Bob's Words of Wisdom

Hate Evil, Love Good, and Establish Justice

After listening to my pastor’s sermon this morning on the Book of Amos it made me think of where we are in the world today. More than almost any other book of Scripture, the book of Amos holds God’s people accountable for their ill-treatment of others. It repeatedly points out the failure of the people to fully embrace God’s idea of justice. They were selling off needy people for goods, taking advantage of the helpless, oppressing the poor, as men were using women immorally (Amos 2:6–8; 3:10; 4:1; 5:11–12; 8:4–6). Drunk on their own economic success and intent on strengthening their financial position, the people had lost the concept of caring for one another; Amos rebuked them because he saw in that lifestyle evidence that Israel had forgotten God.

Could it be that many Americans have forgotten God?

I see many similarities in today’s world. Take a step back and look around you as you can see clearly that too many Americans have lost their way. Sometimes I believe we are in a war of good vs evil that seems to get worse by the day. We have all become pawns in a war against the left and the bureaucratic elitists as we get closer to this tenacious election as the rhetoric gets louder and hatred becomes the order of the day. We are so diametrically divided politically that we are even seeing families at odds and fighting with each other. Many of our political leaders have forgotten that God is still in charge but continue to act as if they are the ones running things. Today we live in an ABC culture “Anything But Christ”. If you pull out a bible and quote from it you’re going to be cancelled and opposed. They want us to be quiet and keep our opinions to ourselves well that is not going to happen as more and more Christians are standing up to be counted. We have been quiet for far too long and we are learning that if we are united we can take our country back to how our forefathers meant it to be.

We all have our opinions but it seems today that if you don’t have the same opinion as the left you don’t get to have an opinion. We all have a world view some have a biblical world view and some a secular world view but too many times our worldview is based on our emotions “I feel this or I Think that” which in my opinion is not good reasoning. God has given us instructions to live by. We have God’s word in the Bible where in Genesis God creates the heaven and the earth and also Adam and Eve which becomes the first family. (Genesis 2:4-3:24) The family is the very foundation of our culture and the existence of our society is contingent on the success of the family. If we look at the societal ills of our country today most of them are a result of the breakdown of the family. We spend billions of dollars on our problems and they just get worse. Many believe that a breakdown of the family is the real problem and is even greater than drug addiction and homelessness as less of our youth are involved in Christian beliefs or regularly attend church.

Christ Troupis Book

We all know we have a homeless problem and we are not talking about those who are here illegally. We spend billions of dollars fighting homelessness but indeed the facts here are interesting. Ninety-five percent of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes as are 71% of high school dropouts and 85% of all youths sitting in prison. Sixty-eight percent of children from fatherless homes are more likely to use drugs or alcohol. More shocking is that fatherless daughters are 111% more likely to have children as teens and 164% more likely to have an out-of-wedlock birth. In 2020 the number of births out of wedlock in the United States was 40 1/2% of all births and that number has been growing steadily. Not too long ago out of wedlock births were taboo but they have been growing steadily as promiscuity has become the order of the day. It should also be noted that in 2019 36% of our young adults aged 18-34 who attended church twice a month has since fallen to 26%. Does anyone see a pattern here? This cycle continues to repeat itself because of the breakdown of the family. At the same time we are seeing this increase in out-of-wedlock births we are also being told that there were over 1 million abortions in 2023 as medication abortions rose to 63%. This is the highest number of abortions since 2012. It should be clear that SCOTUS’s elimination of Roe v Wade has done nothing to slow down the number of abortions being performed.

It is obvious that the morals of Americans have changed as there is a movement underway today to redefine marriage and the family. We see more same-sex marriages as homosexuality gains momentum, especially among young people. We see gay pride days at our schools, even a gay pride month, and in some of our more liberal state capitals, they’re flying the rainbow flag and having gay pride parades. If you’re wondering just how big our gay population is according to a recent Gallop Poll, 7.6% of U.S. adults identify as LGBTQ up from 5.6% four years ago. What is even more interesting is that 9.8% of millennials identify as gay while in 2012, less than six percent of respondents from the same generation said the same. About 20% of Americans are Gen Z and 20% of Generation Z identify as gay or bisexual. So what is happening with our young people who may be the leaders of tomorrow?

In a recent Gallop Poll, 68% of Americans identify as Christians. We are the majority yet we are being challenged more than ever before by the media and bureaucrats running our country. They continue to try and tear down the nuclear family which has been the foundation of America for 248 years. Our current leaders cheer on and foster LGBTQ acceptability along with their DEI movement and if we challenge them, we are labeled racists. This is even though the quality of our government officials and even corporate managers who have been hired using DEI has been deteriorating for the past 16 years ever since Obama came on the scene. It is clear to me that the left has been working hard to tear down the moral and ethical character of our children for decades and they are now seeing the fruits of their labor. We have become the antithesis of what are forefathers wanted for this country. It is high time we turned things around beginning with this very important election on November 5th. If you don’t vote some say this could be our last election.

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7 replies on “Hate Evil, Love Good, and Establish Justice”

A government that has a legislature writing the laws of man instead of following the laws of God is an ungodly institution.

Our country displays all the symptons of every empire on earth that has failed and collapsed. You might look up Sir John Glubb comment on failing empires and mostly bypassing G-d’s word.

“…’They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.’ (Titus 1:16)

“The absence of any mention of Yahweh will always dog those who desperately want to make the Constitution either Biblical or Christian:

‘The revolutionary generation had customarily adorned its formative political documents with references to God. …But when Americans, acting as We the People in the Constitution’s preamble, invented the United States of America, they chose not to clothe their act of political creation in the language of faith. …[T]hey breathed not a syllable of piety. This fact did not go unnoticed by some citizens, who complained bitterly about the absence of any reference to God in the Constitution.’70

“How can a document that snubs the God of the Bible be Biblical? How can a document that ignores Christ be Christian?

‘That no notice whatever should be taken of that God who planteth a nation and plucketh it up at his pleasure, is an omission which no pretext whatever can palliate. Had such a momentous business been transacted by Mahometans, they would have begun, “In the name of God.” Even the savages whom we despise, setting a better example, would have paid some homage to the Great Spirit. But, from the Constitution of the United States, it is impossible to ascertain what God we worship; or whether we own a God at all….’71

‘When the war [for Independence] was over and the victory over our enemies won, and the blessings and happiness of liberty and peace were secured, the Constitution was framed and God was neglected. He was not merely forgotten. He was absolutely voted out of the Constitution. The proceedings, as published by [Charles] Thomson the secretary [of the Continental Congress between 1774 and 1789], and the history of the day, show that the question was gravely debated whether God should be in the Constitution or not, and after a solemn debate he was deliberately voted out of it….’72

Although it is true that four or five weeks into the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin proposed ‘prayers imploring the assistance of heaven, and its blessing upon our deliberations, be held in this assembly,’73 his proposal did not even merit a vote.74 Franklin wrote, ‘The Convention, except three or four persons, thought prayers unnecessary.’75 This alone is an abomination to Yahweh:

‘…I will cut off … them that are turned back from YHWH; and those that have not sought YHWH, nor inquired for him.’ (Zephaniah 1:4-6)….

‘It is said that, after the convention had adjourned, Rev. Dr. Miller, a distinguished professor in Princeton College, met Alexander Hamilton in the streets of Philadelphia, and said, “Mr. Hamilton, we are greatly grieved that the Constitution has no recognition of God or the Christian religion.” “I declare,” said Hamilton, “we forgot it!”’81

“Hamilton and the other framers should have considered the following admonition:

‘Beware that thou forget not YHWH thy God, in not keeping his commandments, and his judgments, and his statutes…. Lest when thou hast eaten and art full, and hast built goodly houses, and dwelt therein; and when thy herds and thy flocks multiply, and thy silver and thy gold is multiplied, and all that thou hast is multiplied; then thine heart be lifted up, and thou forget YHWH thy God…. And thou say in thine heart, My power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth. But thou shalt remember YHWH thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. And it shall be, if thou do at all forget YHWH thy God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish.’ (Deuteronomy 8:11-19)

“To forget Yahweh is to forget His law, with consequences equally calamitous:

‘My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee … seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.’ (Hosea 4:6)….”

For more, see Chapter 3 “The Preamble: We the People vs. Yahweh” of free online book “Bible Law vs, the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at

Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page “Primer” of “BL vs. USC.”

“…According to Habakkuk 1:7, not only did the Chaldeans’ authority originate with themselves, but so did their justice. And so does the justice of We the People. “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice….” What an audacious assertion. Only Yahweh is just, and only He can establish justice:

‘Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy [Yahweh’s] throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face.’ (Psalm 89:14)

“In a lecture entitled The Common Law, Constitutional Attorney Herb Titus claimed that the Preamble’s assertion that WE THE PEOPLE established justice did not authorize “the national government to define justice.”57 However, because the Constitution never declares Yahweh’s law the standard for determining justice, the definition of justice has always been left to the federal and state governments. Instead of confirming the justice inherent in Yahweh’s morality and already established in His perfect law, the framers’ declaration implies that justice had yet to be established. This (and other numerous confirmations throughout the Constitution) reveals they preferred their own justice to the justice of Yahweh.

“Anytime autonomous man attempts to establish justice outside Yahweh’s moral laws, the result is always injustice. In Isaiah 5:20, this transposition is depicted as calling good evil and evil good. The word “autonomous” comes from two Greek words: auto meaning self and nomos meaning law. The word, which literally means “self-law,” is just another way of describing humanism and, in this instance, constitutionalism….”

For more, see Chapter 3 “The Preamble: We the People vs. Yahweh” of free online book “Bible Law vs, the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at

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