Bob's Words of Wisdom

Hail, Kamala, Queen of the Libs

We have finally been introduced to our newly anointed Democratic Presidential nominee who got this new position because the big players in the Democratic party figured out that it would be impossible for Joe Biden to win against Trump. What took place was a literal coup d’etat by Barrack Obama and his gang to make sure the democrats had at least a chance to beat Trump in November. Anyone who thinks otherwise is only fooling themselves this was a takeover of our government most likely directed by Obama with the help of Biden’s advisors.

The whole world knew after the debate with Trump that Biden was incapable of being president for a second term but why did they let him stay at the helm for the next 6 months? More than likely Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer politely told Biden you either give up the nomination or we will invoke Article 25 of the constitution and force you out. To be sure they offered Biden and his family some very substantial compensation for doing this and they accepted the deal because they had no choice. They also allowed him to keep his title as president so he could finish his term but only if he did what he was told.

The American people have been fooled for the past 3 ½ years into thinking we had a president who was cognitively stable running our country. In reality, he was no more than a puppet for the democratic hierarchy. While Biden has always been left of center many of the things he has done would put him in the Bernie Sanders category. They pulled the strings and he signed the executive orders. Too many Americans were fooled during the 2020 election by the Corporate Media’s lies.

In essence, we are living in a Déjà vuWorld War II Germany when you had Joseph Goebbels running the propaganda machine. With the exception of a few conservative national TV stations and a smattering of radio stations Americans are limited as to where they can get the truth anymore. It should make you wonder if we are any smarter today than when Joe was elected. My guess is that some of us are but there is still that group who believe every piece of garbage that is put out by CNN or MSNBC. Once again in the words of Vivek Ramaswamy, we are engaging in a battle with a machine, not a candidate.

Christ Troupis Book

These people are so desperate to hold on to power that they are willing to do or say anything that will get them over the finish line. We even saw an attempt on President Trump’s life at the Butler Pennsylvania rally and we still have virtually no answers to the many questions as to why this happened. It appears on the surface that it was a complete breakdown of communications between local law enforcement and the Secret Service but the more we find out the less plausible this scenario is. I can still remember when Kennedy was shot and we still don’t know the full story about why and how that happened over 60 years ago as the files are still under lock and key. Don’t expect any serious revelations from any of our three-letter agencies who we depend on for our safety because so far no one wants to talk about this assassination attempt except to say it is under investigation. What we do know is that the system of protection failed and the only one who has answered for this to date is Kimberly Cheatle the former head of the Secret Service with her resignation.

Ok so now Kamala is in and Joe is out but how will this change the election? Well we all know that Kamala is much further to the left than even Joe Biden and maybe even Bernie Sanders so how is she going to win the election with her background. Simply stated she has the complete corporation of the liberal corporate media propaganda machine which has already begun to rewrite her history. Even GovTrack has retracted its rating that had Harris as the most liberal senator in 2019 after Biden dropped out of the race. By now the liberal media has scrubbed many of Kamala’s problems so she might at least look like a respectable leftist candidate. But let’s look at who Kamala really is.

  1. She lied for 3 ½ years about Joe Biden’s cognition and his viability as president.
  2. She wants to get rid of the filibuster.
  3. She will ban Fracking
  4. Stop all offshore drilling.
  5. Will not treat illegal aliens as criminals but will provide them with healthcare.
  6. She would abolish ICE.
  7. She wants to reduce the amount of red meat you can consume.
  8. She would confiscate all guns under a mandatory buyback program.
  9. She supported defund the police.
  10. She would abolish all private health insurance which would mean Medicare for all.

All of the things we have said in the above ten items have been documented by videos she has made or been part of in her public life. The democrat-controlled corporate media are even scrubbing anything that has to do with her assignment by President Biden to be in charge of our border. She needs to answer why she allowed millions of illegals to enter our country and why we are still flying them in at government expense.

Simply stated Kamala is one of the most far-left progressive candidates that has ever run for the presidency and to allow this woman to sit in the Oval Office of the White House would be a tragedy for our country. She is going to have all the support she needs from the leftist billionaires and media. Like Vivek Ramaswamy said we are running a campaign not against a candidate but against a huge machine that will do just about anything to maintain their power and change our country. All I will say is if you treasure the freedoms afforded us by our constitution you had better get your butts out to the polls and vote for Donald Trump this November 5th as this is your last chance to save America from complete annihilation.

The question has been posed by Cal Thomas noted author and syndicated columnist in his book “America’s Expiration Date” where he examines 8 of the greatest world powers in history and how they all tended to spiral into decline after 250 years of existence. The big question is will America be different and escape the fate of decline. Thomas said, “Our past challenges were met with a resolve born out of a shared ethical and moral sense that is today in rapid retreat.” We have all seen the moral decay that continues to take place in our most beloved cities as drugs pour in over our open border. Illegals are given sanctuary while they commit crimes and are never prosecuted while ordinary citizens cower in their homes with their doors locked. We have seen human life devalued with all of the shootings and abortions that are taking place as I write this article. Christianity is being attacked from every angle by the left and peaceful protesters are being given long prison sentences for merely protesting peacefully at an abortion clinic or testifying at a school board meeting.

Thomas says if we are to avoid America’s destruction we need to do several things to start turning our country around.

  1. Focus on the next generation and get them out of the indoctrination of our public education system and liberal institutions of higher learning.
  2. Encourage people to look at government welfare programs as a last resort not a first resource.
  3. Thomas urged us to engage in conversations with our friends and neighbors on important issues to close partisan gaps in public discourse which would combat the power of the leftist mainstream media propaganda machine. Last he suggested reading and listening to good conservative media. Well Rush is gone but we still have Kevin Miller in Idaho.

Some of his last comments on his book were. “On July Fourth, 2026, the U.S. will be 250 years old. That is the average life span of great nations,” Thomas said. “I’m not saying the end is near, but what is going to prevent it if we don’t turn things around?”

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