
Idaho’s Path to Educational Freedom: Inside the School Choice Debate

A Conversation with Ron Nate, IFF President, & Tea Party Bob


Podcast Notes by Bob Neugebauer

The Gold Standard Proposal

As multiple states across the nation embrace educational reform through school choice initiatives, Idaho finds itself at a crossroads with House Bill 1 leading the charge. Sponsored by Representative Clint Hostetler, the bill would offer refundable tax credits of up to $9,500 per child for non-public education expenses. Ron Nate, president of the Idaho Freedom Foundation, describes it as the “gold standard” of school choice legislation, noting, “If adopted, no other state would have school choice that comes anywhere close to what Idaho is doing.”

The tax credit system would allow families to deduct education expenses from their state taxes, with refunds available if their tax liability is less than their educational spending. While the maximum credit is $9,500, families would only receive credit for their actual expenses. This approach could generate savings for the state, as Idaho currently spends approximately $13,000 per student when combining state, local, and federal funding.

Christ Troupis Book

Competing Visions

Two alternative proposals have emerged in the legislature, offering more restricted approaches to school choice. Representatives Wendy Horman and Lori den Hartog have introduced a $5,000 tax credit program that excludes homeschoolers and initially restricts eligibility to families below 300% of the poverty level. Senator Dave Lent’s proposal offers a $5,000 grant program with strict regulations and means testing, serving only 10,000 students over five years.

Critics argue these alternatives could potentially increase government control over private education. “It’s just big government under the guise of school choice,” Nate says of Lent’s proposal, pointing to its extensive regulations and reporting requirements that could lead to greater oversight of private schools and homeschooling families.

Federal Funding and Innovation

The debate intersects with broader questions about Idaho’s educational funding structure. The state currently receives significant federal education funding, but this comes with strings attached, including curriculum requirements and standardized testing mandates. These federal requirements often cost more to implement than the funding they provide, according to Nate.

Innovation within the current system has shown promise, as evidenced by the Idaho Learning Academy in Oneida County, which serves nearly 8,000 students statewide through remote learning. This success suggests alternative models can work effectively when given the opportunity to develop.

National Context and Future Implications

Idaho’s push for school choice reflects a growing national trend, with states like West Virginia, Florida, Arizona, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Arkansas already adopting similar programs. “The private sector supplying something usually does a superior job at a lower cost and with more freedom,” Nate argues. “School choice would be great for kids, great for families, great for your tax dollar. It’ll be good for public schools too because they learn from this. They get better at it.”

As the legislative session progresses, the fate of school choice in Idaho remains uncertain, though Nate expresses optimism. “School choice is going to happen this session,” he predicts. “We just want to make sure it’s not school choice light, but school choice robust.” The ultimate challenge lies in balancing educational freedom with practical implementation concerns, while ensuring any approved program truly serves the interests of Idaho’s students and families rather than merely expanding bureaucratic oversight under a different name.


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