
America’s Second Chance to get it “Right”

Hello Idaho and welcome once again to our weekly podcast from IRDO iradio. This week we have a special guest Tony Olson a native Idahoan who grew up in Weiser.

In 2014, Tony wrote a book called “Spin Game” which made it to number 2 on the best-seller list at Amazon. He wrote this book to expose the lies that politicians have been feeding us through the liberal media sucking us into the Obama Hope and Change era. I believe this book and others like it played a part in getting Trump elected in 2016. Unfortunately, it never reached the majority of Americans who needed to be educated. Had more people read this book we just might have avoided the recent 4 years of chaos with a Biden presidency.

Tony saw the cancer that was growing in our country thanks to Obama and his leftist army and wanted to do something about it. This book was his way of getting the word out warning of the impending problems our country would face. He astutely saw how Americans were being manipulated by corporate and social media. He saw the biased liberal forums filled with anger, resentment, victimization, discrimination and unfairness. He saw the constant hate created by the left which created a new class warfare based in victimization and the entitlement mentality. It was the beginning of identity politics pitting people against each other based on race, religion, gender, income and sexual orientation. He saw the left was systematically fragmentating and destroying the country pitting brother against sister and parents against their children for no other reason than to secure a voting base.

Using the corporate media as their propaganda machine to promote their hypocrisy. they spoke about championing the poor publicly while showing disdain for them privately. They used abortion as their means to claim republicans were waging a war on women while Christianity and belief in our constitution were considered radical extremism. America was on a course for both moral and financial bankruptcy. It was Obama and company who set the stage for this sharp turn to the left and when Trump won the presidency in 2016 the left went berserk. They had invested heavily in the last 8 years grooming their base to see conservatives as the enemy of the state and engaged the deep states to help them make sure that Trump was blocked and mocked at just about anything he did. It was not just Obama that wanted to change our country but it was the elitists that were imbedded in the Washington bureaucracy that did everything they could to destroy Trump and had the liberal media at their beck and call to promote their lies. As I have said many times it is the liberal media that has taken us to the edge of the cliff in the destruction of our Republic. Let us all remember Barack Obama’s infamous words that he would fundamentally transform our country and if it had not been for President Trump and the MAGA movement he actually might have succeeded.

Christ Troupis Book

It was through the Biden administration that the lefties were going to put the final nails in the coffin of Americas Freedoms with their huge wasteful government spending programs and opening up our borders to millions of illegal aliens. These immigrants have inundated many of our many major cities sucking them dry as they had to pay for food, shelter, and medical care. Biden literally allowed our country to be invaded and it will be up to President Trump to remove these illegals and return them to where they came from. The left keeps saying it will cost too much to deport them all but when you think of the cost to allow them to stay you will realize that deporting them is the cheaper alternative. It will take a herculean effort by Homeland Security and ICE to first collect all of the criminals and the one million plus illegals who have already received deportation notices. Many will leave on their own fearing that if they are caught they would have to wait 10 years to try to re-enter legally. It will take years to deport all of these people but the alternative is unacceptable.

I believe we are at the beginning of a new era with President Trump at the helm of the U.S.S. America and he will steer a steady course to bring our country back to greatness and prosperity. So I ask everyone to support our president as he navigates through the quagmire of resistance that will be thrown up by the leftists bureaucrats. To be sure the first few months will not be pretty but he has picked a great cabinet and with a little help from God we will Make America Great Again.

Enough background information let’s hear from this insightful author of Spin Game Tony Olson and find out what he thinks about how things have turned out and what he believes the future has in store for us.

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3 replies on “America’s Second Chance to get it “Right””

Every year we, the US, subsidize all of the countries that we are receiving illegals from and every year we, the, US are paying them billions of our tax dollars. We should use that money to send the Illegas home. Tell your federal legislators to do so.

Amen, Brother. Ever since the Obama gang came on the scene, I have been begging our Congresspeople to take back their power to make laws, and to cut off the money that support these horrible Marxist programs. I look forward to the day they listen. Maybe they will get a back-bone now.

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