John Livingston

If You Don’t Kill the King

Pyrrhus was a Greek King and General of the Hellenistic period. He was one of the strongest opponents of ancient Rome and ranked with Alexander The Great and Hannibal as a Great Leader and General.

He fought a series of three great battles against the mighty Roman Legions from 289-275 B. C. and defeated Rome decisively on all three occasions—but with a great price. Because he was fighting on foreign soil with extended lines of supply and because by the third great battle he had lost over two thirds of his men—even as they were capturing Roman equipment, he made the famous statement after winning the battle of Asculum—”If we are victorious in one more battle with the Romans we shall be utterly ruined”

The Republican progressive liberal wing is fast approaching their “Asculum”. Since the early 2000’s they have been winning battles with money and support from large corporations and a legion of lobbyists. Everyday citizens—especially in the more rural conservative parts of the State of Idaho have been unable to compete for influence with legislators whose favor is continually courted with campaign contributions, fancy lunches at The Arid Club, and paid entre to the Governor’s Cup. As the money is always increasing their foot soldiers that actually do battle at the ground level are being consumed. Some of the Generals are being defeated either in open battle or with asymmetric guerrilla tactics—think Pro Temp Winder and our Lt. Governor Bedke. If these establishment types win too many more battles they will surely be ruined.

The conservative money bundlers must also be very careful as they except increasing amounts of out-of-state money and as they focus their attacks on individual legislators who may not pass a certain litmus test of loyalty. We need to win the war and not just a few “primary skirmishes”. And remember if you “don’t take down the king the king will take down you.” If these “conservative “PACS keep taking increasing amounts of out of State money, they themselves may soon “be ruined” along with the Idaho Republican Party.

Christ Troupis Book

I drove out to Star last Saturday to see if I could put out some fliers for Mike Moyle. They didn’t need my help, but as I drove around the neighborhood, IF I saw an Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) employee on a bicycle handing out fliers for his opponent—I was told later who and what he was doing. It seems his issues with Mike had become personal—breaking the first rule of politics and gaining nothing for the conservative cause.

Mike Moyle is a conservative, small government, pro-life, pro-gun, pro low taxes guy. I supported him 100%. He was not a bully like Mr. Winder nor did he try to court favor with the Governor like Senator Winder. If I were he I would not let (IFF) through my door or have any access to me for the next session. They will certainly need him more than he will ever need them. IFF—start thinking strategically please.

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