Opinions / Op-eds

Guest opinion by Scott Cleveland, Candidate for Idaho’s 2nd CD

In spite of our 2nd Congressional District Representative’s powerful position as Chairman of one of the Appropriations Subcommittees, I believe an overwhelming majority of Idaho citizens know he has squandered the power of the purse to hold the Administration’s feet to the fire on the invasion of our southern border, has not held the line on taxes, and has not cut spending over his 25 years in office.

When he took office in 1999 the national debt was $5.5 trillion. Today the national debt is $34 trillion. And what might be worst of all is that he wants to remove the four lower Snake River dams, a move that would cost every Idaho citizen higher power rates, less water for irrigation, and the elimination of the barge transportation system out of Lewiston that ships billions of agricultural and other products overseas to the Pacific Rim countries.

For these reasons and more, I am running in the Republican primary for the 2nd Congressional District on May 21st.

First, I will immediately withdraw the incumbent’s Biden/Simpson proposal to remove the four lower Snake River dams. Next, I will join the growing number of conservative members of the House, including our 1st Congressional District Representative, Russ Fulcher, to withhold funding from the Administration for their frivolous use and waste of tax dollars at the border. Dollars appropriated should be to stop the invasion of our southern border rather than have our border agents act as a concierge service for illegal invaders.

As a successful small businessman, I know what it takes to operate, balance a budget, and spend within the means of that budget. I will work with our fellow conservatives in the House and hopefully a new President and GOP Senate so we can quickly move back to the Constitutional approach of proposing a budget and then allocating funds in each of the thirteen appropriation subcommittees in the House and Senate. We cannot afford to continue down the path of Continuing Resolutions (CRs) which is nothing more than a lump sum of trillions of dollars going to the White House to spend any way they see fit rather than as the dollars were authorized and appropriated for specific uses in each agency.

Last year alone, we spent $6.2 trillion leaving a $1.7 trillion deficit for one year pushing us to the $34 trillion national debt level with no end in sight.

My goals as your next Representative from the 2nd Congressional District is simple and straightforward: eliminate any and all calls for dam removal anywhere on the Snake River or its tributaries, cut spending and taxes which builds a stronger economy (proven by the Trump Administration), and strictly manage spending going to the Department of Homeland and Security so that our southern border is no longer a national security crisis.

If you would like the changes we have outlined, you have to cast your vote in the May 21st Republican Primary and vote for Scott Cleveland, Idaho’s 2nd Congressional District.


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2 replies on “Guest opinion by Scott Cleveland, Candidate for Idaho’s 2nd CD”

I totally believe in Scott Cleveland oh, that he will do an excellent job. He is a man of integrity, knowledge, and righteousness.

Simpson and appropriations shouldn’t be mentioned in the sentence. I laugh [though it is insulting] when Simpson complains about the national debt when he votes for every continuing resolution that comes up. Most of the time the CR’s are so large no one knows what is in them. Good riddance Simpson and may the Lord bless your campaign Mr. Cleveland!

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