
Expose’ On Media Lies and Deception — Part 1 of 3

Tangled Webs: Google, Microsoft, Facebook, the Internet Giveaway, and the Wild, Wild West of Information

The use of lies and deception, or as the new term coming into vogue; fake news, has been a standard tool of the trade for over a century by the government and their willing and/or unwilling stooges in the main stream media. (1) A few examples include Newspaper owners William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, with the unspoken blessings of US President, William McKinley, spreading lies to stir up the masses enough to start a war with Spain. (2) This allowed McKinley to start an American empire by taking over the Philippines, Guam, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico at the close of the 19th century. In the following decades, the media has obediently followed along covering up such things as the fraudulent Gulf of Tonkin (3) incident, the governmental attack on the Branch Davidians, (4) 9/11, (5) and the Obamacare fiasco. (6) In spite of the lies and distortions presented by the government then spread by an obedient media, there were still some journalists who were doing their job by reporting the truth.


In 1983, fifty companies controlled 90% of the American media, today it is just six multinational corporations. (7) They are Viacom, Comcast, Time-Warner, Disney, CBS, and News Corp and these companies are working very hard to make sure that the news you hear is the news they and the government want you to hear. From the anti-Muslim video that “caused” the killing of four Americans at Benghazi, (8) lying about the state of the economy before the 2008 meltdown, (9) to the massive push to promote Obamacare, (10) the main stream media is relentless in pushing the government/corporatist agenda to its audience. This control is the dream of every tyrannical state in history and the US government has almost achieved it.

Only, they have, like the American Army in the WWII Battle of Arnhem, (11) pushed their power too far and too fast causing the American people to no longer trust the main stream media. In the spring of 2016, a major poll was conducted by the Media Insight Project, a partnership of The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and the American Press Institute; they found that just 6% (12) of those polled have confidence in the main stream media for news. The bias and outright lies have become so bad that even a 30 year insider like Sharyl Attkisson (13) commented on it: “There is unprecedented, I believe, influence on the media, not just the news, but the images you see everywhere. By well-orchestrated and financed campaign of special interests, political interests and corporations. I think all of that comes into play.”


In every format, the main stream media is losing patrons. From failing newspapers to falling television ratings, the old model is dying because of the internet. The Internet has become the primary source for information for a huge percentage of Americans today. In fact, in the last 25 years the internet has transformed the world. It has completely revamped the way people do business, communicate, purchase household goods, plan vacations, find friends, look up information and just about every human activity imaginable. Since it first became available for average Americans, the internet has been a way to find information the elites did not want exposed and they have been looking to shut down that freedom of information for years. Subsequently with the support of numerous multinational corporations like Microsoft, Google, Dell, Yahoo, Amazon, and Facebook along with the blessing from globalist mouth pieces like the Council on Foreign Relations, the LA Times, NBC, the International Chamber of Commerce and Human Rights Watch, President Obama failed to renew the contract with ICANN (15) effectively giving the control over the internet to a private company.

Christ Troupis Book

That company is ICANN (16) (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) and it is a CA based nonprofit corporation. In 1998, the Commerce Department began contracting with ICANN, to take over management of IANA (The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) and the internet’s domain name system. The US Commerce Department has, for the most part, let ICANN govern itself, but it maintained the authority to pull the nonprofit’s contract. In essence ICANN records the numbers (easier for computers to use) using words (easier for humans to use) through DNS.

Domain name system (DNS) is basically a directory for internet-connected devices that helps translate domain names to numerical IP addresses. Without DNS it is difficult for people to access websites as it requires remembering large numbers of IP address, a series of numbers such as “”. So President Obama just ceded power over the allocation of domain names from to your church’s website without the consent of Congress (17) and over the objections of millions of American citizens.

Those supporting the transfer are quick to report that there is nothing to fear from this transfer, after all ICANN is a “private” company under a global multi-stakeholder group to oversee its Board of Directors. What can possibly go wrong with the internet in the hands of a “private” (18) company? Plenty. (19)


ICANN is first and foremost, a complete monopoly. (20) It has exclusive rights to allow and renew (21) domain names and that is a power it has not always used benevolently. It also has complete control over how much to charge for a top level domain such as .com, .net, .biz and several times in the past, it has abused (22) those powers. For instance it allowed a top level domain named .sucks to be purchased by the company Vox Populi which charges $2,500 to protect a company’s or individuals name from being purchased and slandered with a .sucks (23) after it, then failed to rein the company in when it was running an extortion operation. ICANN has also been accused numerous times of siding with those who have the most to pay its fees and since it costs over a million dollars to have ICANN officially look into a complaint, not many decisions are overturned.

Another troubling aspect of ICANN is that ICANN has made a fortune off of its rapidly expanding list of Generic Top Level Domain Names (gTLDs). Names like .lawyer; .google; .africa are going for at least $200,000 each and then annual fees. The .web domain brought $135,000,000 (24) into their coffers giving them not only a complete monopoly on issuing domains but the means to create a very monopolistic self-supporting group of elites.

Amazon, (25) the giant online retailer, applied to register the TLD .amazon. ICANN has written limitations that govern the sale of a domain name but since the name .amazon does not fall, into any of the categories that are forbidden there should have no problems with Amazon’s request. Only there was, the South American countries of Brazil and Peru, through the interest group Government Advisory Committee (GAC), declared this application to be illegal, based on the fact that the Amazon River is a geographical area inhabited by some 30 million people. ICANN sided with the governments proving that the advantage of being a monopoly is that you get to make up rules as you go along. Amazon is now in the process of suing (26) ICANN over the matter.

The exact same thing happened to the sports company called Patagonia (27) when it filed for the .patagonia domain. The governments of Argentina and Chile objected and ICANN decided against selling the name to the company. This trend shows that not only are rules made to be broken, but governments are meant to be appeased. This pattern is more than disturbing considering that since 1998, nations that routinely censor the internet of their citizens including Russia, China, Iran and Saudi Arabia have pushed extremely hard to place the functions of ICANN under the control of the U.N.’s Russian dominated International Telecommunications Union (ITU) (28) and President Obama may very well have just handed them their chance.

For, as stated above, ICANN holds a COMPLETE monopoly over the World Wide Web root zone and complete monopolies in private hands are illegal in most of the world. When operating under contract with the Commerce Department, ICANN becomes a legal monopolist as it becomes an “instrumentality” of government.


As L. Gordon Crovitz points out in his article (29) U.S. Surrender: Internet Giveaway to the U.N.?,” once ICANN became independent, they lost that umbrella of US Government protection leaving them open to legal challenges from every despotic government on earth looking to force them under the control of the United Nations. Hence President Obama, in another case of “if you want your doctor, you can keep your doctor,” (30) simply lied again when he pledged that ICANN would not replace U.S. control for a “government-led or an inter-governmental organization solution.” This fact is verified on 10/14/16 When Obama gave a speech in Pittsburg, (31) PA in which he glorified the days of the three major networks delivering the news that most people trusted.

President Obama: “We are going to have to rebuild within this wild-wild-west-of-information (32) flow some sort of curating function that people agree to. There has to be, I think, some sort of way in which we can sort through information that passes some basic truthiness tests and those that we have to discard, because they just don’t have any basis in anything that’s actually happening in the world.

“That is hard to do, but I think it’s going to be necessary, it’s going to be possible. The answer is obviously not censorship, but it’s creating places where people can say ‘this is reliable’ and I’m still able to argue safely about facts and what we should do about it.”

There should be no longer any doubt as to why Obama went against Congress and the people to give away the internet; we can no longer have the “wild-wild-west-of-information flow” out there to inform the people of what is really going on in the world.



  1. Why the Media Lies So Much
  2. Selling Empire: American Propaganda and War in the Philippines
  3. 5 Times When The Mainstream Media “Created Fake News”… And People Died As A Result
  4. Waco, Texas: Where A Part Of America’s Heart And Soul Died.
  5. The Great 9/11 Cover-up
  6. ABC, NBC Ignore All Obamacare Failures in 2016, CBS Barely Covers
  7. Six Corporations Control 90% of American Media
  8. Hillary’s Worst Crime Was Against the ‘Filmmaker’
  9. The media and the financial crisis: Journalism failed
  10. The Great ObamaCare Failure Our Corrupt Media Can’t Talk About
  11. Animated Map: The Battle of Arnhem
  12. Just 6% of the People
  13. Former CBS Reporter: ‘I Was Called a Troublemaker for Pursuing Benghazi’
  14. Obama Admin Wants To Surrender US Control Over Internet To Global Bureaucracy
  15. Statements in Support of the IANA Stewardship Transition
  16. What Does ICANN Do?
  17. Critics fear censorship as Obama hands control of internet to multi-national body
  18. Here’s Why We Should Go through the IANA Transition
  19. US to Hand Over Internet’s Naming System, But Is ICANN Ready for Transition?
  20. S. Surrender: Internet Giveaway to the U.N.?
  21. Governing Cyberspace: ICANN, a Controversial Internet Standards Body
  22. In Congressional Hearing, Stakeholders Highlight ICANN’s Failures and Need for Reform
  23. ICANN reports .sucks to the FTC over “predatory” pricing
  24. ICANN Transition is Premature
  25. ICANN’s Amazon Problem
  26. Amazon files appeal on rejected .amazon domain
  27. Governments kill off Patagonia’s dot-brand bid
  28. US hands internet control over to ICANN
  29. Stop Obama’s Internet Giveaway
  30. Lie of the Year: ‘If you like your health care plan, you can keep it’
  31. Obama: We Have to Change ‘Wild West’ Media Landscape
  32. Obama Says He Wants To Change The Free Flow Of Information
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