
Congressman Russ Fulcher Files to Run for Reelection


I will make this announcement brief, but first I have a question for you. Remember when people had hope? Our economy soared to new heights, and our nation’s enemies respected and feared us thanks to bold conservative leadership during the Trump administration. We all remember the pre-Biden grocery prices and our leaders’ support for the brave men and women in blue. But that was then…

This is now…

The Democrats have completely taken over. Discussions about The Green New Deal, Socialism, Defunding the Police, and Vaccine Mandates are no longer dorm room concepts that are quickly dismissed. They are ACTUAL policy positions of the current Democrat “leadership” in DC! Inflation is running rampant, crime rates are rising, and we are once again reliant on 3rd world countries for energy production. But things are changing…

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Americans are sick of out-of-control inflation, and we hate seeing our police verbally assaulted by those in control and we will never tolerate the “new normal.” Folks like you and I know this is NOT the American way. Recent polling shows that Americans have run out of patience with Biden and Pelosi’s anti-American rhetoric. We want something better for our families…


Friends, you and I are in this fight together! So it is an incredibly great honor to share, that I have officially filed to run for re-election in Idaho’s 1st Congressional District! 

Knowing that folks like you are in my corner has provided me with a great deal of strength under fire and the resolve to continue advocating for OUR GREAT AMERICAN VALUES. the things that Americans value. Friends, I will not let you down! Not now, not ever!


If 2022 meets expectations, it will be the most expensive Congressional campaign in history. The far left and their allies in the mainstream media aren’t going down without a fight. If they lose the majority now, their dreams of passing gun control, socialized medicine, and other big-government schemes are over. All their resources are being dumped into the fight to defeat conservatives like me.

After taking Colorado, Arizona and gaining a foothold in Montana – Idaho is now on their radar.



  • First, I know we must defend the conservative, independent way of life we love and cherish. Thousands of Americans have moved to Idaho in the past few years, and we are reaching out to them and reminding them that they came here for a reason…conservative Idaho values, that must be preserved.
  • Second, I am assisting conservative candidates throughout the country. We need “all hands on deck” to defeat the progressive democratic agenda.
  • Third, if we start contacting voters now, we will take back the House this November. This is where I need you now more than ever.
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4 replies on “Congressman Russ Fulcher Files to Run for Reelection”

Since “actions speak louder than words” and more Idahoans and “New to Idaho Escapees” need to remember. Unfortunately even the research to find truth is extremely time consuming and some sources can be misleading. Keep up the good work you are doing, you have our votes.

Russ Fulcher is my Congressman and I voted for him last time. He has done a great job working around a captive congress and an illegitimate President. So I will vote for him again even if he drives a Chevy…

Russ supports veterans 100 percent so he gets my vote. Signed: Deplorable veteran.

Russ Fulcher allows his office to help constituents deal with problems, like problems with the I R S . In fact, he advertises this on the radio.
I heard the advertisement and called his office about an I R S problem. His staff was more than helpful and kind, and helped me work it out. Even though, it took about six months to do so.
Because of his stance on issues and because of his willingness to help his constituents, Russ Fulcher has my vote

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