John Livingston

Don’t Try to Catch the Casted Stones

It seems that the Dems have little to run on this election cycle. Their Marxist Policies have failed. They call our candidates’ names—fascist, bigots, and “alley cats”. Because their policies have placed everyday Americans in places economically that some could never have imagined four years ago, the policy wonks at the DNC have decided to make this election about CHARACTER!

On Monday Night the midnight keynote speaker was none other than the POTUS—aka Brandon. That man of great virtue. He who graduated “first in his class in law school”. He who boldly took on “Corn-Pop” at a local swimming pool while having his legs rubbed down with sunscreen by young boys. He who “absolutely did not plagiarize a Member of Parliament’s Speech”. He who was identified several times as “the Big Guy” in several e-mails referencing transactions between “Biden Inc.” and companies that either were chartered in foreign countries or with the foreign governments themselves. Remember General Flynn—contact with a foreign nation? He who was known as “the sniffer” by Senate staffers for 30 years. He who frequently swam naked at the VP residence alone at night usually with a female Secret Service Agent watching. I wonder if the same agent did matriculate to become head of the Secret Service at the time of the Trump attempted assassination.

Yep—Monday Night was certainly a night of “Virtue and Honor” for the Democratic Party.

Tuesday night followed the virtue theme. I didn’t do a word search count, but I bet the number of times Obama, and the Obama Mamma made ad hominem attacks on DJT was about 150 times greater than any mention of border security, inflation, national security or military readiness. The “poddy jokes” were out an out pandering to the boy 4-8 demographic. They will do anything for anyone’s vote if they can figure out a way to count it. The Barak “penis joke” was even more ironic coming from the first female President of the United States. Virtue—Virtue and more Virtue. Our cup runeth over.

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Tonight, the VIRTUE CONVENTION will hear from the Bonny and Clyde of Democratic politics—Hiliary “what difference does it make” or “I don’t feel no ways tired” and her husband “it depends on what is……is” Bill aka ”Willy” Clinton—the first Black President of the United States. They say “alibies destroy character” but what happens when there is no character left to destroy. They say that Willy and DJT are both alley cats, but who is the bigger “cat”? When we listen to the Clinton’s let’s not forget the shenanigans surrounding the CLINTON FOUNDATION, particularly in Haiti. Unreconciled financial statements seem to be the norm with Democratic Presidential non-profits and Presidential libraries.

Thursday night we get to watch HONOR AMERICA NIGHT” We will get to watch Tim Walz that former assistant football coach and play book plagiarizer, and current Governor of the State of Minnesota. Is the Democratic Party in that State still called the “farm Labor Party” and didn’t they used to have a hammer and sickle in their logo? If not, maybe they should change the State Flag to reflect a more inclusive posture to the community in Ilhan’s District—Oh Timmy Was- Walz has already done that. We must remember to ask Ilhan Omar that question. We then get to participate in a “celebration of service” for those in our military who have served. I agree that any job in the military is to be respected and worthy of our thanks and respect, but I also believe that a leadership duty to lead should never be shirked especially when facing combat with men one has trained. Remember George Washington and several others left Congress to join the military and serve their fellow citizens. Tim Wals went the other way to serve himself.

The following night should be riveting. It will be the coronation of Kamala. Rumor has it that in keeping with the theme of HONOR AND VIRTUE, ninety-year-old Willie Brown will introduce his protégé Kamala Harris. It was he after all who “showed her the way to promotion and pay and we learned about woman from them”—or was she the wife of the “Jamadar Sas”?

There will others who will speak. Nancy Pelosi will speak about how to be an “ethical insider trader” and make a fortune while serving in Congress. She will also lead a ceremony on how to pick and choose what Commandments and Church rules to follow and still be eligible for the Sacraments. Doug Emhoff is scheduled to give a talk on how to hire a babysitter in a tight babysitter marketplace and he will give a special human resources breakout session for lawyer house husbands “boundaries in the home and how to mitigate paternity”. Ms. Pelosi is scheduled to speak at that event and Willy Clinton has already signed for a poster presentation that is part of the same session.

I mention all these issues only to point out that Donald Trump is not the only “alley cat” in the room. There is lots of immorality in all of our lives present company included, but for the other side to make ad hominem attacks and use fiery rhetoric when making arguments of the extreme, does nothing for the processing information or helping us to discern who will be a great leader.

There is a saying in the Catholic Church—”There have been holy men who have become Pope and there have been competent men to become Pope. Seldom do you find those two traits together.” We are all capable of acting in a Holy fashion, and we are all capable of acting in a less than Holy manner. Many of the Prophets and Kings and Saints in the Bible led less than Holy lives—think of King Cyrus, and David, and Paul the tax collector. They all came to love God.

If Mr. Trump wins this election, it will not because he is more or less virtuous or holier than Kamala. It should be an election about competence and a proven economic policy. It should be an election about National Security and who would be the best Commander in Chief. I hope it is an election where the side that wins is committed to our Founding Principles and a political and economic philosophy grounded in Biblical and Natural Law. This time around I know there is one side that loves America. The other side I believe not so much.

“Be aware of the log in your own eye”. “He who is without sin may cast the first stone.”

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2 replies on “Don’t Try to Catch the Casted Stones”

To continually focus on the Democrats as America’s problem is to miss altogether America’s problem.

Biden’s just the latest chicken come home to roost thanks to Article 6’s Christian test ban by which mandatory biblical qualifications for civil leaders was also eliminated.

But to focus exclusively on the Chickens disguised as Donkeys is to miss the Chickens disguised as Elephants across the aisle in the same Chicken Coop, aka the Swamp.

The very best you can get from the Constitutional Republic’s biblically abominable election system is the lesser of two evils. Sometimes it’s the worst of the worst, and always the evil of two lessers.

Time to send both species of Crocodiles (disguised as Donkeys and Elephants) packing.

For more regarding Article 6’s Christian test ban, see Chapter 9 “Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land” of free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at

I can almost agree with you Ted about the “crocodiles”. I disagree with you about a “religious test” that can only lead to theocracy. Coercion and “free will” and liberty are incompatible. The New Covenant is a relationship with God and each individual person. Governments don’t have a soul and therefore our Founding Fathers prayed—everyday in the Continental and Constitutional Conventions for God’s Blessings and for guidance and discernment as they proceeded with the process of governance. God acts on our hearts, not on institutions.

Finally from the great bard Rudyard Kipling

“Whether we chose to be led by The Lord,

Or lured by the loudest tongue…..

If it be better to die by the sword

or swifter to die by the vote….

These are matters of high concern and they won’t die in the grave,

For a Holy people we all have learned

Edith as Holy slave”

Always enjoy your comments.

In my opinion Old Testament Theocracy is part of what Jesus came to end. Remember Jesus didn’t chose the Priests to be his Apostles. His test for faithfulness was a pledge between God and the Hearts of men—-not a pledge of men to a government. That will come later.

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