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How Idaho’s GOP is Shaping the State’s Future

The Idaho legislature is buzzing with activity, the passionate discourse among Idaho legislators and those testifying on this year’s session is palpable.

The Idaho Republican Party hit the ground running this week delivering several Bills committed to reducing government spending and protecting traditional Idaho values. This impactful legislation is receiving solid public support with insightful testimony. Here’s a look at some of the legislation currently making its way through the process that is shaping Idaho’s future.

House Bill 138, now awaiting final deliberation in the House, is proposed legislation that safeguards Idaho’s Medicaid program. Ensuring its sustainability by prioritizing resources for needy populations and promoting fairness and accountability. It establishes conditions for Medicaid eligibility for able-bodied adults, and aligns the program with principles of self-sufficiency, fiscal responsibility, and integrity. This legislation will create significant savings for Idaho. The State could realize savings estimated to be between $109 and $163 million, that’s a big win for Idahoans.

House Bill 96, currently under consideration in the House, parallels the Idaho Republican Party’s Winter Meeting flag resolution. The proposed legislation seeks to amend current law, to specify the types of flags government entities are permitted to display on public property. These flags include the official United States national flag, as well as those representing government entities, individual states, U.S. military branches, POW/MIA, and Native American tribes. This Bill emphasizes the respect associated with official flags and reflects Idaho’s commitment to honor core values of our state and nation.

House Bill 98 is on its way to the Senate after passing the House with a 40 to 29 vote. This legislation prohibits public officials from using school district funds, personnel, or other resources to support teachers’ unions. This Bill would eliminate teacher’s union reimbursements for the time teachers spend on union-related activities during school work hours. 

Idaho Republicans are shaping the state’s future bringing positive legislation to reduce government spending and strengthen traditional Idaho values. Idaho’s Republican platform remains committed to faith, family, and freedom, as we continue to work to protect our fundamental beliefs that have and will ensure a brighter future for generations to come.

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One reply on “How Idaho’s GOP is Shaping the State’s Future”

Interesting to me none of the party officials ever mention that part of the R platform referring to opposing Agenda 21.

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