
The Commies are Coming, The Commies are Coming!

I feel like Paul Revere. “The communists are coming, the communists are coming.” This is real.

Their new leader is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. This former waitress has been called “the future of the Democrat Party” by the DNC Chairman. She is now campaigning across the country for Democrat candidates. She is their great hope.

Democrats used to hide their beliefs in the things Ocasio-Cortez believes in. They acted and campaigned as “moderates.” No more. Now they are right out in the open with their extreme, radical, anti-American beliefs. They are the party of Ocasio Cortez.

It’s time to stop being nice and “well mannered.” Too many conservatives are afraid of offending someone. It’s time to just tell the raw truth. Study the platforms of the Democrat Socialist Party that endorses Ocasio-Cortez. Study the platform of the Communist Party of America. Now compare it to what leading Democrats like Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez say. The raw truth is…

There is little to no difference.

So, stop sugar-coating it. Stop calling them Democrats, or liberals, or progressives, or even socialists. This is exactly what communism looks like.

First let’s compare socialism vs. communism. Stop trying to separate the two. They are inseparable. Communism is simply the political system. Socialism is the economic system of communism. That’s the only difference. They are part and parcel of the same system designed by Karl Marx. The same system that murdered 100 million human beings in the 20th century.

The same system that today has destroyed Venezuela. The formerly richest country in Latin America today has no gas, no food, no medical supplies and 1 million percent inflation. Venezuelans are raiding the zoo to eat Zebras. They are eating wild donkeys in the countryside. That’s socialism and communism at work.

By the way, Cuba is a communist country. But the Cuban economic system that starves the people and places them in unimaginable poverty and misery is called “Socialist.”

Now look at what Democrat Socialist Ocasio-Cortez believes in. She wants Medicare for all. The latest study reports that the cost would be $32 trillion dollars. The budget of our entire country is $4.4 trillion. Income taxes would go to 90% to pay for it.

It’s the same number everywhere. In “The People’s Communist Republic of California,” illegals are welcome, but plastic straws are banned. Waiters who hand a straw to a customer face six months in prison. Yet even in radical California they’ve shelved universal healthcare. Why? The cost would be $400 billion—double their state budget.

If you live in California, state and federal government combined would have to take near 100% of your money to fund universal healthcare. Please explain the difference between that and communism?

Keep in mind that estimate of $32 trillion on the national level is “conservative.” That assumes healthcare costs could be put under control. They never have been in America’s history. Wasn’t Obamacare supposed to bring costs down? Instead, it doubled and tripled them.

So perhaps the real cost of “Medicare for all” isn’t $32 trillion. Perhaps it’s $64 trillion—16 times the annual budget of the United States.

But Ocasio doesn’t stop there. She wants free college for everyone. She wants universal income—a welfare check for everyone in America, for NOT working.

She wants a “renewable energy economy.” She reported gleefully in a recent TV interview the cost for this is $3 to $ trillion more. How will she pay for it? She spoke of giant tax increases, a $2 trillion carbon tax, and a dramatic cut in military spending.

She believes in open borders and abolishing ICE. She considers “zero tolerance” for illegal immigration the same as “ethnic cleansing.” So, she’d let in 300 million more of the world’s poor and unskilled masses, doubling our population. All of them would get free Medicare, free college and universal income.

Folks, please stop toying around with words. Today’s Democrat Party is filled with socialists, communists and America-haters. This is insanity, mixed with ignorance, mixed with national suicide. They want to destroy us. They want to wreck our businesses. They want to take our wealth.

Call me Paul Revere. And yes, the communists are really coming.

Wayne Allyn Root ( is host of the nationally-syndicated “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show.” Listen from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and watch at 5 PM on Newsmax TV—now on DirecTV and Dish. His R-J columns run Thursdays and Sundays.

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