Bob's Words of Wisdom

Biden-Gate: America in Transition

While most Americans assumed that President Biden was running the country for the past 3 ½ years in actuality we had a core group of democratic bureaucrats making the important decisions. Even more scary is that Sleepy Joe hasn’t had a cabinet meeting since last October and even then it was scripted as the cabinet members would submit their questions before the meeting started. This is truly the biggest scam in U.S. history and we can blame the corporate news media for covering up and perpetuating this scam. This should wake up every American to the fact that we cannot trust the media or for that matter, the bureaucrats running our government.

I find it hard to believe that the democrats are so determined to retain power that they would put our nation’s security at risk. Do we even want to ask the question who was in charge of the nuclear football because it certainly wasn’t Joe Biden? Maybe Joe gave the codes to Jill or Hunter just in case they couldn’t wake him up. America has been in the hands of an incompetent president for the past 3 ½ years and never realized it until the Trump-Biden debate.

What is worse is that we all now know Joe is incompetent and he is still in office running our country. When you look at the alternative to Joe it’s enough to stop your heart. To think that Kackling Kamala and her word salad speeches would be in charge of America should scare not only conservatives but also liberals. We don’t have a country anymore we have a three-ring circus with a bunch of clowns running things. It should now be obvious to all Americans that our government is so corrupt that there needs to be a complete purging of those who have been in charge of Washington for decades.

The good news is that Trump actually has a replacement policy to clean out the rot that has been accumulating if we can get him reelected. The bureaucrats at our law enforcement agencies saw the handwriting on the wall when Trump announced his candidacy and they were ready to attack as soon as the news was out. This is exactly why Trump was pummeled with four criminal indictments in hopes of keeping him from running. Anyone who is naïve enough to believe that these charges were not a coordinated effort between the DOJ and the White House needs to have their head examined. But it is not just Trump that they are going after as now anyone who is MAGA or Christian is considered an enemy of the state. Just look at how current and former employees of these federal agencies have lied about Hunter Biden’s computer, manipulated and censored social media, and arrested citizens for peacefully protesting abortion and speaking out at school board meetings. Just think about how unelected bureaucrats have imposed regulations affecting every aspect of our lives from what kind of vehicles we can drive to how much water can flow out of our shower heads.

Christ Troupis Book

We no longer have a freedom of the press when 90% of the news media are taking their marching orders from the government. Trump needs to rip the guts out of the Washington bureaucracy and replace it with those who are willing to serve the people not screw the people. Washington has grown into a cancerous tumor that is out of control and it is time to do some serious surgery and cut out all of the wasteful spending and corruption.

The first thing that needs to go is the federally controlled Public Education system which I believe is at the heart of the current division in our country. Our education system has been the tip of the spear in influencing the minds of three generations of our children. Just think about what they have been teaching them with CRT. proper pronouns, it’s ok for boys to be in girls’ bathrooms, and let’s not forget transgenderism. It’s time to bring our education system back home to the states where it belongs. We can no longer trust Washington the NEA or our boards of education to make good decisions for our children. It is the parents that need to take charge when it comes to approving the curriculums being taught in our schools. Parents also need to wake up and stop using our schools as their personal daycare centers.

It was 1984 when a former KGB agent named Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov claimed in an interview that Russia has a long-term goal of ideologically subverting the U.S. He called this process the Great Brainwashing and said the first stage is demoralization which he estimated would take twenty years. He said this is the minimum number of years it would take to reeducate one generation of students or the time it takes to change what the people are thinking. Read the story here He said in this interview that Russia had a long-term plan using psychological warfare to take over the U.S. He defined ideological subversion as “to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.”

In a sense, I feel that this is what has been happening for the past 60 years through our federally sponsored education system. We all wonder why our country is so divided but then if you look at our education system it is not hard to see how after three generations of public education and liberal colleges we have these wide ideological differences between the left and the right. The question I always ask is, has our public school system actually been a way of indoctrinating our children into a different way of thinking? Just look at the reaction by students at many of our colleges and universities who came out in support of Hamas after they slaughtered 1.400 innocents. We should be asking ourselves what in the hell are they teaching our kids in these schools. We send them to get an education and they wind up Woke, Broke, and snorting coke. It’s time we took our education system back to the States. As for these liberal colleges and universities, we need to stop funding them with our tax dollars until they can show us that they are actually educating our children and not indoctrinating them.

We need to get back to our traditional values and one of the ways we can do that is through our educational system. Here is a novel idea let’s bring God back into our schools and teach our children civics, ethics, morals, and critical thinking. I believe this presidential election will be the most important in our history so I ask you all to choose wisely when you go to the polls on November 5th.

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3 replies on “Biden-Gate: America in Transition”

I agree 100%. Only with God’s help can we return to our original
God-fearing constitutional form of government.

Well said, Bob. The so-called media needs to be purged as well as the indoctrination “education” system.A thorough purging of all government agencies is in order. We need President Trump back in the WH or else America is lost.

I was hoping that he had given Devos directions to disband the department of education during his first term but I was mistaken. It should be a high priority for the reasons you outlined here.

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