways?… what wicked ways? Most will honestly say they love God, accept His son Jesus Christ as their savior, evangelize their community, attend and support their local fundamental bible church and, of course, live moral lives. So why has God allowed the moral degeneration of the USA to continue to a point where the nation will eventually cease to exist if no changes are made?
To answer this question, we must return to the events and the people involved in the founding of this Christian nation.
The writings and historical documents of most of our Christian founding fathers show that they also loved God, accepted His son Jesus Christ as their savior, evangelized their community, attended and supported their local fundamental bible church, and lived moral lives. So what is the difference between them and the present day fundamental Christian community?
Quite simply, our founding fathers were willing to do certain things to create this God-given nation, that the fundamental Christian community today is not willing to do to save it
A harsh condemning statement? Perhaps, but let us take a closer look at some of these “things” that our founding fathers did and compare what the Christian community is doing today:
First: The founding fathers realized the truth in the bible verse which states: to know the right thing to do, and not to do it is a sin. They knew that they had exhausted all avenues of appeasement, argument, and reason with the British, as is so well illustrated in the famous “Give me Liberty or give me Death” address by Patrick Henry. It was clearly evident to rational thinking men and women that the choice was to accept

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complete subjugation and abuse from the British, or fight. There was simply no “middle ground” if they were to have freedom.
Today it is not-clear to many Christians nor their leadership what to do. Most believe, that if they continue to live what they consider “holy lives’, and pray for the nation, God, who is in control of all things, will take care of the national problems.
Second: The founding fathers were willing to put their material comfort, prestige, wealth, and very lives at risk to accomplish what they truly believed was the will of God concerning their part in creating this nation.
Today, the national Christian community enjoys unprecedented wealth, comfort, entertainment, and recreation. They have been convinced that God wishes for them to stay within the confines of their churches, and put nothing at risk, especially their tax-exempt status. The present day Christian leaders and followers believe that a benevolent government has granted them a tax-exempt status to stay out of the political arena, and conduct their “holy business” within the confines of their church. The reality, of course, is that the tax exempt status has become a leash and cage to control the Godly by the ungodly.
Third: The founding fathers provided far-sighted leadership, boldly took action, prosecuted a long and costly war against overwhelming odds, and won, why? Because they had realized that God would only give them victory, if they exhibited the willingness to take action. This interaction with God is repeatedly illustrated in the old testament with leaders such as Gideon, David, Joshua, and many others.
Today, the Christians lack the courageous leadership and vision of the founding fathers. The average pastor and national leadership of the fundamental church is looking for harmony, peace, and retirement within his/her church, and believe, that if they are faithfully preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, nothing, absolutely nothing could be lacking in their vision and leadership. Quite frankly, the last thing the local and national leadership is looking for is any action that would create discomfort, conflict, or disruption.
An Unpopular Solution
What actions to save our Nation should the fundamental Christian church take today that would parallel the actions of the founding fathers, and be in the will of God? This question, if it were every to be seriously considered or discussed by the fundamental leadership, would no doubt raise a myriad of opinions, most of which would not agree with the following assessments or recommendations:
It is necessary and time for the Christians to become as extremely vocal, visible and as politically powerful as their “enemies”. They must shed the fear of losing their tax-exempt status, the political consequences, and the vitriolic response of the main-stream news media. This recommendation does not imply that the evangelical churches should stop preaching the salvation of Christ. It means they should take on the additional task of reestablishing the Christian moral standards that were present at

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our nation’s founding. Times have changed radically and their original mission statement must be modified and increased to deal with the present. They must realize that conflict and war always comes at an inconvenient time, but it is here as surely as it was when described by Patrick Henry.
If one is to “go to war”, it is necessary to know who the enemy is, their objectives, their tactics, and motivations.

The liberal culture (communities and organizations) is almost legion in its’ dislike of the Christians of this nation, but I will comment particularly on two that standout from the rest for their extreme hatred of the Christian beliefs. These two are the homosexual (gay) community, and the abortion industry. Their ideology, morals, and lifestyle are completely diametrically opposed to the precepts of the bible, and thus, there is absolutely no middle ground or compromise between those who truly believe the bible to be the moral guidelines of God, and those who believe that a perverse sexual relationship, and the murder of unborn children is the moral equivalent of fundamental Christian beliefs, and should be accorded legal constitutional rights.
Both of these anti-Christian groups are powerful, but the uniting of the homosexual community has enabled it to become a social and political juggernaut that is able to roll over and crush any who stand in the way of their political agenda. Jerry Falwell, Anita Bryant, and many others tried to stand against them back in the 80’s, but were totally defeated. We hear nothing of Anita Bryant, and Jerry Falwell (now dead) is now neutralized. You will never hear, or see, any serious liberal or conservative political candidate running for office dare take them on, for they well know that the homosexuals have mastered the political technique of discrediting, and in some cases, taking their opposition out of power.
Is it is possible for the fundamental Christians to be as visible, vocal, and politically powerful as these two groups? The answer is yes, providing that the Christian denominations unite and collectively bring their assets to bear on their enemies, and rely on God to give the victories.
The fundamental Christian churches today possess tremendous real estate holdings, capital investment accounts, colleges, media assets, and congregations who are modestly to very wealthy. If united, the evangelical fundamental churches could become a political entity that could literally dominate the entire political spectrum. Unfortunately, the evangelical denominations have always kept themselves detached from each other, and intend to remain so. If the original states had adopted the policies of the present day church, there would not be a United States for these denominations to exist within.
Through courage and wisdom, the founding fathers exhibited the ability to unite the colonial states, which became an unbeatable force that eventually overwhelmed the British. Today no such men have surfaced with similar abilities. The leadership of the fundamental churches have no inclination to give up their individual power bases and unite, and they seem to have no vision of the impending consequences of their inaction.

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The logic of their refusal to take united political action to save our nation is similar to them having a severely leaking church roof which is destroying all the church furnishings, yet refusing to repair the roof because God wants them only to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, not fix roofs. It must be obvious to them that God has provided a national roof which protects and provides the freedom for them to even have a church. They see the rain of moral and social destruction which is pouring down upon their church, yet they continue their illogical policy of non-involvement..,.why? There are no doubt many justifications the leadership would provide to this question, but the following reasons are incontrovertible:
Many evangelical church pastors and their national leaders fear that if they call their congregations to political action, many in their congregations would walk out taking their wallets and purses with them. That could happen. They also fear they could lose their income and retirement for promoting political action, which is also a distinct possibility. Their fear of a vitriolic reaction from the local community and press for speaking out against homosexuality and abortion is also well-founded. And of course the fear of losing their tax-exempt status is a factor that weighs heavily in every political and financial decision they make. In essence, Fear is the first and foremost reason for the evangelical pastors and their leadership to take no action, and secondly, they have not personally experienced the consequences of their inaction….yet.
Edmond Burke, the British statesman, said, “All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to stand by and do nothing”, and, literally, that is where the fundamental church leadership is today.
The Projected Consequences Of The Present-day Apathy & Fear
In the not-too-distant future, if the current trend continues, the pulpits, assets, and control of the Evangelical Fundamental Christian Churches will be lost. How this could happen is illustrated as follows:
As stated before, the homosexual community is a powerful and united entity which is chalking up one legal victory after the other. They now have legal same-sex marriage, sex-oriented anti-discrimination laws, NAMBA, and in Canada today , the Bible is often considered hate speech in it’s reference to perversion. They have already taken control of the liberal denominations with “gay” pastors, priests and bishops. Their successful policy is to infiltrate a church, become involved in the current activities, and with the tremendous influence of three “heavy hitters”, the news media, the entertainment industry, and the public school system, they are able to change public opinion within and outside the church walls to a favorable view of their lifestyle. In fact, the pervasive culture, as promoted through TV, movies, and internet, has already compromised some fundamental evangelical pastors and laymen through pornography, creating a an open door for the acceptance of homosexuality within the conservative churches.
At their present rate of progress in getting laws passed and influencing politicians, it will soon be illegal for a fundamental church to refuse the pastorate or Sunday school teacher position to a “qualified” homosexual, who will have the legal ability to successfully sue the church for damages, end up as the pastor, and may also own the Church assets. Consequently, the true believers will be forced to coexist with the evil of homosexuality, and
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other unbiblical practices, or leave the church and meet in individual homes, which by the way, is illegal today in some communities due to zoning laws. Likewise, it will be illegal for fundamental Seminaries and bible colleges to refuse a Professorship or teacher position to a “qualified” homosexual due to the forthcoming anti-discrimination laws based on “sexual orientation”.
It is only a matter of time till the homosexual community will start “picking off” the individual evangelical denominations because of their collective inane policy of remaining autonomous from each other.
This example is only one of many consequences that will develop due to the apathy, fear, and the unwillingness of the Fundamentals to unite.
Bible-believing God-fearing Christian men founded this nation with the blessing of God, and the fundamental Christians are the true spiritual progeny of these men, and bear a distinct responsibility to see that this nation continues as a honor to God. Beginning in the 1920s, the Christian community began an abdication of their political and national responsibilities to influence and guide the moral course of this nation. They cloistered themselves within their respective denominations, acquiesced their right of involvement, and are now presently living with the results of their folly.
And so it is today with the leadership of the fundamental churches. They are presently perpetuating and amplifying the mistakes of the past.

It has also become abundantly clear, that a conservative President and Congress have very little impact on the social and moral decline of this Nation, and are in fact, only a “speed-bump” on the way down,
The present day church leaders have the power to stop this slide into complete devastation. They control the pulpits and assets of the churches. It is their responsibility to unite and lead. It is their responsibility to develop tactics to counter the barbaric actions of the ungodly, and develop the political power to remove corrupt judges and politicians. The classic question begs…”If not them, who?, If not now, when?” If only they would be willing to “turn from their wicked ways” God would give them the wisdom, courage, and ability to lead.
It should be remembered that the underpinnings of this God-given nation is the Christian faith. If it is defeated, the nation will crumble. And this defeat will be the reprehensible legacy the current Christian leadership will leave to its’ immediate successors, children, grandchildren, and following generations.
Pete Ketcham
August 21, 2008

The really sad part is that I know Christians who get upset at any mention of “politics” from the pulpit. I certainly can find no scripture that prohibits “politics” being mentioned in a sermon, particularly if it is a warning to the flock. I tend to think that they are not upset with politics if it their brand of politics. That is an entirely different can of worms and opens up questions regarding “Liberal” Christians and their strange bedfellows..’

Eric Metaxas wrote a book a few years ago titled Letter To The American Church pointing out exactly what you described here.

Please look at an article on Substack by Warren Throckmorton in The Throckmorton Initiative on April 24, 2024 titled Eric Metaxas Still Using the Fake Bonhoeffer Quote.

“The time is now for Christians to speak up loudly and use their influence to show how much we love Christ and we will not put up with these evil progressive ideas.”


However, unless this is applied to all the progressives on both sides of the imaginary aisle – that is, to both species of Swamp Crocodiles (disguised as Donkeys and Elephants), the statement is hypocritical.

And, let’s not overlook, that the first progressives were the constitutional framers themselves, demonstrated in their rejection of the only immutable/unchanging standard to ever exist (the triune moral law of God) that they replaced with their own capricious/progressive Enlightenment and Masonic traditions as the law of the land.

Silence is not always golden, sometimes it’s just yellow – including silence regarding the biblically seditious Constitution, responsible for America’s suicidal trek to the precipice.

Worse is the promotion of same that, in turn, only helps is securing America’s demise at the “hands” of the United States of America, aka the biblically abominable Constitutional Republic.

For evidence that the Constitution is biblically seditious, , see free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective,” in which every Article and Amendment is examined by the Bible, at

Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page “Primer” of “BL vs. USC.”

Silent “Christians” will be the reason for our demise. All we can do is pray that there will be an awakening.


One of your best and most prescient articles.


We need a Great Awakening

Using a fake quote just is evil. Dietrich Bonhoeffer never said: “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

Eight years ago there was an article by Warren Throckmorton on August 25, 2016 titled The Popular Bonhoeffer Quote That Isn’t in Bonhoeffer’s Works. And if you look at Google Books you also will find in the 2019 The Oxford Handbook of Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Michael Mawson and Philip G. Ziegler on page 478 that ‘quote’ is dismissed.

The two words of comparison in your title were Evil and Good. When discussing Trump, we also need to remember three more words: Criminal, Defamer, and Fraud.

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