Bob's Words of Wisdom

Is Hope and Joy the same as Hope and Change?

The first question that comes to mind when I listen to Kamala talk is are the American people that gullible? Well this question will be answered on November 5th as we go to the polls to elect our next president of the United States. Why have so many been sucked in by Kamala’s Hope and Joy and what does it mean? It reminds me of Obama’s slogan of Hope and Change and we all know how that turned out as Barrack did a world tour and apologized to the world for America.

Obama was the knife that sliced America in half and created the divisive societal conflicts we are now dealing with. In just eight short years he drove a huge wedge throughout our country with the help of the liberal and social media. These people are hell-bent on turning America into a Socialist country where the only ones who have any rights are the liberal elitists. They have complete disdain for our constitution and believe it is a living instrument that should be changed regularly to fit their newest philosophy. This change that Obama brought to our country was something that the left had been working on for the past 60 years.

We always seem to be talking about the left and why they are trying to change our country but does anyone ever take the time to understand how or why the left actually became the changemakers of today’s America. I continually roll over this conundrum in my mind and keep coming up with the same answer that it was not an accident how the left was born. I’m going to go back to something I have written about in a previous article discussing the defection of a former Soviet KGB agent. His name is Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov who claimed in a 1984 interview that Russia has a long-term goal of subverting the U.S. ideologically through our public education system. The Russians believe it is “a slow process which we call either ideological subversion, active measures, or psychological warfare.” The first stage to bring about this change is demoralization which takes 15 to 20 years educating one generation of students to change how they think. This was the beginning of the ultimate long-term plan to defeat America through psychological warfare. Weather this was a Russian plan or not will probably never be known as a certainty but I believe in actuality this is how our country has been attacked and changed from within. Our public education system was the rudimentary beginning of this plan to destroy our Republic.

I clearly remember the sixties with the hippies experimenting with drugs as they were being sold as something you just had to try or you couldn’t be a part of the new age of freedom. It was a time that young people wanted to be free spirits and shed the shackles of societal schisms imposed by their parents and our religious organizations. This was the beginning of an ideological subversion which was taught through our public education system and further reinforced in our higher learning institutions. It was a time when religious values were being tossed aside as church attendance began its ultimate decline while Prayer was taken out of our schools and morality began to decline with SOCTUS s decision on Roe v Wade. Thus the first stage of reeducating our children began by changing their thought process that brought about a rebellion to our culture. Some claim this generation was already “contaminated” by Marxist-Leninist values. Although at first I found this hard to believe but when I look back at the leftist attitudes of baby boomers like my brother, sister and my current wife who are all well educated with college degrees it certainly gives me pause to see this point of view.. By the way I know for a fact that all three of them voted for Obama twice. Even during my career on Wall Street, I found that most of my partners and associates were liberal elitists and democrats. As for myself, I have always been a rock-solid conservative and I credit that to being in the military and going to college at night. For some reason, the professors who taught at night were only interested in teaching their subject matter at hand and going home early unlike the tenured daytime professors who began the radicalization process daily with their liberal lectures.

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It is the boomers of the 60’s and 70’s who became the growing number of elitists filling top spots in major corporations and bureaucratic positions in our government hierarchy in the 80’s and 90’s. This 40-year period from the sixties to the nineties was also the time where we saw the huge consolidation of media companies that are now run by the lefty elitists many of whom are former baby boomers. Once this group of boomers were in control, they further increased their influence on our education system both at a local and federal level. This led to the polarization and grooming the next generation of liberals who have already come of age and are influencing how our country is run by their votes. Because of this radical educational shift, we have now become a society of polarized tribes, with some people flat out rejecting facts in favor of narratives and opinions. Most of us would refer to this as the new age of misinformation.

We have allowed the destabilization of our country through our own education system by not paying attention as to what our children were being taught and who was educating them. It began with an end of parent teacher meetings, the election of liberally minded directors of our Boards of Education and parents who thought our schools were day care centers. I often ask parents who complain about what their children are being taught, “When was the last time you went to a Board of Education meeting?” Nine out of ten times they can’t or won’t give me an answer and it is no different when I ask them who their state representatives are because they don’t know. If people were honest, they would realize that we are in this political pickle because we never paid attention to the things that should have been important in our lives. Freedom isn’t free and you have to work at it if you want to preserve it.

It is in the last 30 years that we have seen the fruition of this devious plan of destabilization as the left has attacked the essential structural elements and don’t think for a minute that Obama was not in the forefront of this change. We need only look at the state of our economy, foreign relations, and defense systems not to mention the destabilizing force of having 10 million illegals pushing our social services to the limit while criminal activity expands dramatically especially in our sanctuary cities. All this is happing while our liberal leaders are telling us that “all is well”. We have been at war or supporting wars for other countries for the past 25 years. The only time I can remember that we were not actually at war or supporting a war was during the four years Trump was our President. He was the one off who threw a monkey wrench into the grand plans of the liberal elitists and war-mongering Neocons who are responsible for bringing our country to its knees. The third stage of our Russian Defector Bezmenov prediction was there would be a crisis. He said it would only take up to six weeks to send a country into this crisis, He claimed that it would bring about a violent change in power, structure and economy followed by a final stage of normalization when our country is basically taken over, living under a new ideology and reality. Bezmenov further said this will happen to America unless we got rid of the people who would bring us to this crisis stage. He also said, “If the people fail to grasp the impending danger of this development, nothing can help them or the United States,” adding, “You may kiss goodbye to your freedoms.” Keep in mind that when he made this statement in 1984 he was warning about baby boomers and Democrats of the time.

We have been the victims of our own system of education for the past 60 years, the same education system that we pay for with our tax dollars but have seldom gotten involved in. The die has not yet been cast and we still have the ability to change our future however much depends on the outcome of this presidential election. I ask you how many times must the whistle blow warning us that there is a train coming and we must get off the tracks. It is time for Americans to wake up and make sure that Trump is elected on November 5th or the age of Obama will once again take over our lives and this great experiment will meet its demise along with all the freedoms it has brought us.


We Get the Government We Deserve!

1.) Many of the comments in this article were taken from a Big Think story first published by Big Think in July 2018. It was updated in January 2023. If you are interested in reading the article in its entirety you can do it here:

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7 replies on “Is Hope and Joy the same as Hope and Change?”

Great recap. To get deeper into this “fundamental transformation” look up Theodor Adorno, the Italian communist who wrote the Prison Notebook with his plans for cultural implementation of communism. Herbert Marcuse follwed these steps up in America starting with our universities and like minded people here at the time. Others from the Frankfurt School like Max Horkheimer, Eric Fromm, Georg Lukacs and even up to Angela Davis poisoned our society creating the New Left and using race and gender as the new victim class replacing the Marxist class struggle with workers of the world uniting. This has lead us right up to community organizers like Barack Hussein Obama and elitists like the Clintons. Our leftist infatuations, after the fall of the Soviet regime, looked at Mao and his cultural revolution that was reinvigorated in 1966 after their recognition that the 1949 Soviet style revolution would not work. Pat Buchanan dedicates a few chapters to this smut in his books Suicide Of A Superpower and also Death Of The West. What we need is more leaders exposing this subversive and subtle movement for what it is. I’ll stick with Milton Friedman and the Austrian School.

A “great recap/” How? The subversion that you refer to is quite the opposite, unless you believe that Trump is seeking to transform us into a socialist society. And by the way, I’ve not heard of a single far right adherent attempt to define “socialism.” Unless you can show me which of our elected officials advocates that the federal government take over private business, then I submit to you that the fear you express is fascism, where private industry does the government’s bidding.
Did pubic education fail you, or was it sectarian?

With the current invasion of of nation through the southern border, it may already be to late to bring the nation back to it’s constitutional roots.


This dangerous wishful thinking despite 230-plus years of election history proving that regardless whether a Donkey or Elephant gets elected, America only advances further along on her suicidal trek to America.

Elections *might* provide a man that helps America in the short term, but they will *never* provide someone who will help stop America’s advance to the precipice. Perhaps it’s time to start looking for an alternative solution, if not for ourselves, then for our posterity.

So are you dizzy or and waking up to the fact that you’ve been played like a fiddle?

Round and round and round and round again (incessantly) goes the Constitutional Republic’s election merry-go-round, providing both species of Crocodiles (disguised as Donkeys and Elephants) their turn at the helm, to undo whatever was accomplished by the previous administration.

And the only direction it travels is round and round and round and round again (incessantly). It never changes and yet, tragically, every two and four years Americans clamor for their alleged voting rights to elect another nincompoop, scoundrel, incompetent, immoral reprobate, or outright criminal to rule over them.

Time to get off the Constitutional Republic’s biblically egregious election carousel. God has better plan!

The very best the Constitutional Republic’s election system can ever produce is the lesser of two evils. Sometimes, the worst of the worst. And always, the evil of two lessers.

The Bible’s election system provides the best of the best of two or more biblically qualified candidates, every single time.

For more, see blog article “Constitutional Elections: Dining at the ‘Devil’s Table,'” at

For how the Bible’s election system operates, see blog article “Salvation by Election” at Don’t be fooled by the title.

Good points Bob. Your utilization of news contacts like the Gem State Patriot are the only credible method of getting verifiable news to the intelligent U.S. It is a pathetic educational situation that developed the U.S. citizen’s ignorance during the last 60 years. Sadly, it is entrenched in our government today and this will not end peacefully.

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