
Time is short to legally finish Mueller off!

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As I have written before, it falls upon Freedom Watch to rid the nation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, since no one else – including President Trump’s own establishment lawyers – Ty Cobb, Jay Sekulow and John Dowd – has had the fortitude, much less desire, to do it. And the group which I conceived of and founded, Judicial Watch, relies on the government to police itself, focusing mainly on just getting documents under the Freedom of Information but not itself bringing legal enforcement actions. The reason for this: Judicial Watch’s president, Tom Fitton, is not a lawyer and its staff does not include a highly experienced trial lawyer to try cases.

With regard to the president’s lawyers, they are part of one big political and legal club in Washington, D.C.

Christ Troupis Book

For example, Jay previously predicted on Fox News and the other networks that the Mueller investigation would be concluded by last Thanksgiving. Then when that proved to not be true, he predicted with certainty that it would be over by Christmas.

In the face of this, the president’s lawyers are now even pushing President Trump to agree to be interviewed, under oath, by Mueller and his sleazy Obama-Clinton Deep State prosecutorial staff in this never-ending hoax of a Russian investigation. If this happens, Mueller’s despicable prosecutors will twist everything the president says and likely charge him with perjury, a crime which carries a ten year sentence for each alleged false statement. And, I am not saying that the president will intentionally lie! Rather disloyal treasonous snakes like former White House strategist Steve Bannon will likely lie and cut a plea deal with Mueller to save their own slimy skins. They will be coerced, under threat of indictment themselves, to contradict what Trump says during his interview with Mueller. This and the prior testimony of other compromised witnesses will be used by Mueller to indict and/or impeach and convict our president before a Democratic, hostile District of Columba jury or Senate, should it turn over to the Dems in 2018. And, all the while Trump’s hapless and “carefree” lawyers will have led him into a perjury trap!

You know me as the only lawyer ever to have a court rule that a sitting president, Bill Clinton, committed a crime. You also know me as someone who will go the distance and will not let establishment political concerns compromise my actions.

First, Freedom Watch has already filed ethics complaints against Mueller and his Obama-Clinton Deep State leftist prosecutorial staff with the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) and Inspector General (IG). These complaints, which are seeking to enforce in court, since Attorney General Jeff Sessions has buried his head in the sand about Mueller, since he fears being indicted himself over allegations of Russian collusion and obstruction of justice, seek to ultimately have Mueller and his prosecutorial staff removed, disbarred and prosecuted themselves over illegal grand jury leaks that are aimed to damage and ultimately destroy President Trump, his family and those around him.

Second, just in the last days, to obtain evidence of these illegal grand jury leaks, Freedom Watch and I have filed yet another complaint, this one under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This FOIA complaint seeks all the communications between Mueller and his equally dishonest staff and the media, including the hateful cable networks of CNN, MSNBC, and the other rabid leftist publications that want to “execute” our president in the court of public opinion. Since these communications with the left wing media are not privileged, they will definitely have to be produced and will undoubtedly be the evidence of criminal grand jury leaks that will ultimately lead to Mueller’s removal, disbarment and hoped-for criminal prosecution for the crimes he and his hack prosecutors have committed not just against the president, his family and associates, but also “We the People” and the nation as a whole. This is a very powerful lawsuit, one that will bear fruit!

Third, Freedom Watch will play a crucial role in the criminal prosecution of President Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, as we will be intervening in the next day in a civil suit which Manafort’s lawyers filed to get a decision that Mueller and his equally corrupt prosecutors exceeded their Justice Department mandate and authority when they indicted him and his partner Rick Gates for alleged crimes that occurred many years ago. These alleged crimes had nothing to do with Russian collusion or related matters during the Trump presidential campaign of 2016 or even afterwards. The suit’s therefore correctly charges that Mueller violated his oath of office.

Mueller and the despicable and conflicted Obama-Clinton Deep State prosecutors who he hired at great taxpayer expense, have come after Manafort with a vengeance, having the pliant and corrupted FBI get phony warrants to break into his home during the night to allegedly seize “evidence,” asking the judge assigned to his and his partner’s, Rick Gates’, criminal prosecution to deny bail and keep them under house arrest for no good reason, as neither Manafort nor Gates are flight risks, and placing Manafort and Gates under a gag order so they cannot even defend themselves in the media and raise money for their legal defense funds. This request for a gag order, which was granted, is an unconstitutional violation of the First Amendment right to free speech.

On all counts, the leftist Obama-appointed judge assigned to the Manafort-Gates Mueller prosecution granted Mueller’s requests, keeping the defendants under house arrest during the holiday period. When Manafort just recently provided his doctors report that he needed some fresh air and ability to exercise at his gym, this hack judge, Amy Berman Jackson, mockingly denied this benign and reasonable request and disrespectfully trashed Manafort’s doctor’s medical evaluation.

To make matters even worse, Judge Jackson used as a false excuse that Manafort had filed a civil complaint to have a DC federal court rule that Mueller’s indictment be thrown out (and this is the case in which Freedom Watch and I have intervened) to push his and his partner Rick Gates’ criminal trial back from May to September/October 2018. This delay is clearly intended to coincide with the 2018 fall elections and thus help Democrats retake control of the House of Representatives and Senate by creating bad publicity for the Trump administration and those Republican congressmen who have supported him. If the Dems retake control of the House of Representatives, with the senile and evil Nancy Pelosi back as Speaker, you can rest assured that President Trump, with the Fake News and illegally obtained “ammunition” created by Mueller and his corrupt staff, will be impeached.

Recently, in my private capacity as a lawyer, my client Cliven Bundy scored a great victory in the criminal prosecution of himself and his sons in a Las Vegas, Nevada, courtroom. We collectively uncovered gross prosecutorial misconduct in many ways similar to what Mueller and his prosecutors have engaged in, and the indictment was dismissed.

Friends and patriots, one thing you know about me. As in the Bundy success, we can never give up! We must keep chopping at the Tree of Good and Evil until only the “good” is left standing. Go to to sign our petition and support Mueller’s removal.

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