Bob's Words of Wisdom

Bad Choices Can Yield Devastating Results

As America is about to turn the page on four years of anarchy and chaos, we should all reflect back to the 2020 election when 81 million Americans voted to elect Joesph Biden the leader of our nation. I believe most of us would agree that this was the biggest mistake in the history of our country and we all need to learn a lesson from this devastating decision that tore this country apart. In my opinion, this was the final push by Obama and his freedom hating cronies to change our country forever. They did this by getting a president elected that did not have all of his cognitive faculties and essentially became a puppet.

Anyone who doesn’t think the election of Joe Biden wasn’t carefully planned and executed is a fool. This was a well-coordinated effort using every possible means to spread disinformation far and wide using the power of our own federal agencies against the welfare of our nation. Starting with the reach of the legacy and social media companies this massive propaganda machine began to spread lies and innuendo about Trump and his administration while protecting President Biden’s son Hunter. They enlisted a corrupt Justice Department along with the FBI, CIA, and DIA to spread lies and do their dirty work. As smart as Trump was in business, he had never encountered such an attack that was thrust upon him by Obama and his huge network of subversive liars who would do anything necessary to thwart another Trump presidency.

Trump was the first president since Ronald Regan that did the job he was elected and paid to do and he didn’t even take a salary. His first four years were unprecedented in economic history as all Americans were raised up economically and America once again took its place as the world’s leader and peacemaker. We had a rising tide of economic prosperity that helped all Americans regardless of race, color, or creed. There was peace throughout the world as Trump’s motto was “Peace thru Strength. The country was truly united the nuclear family was strong and the future was as bright as a morning sunrise.

This all came to an abrupt end in 2020 because of a virus that was created and paid for with our tax dollars through our own government agencies and was unleashed on the world. Fear was instilled in every American that this was a killer virus. Trump tasked the drug companies to produce a vaccine to combat this virus and several were eventually developed and offered to the public as an Emergency Use Authorization vaccine. This essentially protected the drug companies who made billions on this vaccine from any financial liability from the potential side effects of the vaccine. We are just now finding out about all of the side effects of this mRNA vaccine which may turn out to have killed millions and injured millions more.

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There were unnecessary lockdowns with stay-at-home orders as small businesses were shuttered and those who violated the orders were arrested and jailed. America became a country under siege. Wearing masks was the order of the day as state and local governments responded to the pandemic with declarations of emergency. They closed schools and public meeting places, ordered lockdowns of senior homes and businesses, intended to slow the progression of this virus. It also caused the presidential election to be held primarily by mail-in ballots one of the most insecure ways to hold an election. I believe as a majority of Americans do that there was a lot of cheating in the 2020 election which gave Biden the presidency and hopefully, we have learned a lesson and will never let it happen again.

Personally, I believe this was a PLANNED-DEMIC that was meant to make Trump look inept. I liken it to someone yelling fire in a movie theatre as the government helped to instill fear in the public through our various government health agencies for a virus that was nothing more than a bad flu. We are just now finding out many of the lies that we were told and how much damage this Planned-demic did to not only our economy but to the health of those who took this EUA vaccine.

In my opinion, Obama was always the devil in disguise and I suggest if you disagree with me that you do some real research and see how many scandals that his name is attached to. Much like the Biden administration for eight years, Obama’s administration sought to cover up serial wrongdoing by waging a veritable war against the watchdog inspectors general of various federal agencies. In fact, in 2014, 47 of the nation’s 73 inspectors general signed a letter alleging that Obama had stonewalled their “ability to conduct pertinent investigations into wrongdoing. There was a systemic refusal to turn over incriminating documents that were central to their investigations. Sounds a lot like the Biden administration does it not?

Once again, we have seen the enemy and it is us. Americans were snookered by the legacy media, social media and government interference. It literally took many whistle-blowers that came forward to tell us how our own federal law enforcement agencies were being used to propagandize us through social media platforms. We saw our criminal justice system turned against President Trump to keep him from running in 2024 as “Lawfare” was the order of the day. Fortunately for our country, the people began to see the light and the harsh reality that our own government was being used against us. Even now we are seeing more evidence that the Jan 6th event at the capital was planned as Pelosi and Washington’s mayor refused to call out 10,000 national guardsman Trump had requested for crowd control.

The democrats held a kangaroo court that went on for years prosecuting thousands of J6 participants just for being at the event. Now that the cat is out of the bag those who were responsible for these injustices are running for the hills asking President Biden to preemptively give them a presidential pardon for fear of retribution. Hopefully, all of those who participated in these crimes against the people will be punished or admonished for what they did. They should all go down in history as traitors who tried to take over our country with the help of a complicit legacy and social media.

The battle may be over as Trump has won a second term but the war is still being waged by the left. You can bet they will do all in their power to subvert an obstruct Trump from turning our country around both economically and socially. America was on the road to perdition but for the grace of God and the tenacity of a self-made billionaire who would not give up or give in to those who were trying to turn America into a Banana Republic. Even two attempts to assassinate him did not deter his courage to move forward and continue to fight against these forces of evil.

While we are still very much a divided nation, I do see promising changes as we see the elimination of social programs like DEI and Critical Race Theory cut from our schools and universities. We are even seeing corporations eliminate programs like these as more Americans show disdain for those policies. The talking heads on conservative media sound off about the landslide victory Trump had but indeed was it a landslide? It was at the very least “Too Big to Rig.” Let us not forget that many Americans are very uneducated when it comes to political analysis of who they should vote for. Many would just as well vote for the person handing out the freebies than the ones who stand by and support our constitution.

We came perilously close to losing our country to a bunch of crony elitists who in my opinion were led by the old Obama/Hillary faction that would have been happy to trash our constitution and enslave everyone who didn’t agree with them. We must all learn that we are only as free as we have a rational government that is of the people by the people and for the people. Indeed, this was not the case for the past four years. We have permitted our government bureaucracy to grow so large that it can’t be controlled and hopefully, Trump and his new appointees will be able to get things under control and back on track as our forefathers intended.

In closing let me just add that we came very close to losing our nation to a group of elitists who controlled our legacy and social media using the power of propaganda to swing the 2020 election to Biden. From now on let us all be skeptical of these media puppets and do some homework of our own when it comes to voting for who will best run our country in future elections because if we don’t there may no longer be any elections. I ask you all to remember the Bible verse 1Peter 5:8 – Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

“We Get the Government We Deserve”

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4 replies on “Bad Choices Can Yield Devastating Results”

Yo, Bobbo! It was NOT 81 MILLION. It was 81.
You know better. Who’s gotten to ya?

The biggest mistake was that we did not overthrow the fraudulently elected government when the cheat became undeniable. . That is our bad.

Yes, but then the sitting VP certified a fraudulent elected government. And people who publicly protested this were hunted down and jailed. I will wait and see if, after 01/20/2025, the new president “sets things right”. Bleib ubrig.

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