Bob's Words of Wisdom

Is there a Need for H1B visas?

For many years I have personally been opposed to H1B visas primarily because of the games that big corporations play using a system that is meant to be means to benefit our country’s economy and instead turn it into a way for them to make more profits with lower cost wages. Years ago, I wrote an article about how Hewlett Packard right here in Boise was firing long-term employees and hiring H1B individuals to fill their positions at a much lower cost. This method of improving corporate earnings by using lower-cost labor has been going on for way too long and it is time that the government addressed this problem. If I’m reading Mr. Musk, Ramaswamy and Trump correctly they understand that in certain industries Americans have not been able to fill important positions in technology and engineering where we have a shortage of talented potential employees in the future.

Musk himself is a former foreign student who initially gained U.S. work status by obtaining an H1B visa. Without him being given this opportunity would there even be a Tesla or a Space X which are leading their industries in innovation and new technologies they have brought to the U.S. ? Does this program need more attention as to who and why H1B’s are being hired by U.S. corporations? Well of course it does and that is not to say that U.S. corporations have not taken advantage of this visa program to enrich themselves to the detriment of their U.S. citizen employees. If this program were run properly it could greatly benefit the long-term goals of bringing much needed expertise in fields where there are shortages of skilled employees.

The H-1B visa program allows up to 65,000 highly skilled foreign workers annually and another 20,000 foreigners who obtained an advanced degree from a U.S. institution, to fill specialized roles in the U.S. workforce. Let’s put this into perspective by understanding that there is good immigration and bad immigration so let’s not throw out the baby with the bathwater. We need talented people to fill the slots in certain industries especially where we are competing with other countries. Competition is what makes the world go round and if you are not the top one or two in innovation and manufacturing quality product you will soon find out as you profits wane and your workforce leaves for greener pastures.

As a country we are competing with the world and have always excelled especially in technology as we have seen the Chinese steal our ideas and become the leaders in fields that we once owned. Please understand that China is not our friend and they have said very clearly that they want to be the dominant power in the world and will do whatever is necessary to obtain that goal. We have been playing economic Chinese Checkers for years as we gave China most favored nation status. It is now time to change that and follow Trump’s lead and bring manufacturing jobs and the innovation that goes with them back to the U.S. and if that means hiring some quality intellects under the H1B system from foreign countries I’m all for it. Keep in mind this is a program that needs to be monitored carefully so that the big corporations don’t once again try to game the system as they have for many years.

Christ Troupis Book

If you look at a recent U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics chart of new engineering roles vs available supply you might be surprised to find out that one in three engineering roles or 33% goes unfilled each year hurting the U.S. economy. Demand for engineers equipped with next-generation skills is surging while current training and reskilling methods are falling far behind. The U.S. will need an additional 400,000 engineers every year and failing to meet these goals will put us behind the eight ball when it comes to technological progress and being able to compete and continue U.S. economic dominance in the world. Even if we were successful in bringing in a total of 85,000 H1B engineers we will still need to fill 315,000 positions from our own schools. Should we give preference for U.S. citizens to fill these positions? The answer is yes but Trump is trying to jump start our economy and the need for qualified people may exceed our ability to satisfy industries appetite with home grown talent.

The talking heads are once again spewing out derogatory rhetoric in hopes of mounting opposition to Trump’s plans to remake American manufacturing the same way they tried to destroy his campaign for president with Lawfare. We need to stop with the negativity and start working toward the goal that we all want to be achieved. to Make America Great Again. It is time we tuned out the naysayers and tuned into successful entrepreneurs like Trump, Musk and Ramaswamy for new ideas of how to fix our country economically. If that means selectively using the H1B visas to enhance our progress and goals I for one say, “Let’s get on the Trump train and work with the people he has selected to be the leaders to rebuild America’s Economy”.

Biden and his army of idiots have done everything in their power to destroy our country and it is time for Americans to stand together and show these elitists that they are not the answer and on Jan. 20 will no longer be in charge. If anyone thinks it will be easy to rectify the problems caused by the current administration you are sadly mistaken as they have taken a wrecking ball to most of the America we love.

Let’s not worry so much about a few good foreigners who want to work that will be integrated into our country as they will be helping us make this country great again. Let’s instead turn our attention to and concentrate on how we will deport 10 million illegals who have caused untold damage to our once great cities with their criminal activities and the burdens they have put on our economy. We have spent untold billions to support these illegals with shelter, food, cellphones, healthcare and lord knows what else. This is as simple as “Out with the Bad and In with the Good”.

“We get the Government We Deserve.

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3 replies on “Is there a Need for H1B visas?”

Pause all immigration until the illegal’s have been deported. The Deportations can be accomplished at little to no cost: 1) bounties paid for every tip leading to a deportation. This can be paid for by savings on welfare (end it immediately for all illegals) and asset forfeiture right down to their cell phones. Ban wire transfers of money out of the country until the deportations have been accomplished. Fine and if necessary jail anyone employing or housing an illegal. Advertize this far and wide 60 days before implimentation.

Because at least since, “no child left behind”, (which I now wonder if what it meant was, we’ll hold the whole class back until the slowest person understands the concept), public schools have been turning out students waaaaay below grade level in every subject. Students’ time and taxpayers’ money is wasted teaching garbage like some “kendi”‘s UNPROVEABLE “crt” THEORY “dei, “sel”, “gender theories”etc,…………
So, naturally, American students are unprepared to do technical and engineering jobs our industries need done.
Until we have Americans who have spent their whole school career actually STUDYING “STEM” instead of just hearing administrators TALK about it, we’ll have to have foreigners doing the jobs for which public schools failed to prepare students.
We see the evidence that India and China weren’t wasting THEIR students’ time with “dei”, “crt”, and all the “gender” nonsense that consumed American students’ time.

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