Opinions / Op-eds

“Get Dorothy Moon”

Since the moment of Dorothy Moon’s landslide victory at the 2022 Idaho State Convention, former chairman Tom Luna, his unhinged sidekick Trent Clark and fellow travelers have been waging a disinformation campaign to discredit and depose Madam Chairman Dorothy Moon. They formed the ironically titled “Gem State Conservatives” PAC and are using funds from undisclosed donors in a statewide effort to displace grassroots conservative Precinct Committeemen. Their tactics are worthy of the Biden Administration and are applauded by Democrats.

Normally I do not use the word liar because to tell a lie means you must know the truth and, with malice or design, deliberately issue a falsehood. Therefore to call someone a liar means you must know they know the truth but chose to tell a lie.

Trent Clark is a liar. Not just a little “Do these pants make my butt look big?” lie, no we are talking full on mendacity served on a platter of prevarication with a generous topping of bovine excrement; not just once, but a long train of abuses which evinces a design to deceive the voters and harm the party.

Clark knows the truth because as a past chairman he was VERY familiar with the rules AND recently he attended the State Party meetings AND voted on amendments to those rules. No longer holding any significant authority in the party, Trent Clark apparently wants to see the party fail and is willing to lie to accomplish that end.

Christ Troupis Book

The latest in the parade of falsehoods happened Wednesday when Clark darkened the door of the IDGOP offices and demanded to see the delegate list for the Republican National Convention (RNC). Madam Chairman informed him the Nominating Committee had not made its report so the list was not finalized and therefore not available. He stormed out of the office and went directly to the press to further his “Moon is incompetent” false narrative.

The Idaho Capitol Sun reporter sent an email to the IDGOP asking why Idaho’s delegates to the RNC are being selected (illegally) by Chairwoman Moon and why didn’t the party just move the Primary and convention to accommodate the RNC. Clark knows the former isn’t happening and the latter isn’t possible.

Madam Chairman Moon asked the Rules Chairman, me, to disabuse the reporter of his Clark induced misconceptions. My reply follows.

Idaho has 32 delegates to the RNC. Three of those delegates are the IDGOP Chairman, the National Committeewoman and National Committeeman, leaving 29. Of those 29, 80% (23) are selected by the candidate that won 51% of the votes in the Idaho Caucus. The remaining 6 are nominated by the Delegate Nominating Committee which is composed of one member from each of the seven Regions. All 32 delegates must be confirmed during a special meeting of the Executive Committee, which is this coming Saturday. The 14 voting members of the Executive Committee are specified in the Idaho Republican Party State Rules Article II, Section2.

To review, of the 32 Idaho delegates to the RNC, three are specified in party rules, 23 are designated by the Trump campaign and 6 are nominated by the Delegate Nominating Committee and all are confirmed by the Executive Committee, where the Chairman only votes to break a tie. The Chairman does not have the authority or mechanism to select ANY of the delegates. A review of party rules will show that whoever claims otherwise is either ignorant or malicious.

Even the Party Chairman’s role as Chairman of the Delegation is subject to change at the will of the delegation.

With regard to scheduling, under Idaho law, during the May 21st primary all Precinct Committeemen stand for election. The PC’s term in office spans from the 8th day after the primary to the 8th day after the following primary. Between 8 days and 10 days after the primary the County Central Committees organize and select their delegates to the IDGOP Convention, which begins this year on June 13th, two weeks after the organizing meetings. This is barely enough time for delegates to make travel and hotel accommodations.

The date of the primary is set by the legislature, not the Republican Party, so our Convention is as early as it practically can be.

We discussed the 45-day (May 31st) deadline for submitting delegates with the RNC but they were unable to accommodate a delay due to the need to conduct background checks and other security measures. If we miss the deadline, we lose all but 12 of our delegates (RNC Rule 17(a)). Clearly, moving the Primary and or moving the Convention to an earlier date is not practical.

The only viable solution was the one proposed by the RNC which was to have the Delegate Nominating Committee convene in a timely fashion and then have the Executive Committee review and approve the delegate list. At the Summer Meeting, and because the short timeline created and emergency, the State Central Committee granted the authority to the Rules Committee to amend the rules as needed to comply with the requirement of the RNC. The amended rules were then submitted to the RNC where they were reviewed and approved.

Finally, had the legislature not deleted the March Presidential Primary, the IDGOP would still have had to amend the rules to allow the timely delegate selection and approval process we now have in place. It is the only way to satisfy RNC rules while changing the IDGOP rules as little as practical. Informed, fair minded and honest people understand this to be true because…

It’s just common sense.

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2 replies on ““Get Dorothy Moon””


It’s not only ironic but patently wrong for any Republican to identify themselves as a conservative.

The Republicans are merely right-leaning liberals – barely:

“In politics, everything revolves around the positioning of right, left, and center. You’re either rightwing, leftwing, or a centrist. Politicians and non-politicians alike employ all three terms as if there’s a consensus on the parameters for those designations. Even if this were true, who gets to determine what’s right, left, and center, and how are those determinations made? Over time, the parameters shift (always further to the left), so how is someone on the right to know he’s now a centrist or a centrist to know he’s now on the left?

“No Standard=No Answers

“There are no answers to these questions because there is no standard for these terms. The terms are completely arbitrary, defined at any given time by finite man and his fickle ethics rather than by Yahweh1 and His immutable morals. Although the following example doesn’t specifically address right and left, it illustrates the disparity between man’s ever-changing standard and Yahweh’s never-changing standard:

‘Two people could have walked down any U.S. street in 1930 – one with a bottle of whiskey under his arm and one with a bar of gold in his pocket, and the one with the whiskey would have been a criminal whereas the one with the bar of gold would have been considered a good law abiding citizen. If the same thing happened in any U.S. city in 1970, the one with the whiskey would be the law abiding citizen and the one with the gold bar would be the criminal.’2

“In a mere forty-year period, man’s standard had completely reversed itself. The same transposition of ethics has occurred innumerable times under all governments based upon the traditions of man.

“Isaiah 33:22 and James 4:12 declare that Yahweh is the exclusive legislator. There are no others, period! Anyone who claims the title of legislator (particularly when his “laws”—whether commandments, statutes, or judgments—are inconsonant with Yahweh’s) is a usurper and is perpetuating the sin begun by Adam and Eve. The same is true for any one of us who would modify Yahweh’s triune law….

“Yahweh is the only lawgiver because as Creator He’s the only one with the authority to determine what is good and evil. His morals as codified in His commandments, statutes, and judgments determine what is right and left. Anything left of His right(eousness) is left, liberal, and ungodly….”

For more, see blog article “Right, Left, and Center: Who Gets to Decide?” at

Any person that thinks their party is going to save this country or the world is ignorant of the Word of God.
One of the many places in His Word that gives us a solution is Second Chronicles 7:14.

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