There was lots of cheering this week as Governor Little signed a very minimal School Choice Bill. Let’s face it folks, the only reason he signed this bill is because Trump gave him kudos for our legislature getting this bill passed. To be sure, the teacher’s union and democrats are screaming that this is the end of public education as we know it and disaster is sure to follow.
We already know that the education scores for charter, private, religious, and home-schooled children are better than in the public sector, so what is the problem? One would think that having more private schools would be a benefit to the teachers as they would provide more job opportunities to choose from. This bill passed with a budget of $50 million which is infinitesimal when you look at our state’s education budget of $4.9 billion. The state’s school choice bill is allocating only $5,000 per student which means it will affect about 10,000 of the over 300,000 children currently enrolled in the public system. The interesting thing about this bill is it is saving about $8,000 for every student that drops out of the public system which currently costs $13,000 a year for each enrolled student. That works out to a savings of $80 million dollars. Those who are complaining sound a lot like the democrats screaming about the DOGE cuts being made by Elon Musk for people on social security that are over 150 years old. I give our legislators 4 thumbs up for getting this bill across the finish line and signed into law. For those who are upset well that’s just too bad as elections have consequences.
In my podcast this week with Idaho Freedom Foundation President Ron Nate, we discussed Senate Bill 1048 which came out of a special legislative session that would put the kibosh on DEI in our schools and colleges. It was Senator Guthrie the committee chairman who took it upon himself to decide he didn’t want a hearing on this bill because he had an alternative bill that was less forceful after talking with BSU officials. This of course is the same senator Guthrie who has presented legislation several times to permit illegals to obtain Idaho drivers licenses. You have to ask yourself why he is listening to BSU officials after their disastrous loss of the law suite that cost taxpayers $4 million dollars for discrimination against a coffee shop. Oh, and by the way BSU is planning to spend more of your tax dollars by challenging this $4 million judgement. You can’t make this stuff up.
Speaking of making up, it was a very interesting week on the national scene as President Trump who has been trying to bring an end to this Ukraine, Russia war was disrespected in an Oval Office meeting by none other than money bags Volodymyr Zelinsky. This is the same guy who was a former stand-up comedian before being elected the leader of Ukraine. I must say that his performance with President Trump was not a bit funny and no one was laughing when he was asked to leave the Whitehouse. If not for the U.S. supplying his country with 200 billion plus in military arms Ukrainians would more than likely be singing the Russian anthem and drinking a lot of Russian vodka today. Zelensky also has memory problem as he has said that he can’t account for over $100 million in aid the U.S. has sent Ukraine for the war.
We are finally seeing our country heading in the right direction and the democrats are going bonkers without any real leadership and watching their liberal NGOs that supplied them with taxpayer money go broke as Elon takes away the taxpayers Piggy Bank. To be sure we are now heading in the right direction but the legacy media continues with their same old diatribe of Trump is a fascist and how the billionaires like Musk are stealing millions from our government. This is all happening as Elon finds more corruption than most Americans ever dreamt of. Like it or not President Trump is keeping all of his campaign promises and the democrats are sinking in their own home-made political cesspool of radical leftist ideas.
While Elon is cutting the fat out of our bureaucracy Idaho is once again looking like it will be expanding its budget this year. The big question will be how much of the 42% of federal funds we currently receive will be cut by DOGE and how will that funding be made up. Idaho has a spending problem and as much as our conservative legislators are trying to address that problem Governor Little and his colleagues are once again looking to expand Idaho’s budget and bureaucracy. We only have this month to go before the legislative session is over and while it looks like we have made some progress we are still spending too much money on 189 state agencies and sub agencies, which most of us have no idea what they do. Primaries are coming up and the 2026 elections are right around the corner so make sure you take a good look at the Idaho Freedom Foundations voting scorecard to see how your legislators have voted in this session. Remember you need know who your legislators are and if they are doing a good job of representing you and your values. You can look up their scorecards by going to the following site for their voting records. Click Here:
Remember: “We Get the Government We Deserve”.
5 replies on “Is Idaho and our Country Heading in the Right Direction?”
Even the democrat’s should be ashamed of their own hypocrisy. All that screaming about “choice” and “democracy” fall away very quickly when it negatively affects their little agenda’s. If you rally love your children you will find a way to get them out of the public schools.
I believe it’s time for a “Republican” Governor and a “Republican” Mayor. People who claim they are republicans and prove they are not, need to be removed as soon as they come up for election. They neither believe in a constitutional republic nor checks and balances. They want all power to the Party. The people have spoken at the last election! Now states need to clean up their acts and eliminate waste. It’s time for an investigation to find out why it isn’t being done to the “fullest.” I don’t care what side you’re are on, people are tired of cover-ups and being lied to.
If Idaho can’t, (keep Dems from primary voting), or won’t elect a true conservative Republican governor, our state will be CA soon
Trumps and Elon’s DOGE is not new. In fact, it’s bomb proof only under a different name.To fight it would take an act of congress to create all new laws. Reason being is the whole thing was passed into law by Obama! So Trump and Elon are simply going on existing law! Nothing the dems or courts can do about it. An absolute stroke of genius by Trump backed by the US Military just in case. Folks this was all planned out long ago.
NEA, Trojan Horse in the American
NEA, Trojan Horse in American Education should be required reading for anyone having anything to do with government schools, , including parents. A complete history of the Socialist influence since early 1800s.
One Nation Under Blackmail, both volumes, Whitney Webb, author.
All politics are temporary, unlike Jesus Christ, The Eternal.