
Hold the President Accountable to the Constitution

Reprinted with Permission of The John Birch Society

Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) introduced a bill to help hold the president accountable to the Constitution.

Congressman Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) has introduced House Resolution 198 on April 13, 2015 in an effort to rein in an increasingly out-of-control executive branch. This resolution specifically defines “impeachable offenses” as everything from starting a war without congressional authorization to issuing executive orders purporting to circumvent Congress.

You can read the details about this new resolution in Congress Considers Defining Decrees, Wars as Impeachable Crimes,” by Alex Newman and posted at on April 14.

According to Newman’s article:

All Americans alarmed about the growing executive-branch lawlessness being tolerated and even funded by Congress ought to support the measure to define impeachable offenses. It may not fix all problems, but it could go a long way toward forcing lawmakers to uphold their oaths of office and hold the president accountable for violating his own oath to the Constitution regardless of party label.

If you agree that President Obama and his successors must be held accountable to the Constitution, please help create awareness of and support for Rep. Yoho’s resolution by phoning your representative in Congress now. Tell him or her to help hold President Obama and his successors accountable to the Constitution by cosponsoring and otherwise supporting House Resolution 198. Click here for the phone numbers of your representative’s Washington, D.C. office and district offices.

We’re emphasizing phone calls over emails because several representatives have recently advised us that phone calls are by far the most effective way to get their attention and influence them.

However, in addition to phoning your representative, please send an email on this issue for some additional impact.

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