Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Get Ready for Another Gas Tax Hike

On Friday, it was announced that Governor Little will host state-wide sustainable transportation funding roundtables with business and local leaders around the state to deal with Idaho’s unprecedented growth. The Governor said, “Before and during the pandemic, Idaho is the fastest-growing state in the nation. Idaho simply will not keep up with that growth if we, as elected leaders, do not invest strategically and sustainably in our roads.” He went on to say, “We have an obligation as elected leaders to confront the growing list of underfunded transportation projects across Idaho with a sustainable funding plan moving forward. We must take steps now to preserve your precious time and make our transportation system safer. I’m actively working with my legislative partners on a plan right now.” HIGHER GAS TAX COMING!

This is nothing more than doublespeak that you will be getting a GAS tax hike very shortly just like they pushed through in 2015. Rep. Priscilla Giddings reported in her weekly outreach that members of the house pushed back on any gas tax hike and advanced H342 a transportation funding package that would increase funding for transportation without raising taxes. It should be noted that in a March 18th press release, the Governor agreed to accept another $1.89 billion in federal money for long-range investments allowing hundreds of millions of borrowed federal money to be used for Idaho’s infrastructure projects over the next 4 years. It appears that rumors are mounting that the liberal voting free-spending senate will amend house bill H342 to include a 4-cent gas tax.

You can be sure, folks, that if IACI wants this tax it will become a reality and place a further burden on those who can least afford it. Property valuations rising 30 to 40% along with rising inflation in food, energy, and housing prices is going to put a huge strain on those families with modest incomes. Why is it that those least able to afford these increases are always hit the hardest? It’s because the elitist crony RINOs know they don’t pay to support their reelection campaigns so why would they care if their taxes go up.

While we are on the subject of unfair taxes, there is another issue that came up this week which showed us that some people are fighting back and this came in the form of a $10 million lawsuit against Boise State University filed by Big City Coffee whose contract was canceled by Boise State because of their support for our police. This did not fit in with the Boise State administration’s extreme social justice agenda. It’s time for our legislators to take this partially public financed institution to task and rein in some of our taxpayer money that it distributes to this School and three others.

Christ Troupis Book

We have allowed these schools too much latitude in deciding that social justice courses should be part of a student’s curriculum. If these four colleges are being given over $600 million of our tax dollars, we need to have a say in what they are teaching our children. It is interesting to note that just this past week one of Boise State’s former adjunct professors was arrested for allegedly defacing the statue of Lincoln in Julia Davis Park. This is a radical leftist who would like to defund the police and now that he was arrested, he will probably be more adamant about defunding our police. These types of actions by a former professor have to make you wonder just what kind of people are teaching our children at these colleges.

We can tell you that our current republican legislators are probably the worst EVER when it comes to being conservative according to their voting records as gauged by the Idaho Freedom Foundation Index. These cronies are the cause of many of the problems in our state yet you continue to vote them in office year after year. If you want change, you need to go to the polls and know who you’re voting for. Your next chance is 2022 — let’s get rid of these RINOs!

A list of Idaho’s republican (RINO) representatives who voted conservative less than 70% of the time.
These are your not-so-conservative representatives in the Idaho Legislature. WHY??

Idaho House

Name Dist. Score
Branden Mitchel 5 67%
Caroline Troy 5 51%
Ryan Kerby 9 57%
Greg Chaney 10 57%
Scott Syme 14 44%
Rick Youngblood 12 59%
Linda Hartgen 24 48%
Lance Clow 24 54%
Laurie Lickley 25 47%
Clark Kaufman 26 45%
Scott Bedke 27 60%
Fred Wood 27 38%
Dustin Manwaring 29 59%
Wendy Horman 30 64%
Gary Marshall 30 63%
David Cannon 31 68%
Marc Gibs 32 46%
Rod Furniss 35 60%

Idaho Senate

Name Dist. Score
Jim Wodward 1 47%
Peter Riggs 3 63%
Mary Souza 4 54%
Dan Johnson 6 63%
Steven Thayn 8 62%
Abby Lee 9 51%
Jim Rice 10 69%
PattiAnne Lodge 11 47%
Todd Lakey 12 54%
Jeff Agenbroad 13 47%
Scott C Grow 14 55%
Fred Martin 15 44%
Chuck Winder 20 48%
Lori Den Hartog 22 55%
Lee Heider 24 51%
Jim Patrick 25 47%
Kelly Anthon 27 54%
Jim Guthrie 28 49%
Kevin Clark 30 61%
Steve Bair 31 59%
Mark Harris 32 59%
Dave Lent 33 63%
Doug Ricks 34 51%
Van Burtenshaw 35 51%

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4 replies on “Get Ready for Another Gas Tax Hike”

I see ours is on that list, Steven Thayn . No surprise there. We almost got rid of the lib, until he realized an actual conservative was running. He couldn’t stand it and jumped back in to screw our district even more. Seems it doesn’t matter what kind of a RINO schmuck someone is. If of the brethren we get the vote. Obviously a lot of ignorant fools out there without a clue.

Good job, Face book is controlled by people against the truth, we are glad you have provided another platform. Conservatives need to unite against Face Book. Finding where these people live in Idaho would help- so we can visualize where the concentration of RINOs is.Thank you for your service .

Good Job. Thank you for providing another platform, Face Book is controlled by people depressing TRUTH. Conservatives need to use some other way of getting our message out. Listing what counties theses people reside in would also help us visually to see where the RINO’s are congregating .Thank you.


Just had a discussion with some 25 year old genius at the Governors Office who states this article is a lie. He also strongly believes that money from the Fed is not a loan, but rather a gift with no strings attached and does not have to be paid back.
I wasn’t aware they were hiring mouthy college boys to argue with people. This guy needs to go get a real job and perhaps learn some reality before he lets his PC education make a fool out of him on out tax dollars.

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