
Democrats Making Biggest Mistake in History of Politics

I was one of the only commentators in the media who predicted a Trump presidential victory in 2016. I stood firm on Fox News with my prediction at the exact moment the New York Times gave Hillary a 92% chance of victory. Don’t look now, but as Yogi Berra would say, “It’s déjà vu all over again.”

Democrats are so certain of winning the House, they’re measuring the curtains. The Democrats’ chief fool and delusional prognosticator Nate Silver just gave them an 85% chance of winning the House.

I predicted Trump’s victory because 10,000 to 20,000 were showing up at Trump events in 2016, while Hillary was attracting hundreds. It was clear Democrats were delusional.

Fast forward to today. Trump attracts 10,000 or more to rallies in small towns like Elko, Nevada. He attracts 100,000 RSVP’s to a Houston rally for Ted Cruz. Americans are crazy over-the-top for Trump. Yet the 2020 Democrat presidential frontrunner Joe Biden comes to Vegas and attracts 500 to a union hall.

The latest polls now show incumbent Democrat US Senators losing in North Dakota, Missouri, and Indiana. But who needs polls? In actual early voting, the GOP is ahead by a mile in states across the USA. In Tennessee, Republicans are up by 33 points. Keep in mind the GOP never wins early voting.

Why is this happening? Because Democrats have made the biggest mistake in the history of US politics. I’m not even talking about the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. That was the second worst mistake in political history.

I’m talking about the timing of the caravan coming from Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico to the US border. We’ve all seen the cash being handed out. I guarantee you this is the work of liberal/socialist/communist activists under the direction of George Soros (and other America-hating, open borders-loving billionaire donors to the Democrat Party). They wanted to embarrass President Trump and cause an international incident at the border. But boy did they miscalculate.

This is the perfect issue at the perfect time for Trump and the GOP. This has made illegal immigration, open borders, sanctuary cities, “Abolish ICE”, build the wall, and every other immigration/border issue the defining, shining moment of the 2018 election. These are the exact issues that elected President Trump. These are the issues that make Trump look like a genius and soothsayer. These are the issues that make American mothers turn to Trump to protect our children from death, disaster and disease.

This massive foreign invasion represents everything that frightens middle-class Americans- criminals, drugs, disease, the bankruptcy of America, lower wages for American workers, higher taxes, unimaginable debt, the overwhelming of our healthcare, education and welfare systems, and almost certainly mixed into this invading army are ISIS terrorists. Our children’s lives are in mortal danger.

This is an invading army. This is an act of war. We are staring at the end of America. Only Trump can save us now. This is how most normal American-born citizens see it.

Yet Democrats either defend the invading army, or say nothing, while winking and nodding. What a stunning mistake and miscalculation.

Game. Set. Match. Expect a stunning RED STORM victory for Trump and the GOP on November 6th. And as usual, Democrats won’t know what hit them.

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