Opinions / Op-eds

The Business of Politics

The most powerful lobbying agency in Idaho is unknown to most Idaho voters. This organization wields enormous power and influence over every state elected official. How do we know this? None of them will openly criticize, or even talk about it. In 1974 the Idaho State Chamber of Commerce and the Associated Industries of Idaho […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Monetizing Hate

Rudyard Kipling’s classic poem “If” begins: “If you can keep your head when all about youAre losing theirs and blaming it on you,If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,But make allowance for their doubting too;If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,Or being […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Uniform Fairness

Imagine your child plays on their school’s Little League baseball team. You bought them their uniform and glove. You take them to practice. You attend all their games and encourage and support them in every way a parent should. You set a fine example for other parents who are also dedicated and put in the […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Freedom of Lie

The freedom of speech is dead. It has been for a while. If you doubt this, try saying something that is against the progressive woke narrative. The woke social justice Brown Shirts will mercilessly attack you, your employment, your business, and your neighbors with the goal of canceling you, driving you from the public square […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Threat to Democracy

Democracy is where a society is ruled by the people. It was understood by our founders that a pure democracy is an unstable form of government because as soon as the majority appreciates that they can vote for the seizure of wealth and property from the minority, revolution and chaos are only a matter of […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Caucus Confusion

What is up with Idaho’s Presidential Primary or Caucus? Are we having one or not? When is it? Where do I go? When is the deadline to affiliate with the Republican Party? All good questions. The short answers are: YES, there will be an Idaho Presidential Caucus that will be held on Saturday, March 2nd […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Death of the Primary

The Democrats running Reclaim Idaho and their supporters are pushing a voter initiative which they are deceptively calling the “Open Primary Initiative” and falsely claiming that “Leaders are handpicked by political party committees” and that somehow Idahoans do not have the freedom to vote in all elections. These ridiculous claims are easily disproven with a […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Fear is the Mind Killer

Author Frank Herbert understood that fear can paralyze the body and prevent rational thought. Unlike the basic drives like reproduction, eating, and status, fear is induced, a product of external circumstances. Fear is therefore a powerful tool for mind control and persuasion. Fear is the preferred tool in politics when facts or policy are not […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Democrat Chaos

An accountant friend would tell a story of the 1980 Savings and Loan collapse. He attended a meeting where the board members watched a presentation recommending that they upgrade their corporate jet to the latest model for several million dollars. After the presentation ended the chairman stood up and announced their S&L was insolvent and […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Affordable Idaho

“Just a touch of sarcasm” Reclaim Idaho has a brilliant plan to deal with Idaho’s drug, crime, and homelessness problems while making housing more affordable for everyone. Remember that Reclaim brought us Medicaid Expansion that they promised would cost $350 million but it performed three times better and now costs about a Billion dollars a […]

Opinions / Op-eds

What the 2024 Idaho Presidential Caucus might be like

During the last legislative session, the Secretary of State Phil McGrane pushed legislation to move the Presidential Primary from March to May. Unfortunately, the bill was poorly drafted and what it really did was to ELIMINATE Idaho’s Presidential Primary entirely. Despite this flaw, the Governor signed the bill which disenfranchised every Idaho citizen from expressing […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Unleash the Power of School Choice

Life is competition. Every organism on the planet, from virus to human, is the champion of a generation’s long struggle for the right to exist. Every product you consider, collect or consume is the result of innumerable competitive transactions. There are so many competitive transactions that must occur to produce even the simplest product that […]

Gem State Patriot News