Gem State Patriot TV News

Interview with Dr. Vicki Wooll and Adams County Commissioner Viki Purdy

What’s happening in Idaho?

What are the real numbers?

We answer these and other important questions about your health, liberty, and future in our interview with Dr. Vicki Wooll and Adams County Commissioner Viki Purdy.

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2 replies on “Interview with Dr. Vicki Wooll and Adams County Commissioner Viki Purdy”

IDAHO was the FIRST state to ban hydroxchloroquine. WHO is KATHRYN TURNER? Submitting and presenting author of the CSTE (Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists) position paper April 14 that lists all the new and UNIQUE regulations for reporting Covid deaths (as opposed to using 2 CDC manuals which have been used to determine cause of death from ALL other causes since 2003). This position paper introduced contact tracing by non medical personnel, ‘probable’ Covid conditions (including a cough), stating the worst of the fatalities occur in over 60’s with comorbid conditions and is mild in children. She is the principal author. Five contributors are directly listed as employees of the CDC. She is Deputy State Epidemiologist for IDAHO Health and Welfare, 208-334-5939, There is only a week left to obtain signatures for the recall of Governor Little. Instead of protecting Idaho, he has sold us down the river. It is way past time to remove him from office. So I ask again, WHO is KATHRYN TURNER? Indeed, WHO is GOVERNOR LITTLE? It is time for Idaho to clean up its own backyard.

Bob and Ladies,

Thank you, thank you! So glad to hear Dr. Wooll talk about her experience in Venezuela and confirm what I
have learned from other sources. Yes, the almighty dollar and control is at the bottom of this cesspool of lies we’ve been told. Hydroxychloroquin(sp) is cheap, hence it is not a ‘money-maker’ for ‘big pharma’! Very disturbing to see our governor pass the buck to the CDHD. Very glad to hear “boost the immune system”. I do and have been saying that to everyone who even brings up the virus issue since it began it’s attack on us. Next, Get the kids back in school!!!

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