
Trade Agreements Compromise Individual Liberty and National Independence

Did you know that your individual liberty and national independence are being negotiated away by our State Department in new trade agreements? NAFTA has resulted in the loss of a million jobs and caused 40,000 factories to close or relocate out of the USA. The two new trade agreements will be NAFTA on steroids.

News Opinions / Op-eds

Letter to the Editor

Editor: The Founding Father’s principles of liberty are discussed in the book, “The 5000 Year Leap,” by W. Cleon Skousen.


The Price of Liberty

The Declaration of Independence brought unique individual liberty to our country. It states that Man’s rights come from a Divine Creator and that government was to serve man and not enslave him.


Bad Guys Pushing THIS WEEK to Promote Global Tyranny Run by Corporations

Here’s How to STOP Them The powers-that-be are pushing this week to fast track a horrible treaty which would destroy America. The treaty is called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Gem State Patriot News