John Livingston

Alibis Destroy Character

Any follower or disciple of the great philosopher and Apologetic L. Marvin Moorehead, who practiced his craft like a mid-20th century Socrates in classrooms and on football fields in Central Ohio, has forever “imprinted on their brains” the words “ALIBIS DESTROY CHARACTER”. 2000 years earlier the greatest of all teachers and The Son of God tells us as related in Mathew 7, and I paraphrase, to first look at the log in your own eye before looking at the speck in your brother’s eye. Accountability and self-awareness are qualities that seem to be in short supply amongst elitist propagandists and corporate celebrities who have tried infecting the political narrative with moral relativism and a unique mixture of humanism and Gnostic hubris.

If there is no moral standard, if man is allowed to make the rules for himself and each individual person makes their own rules, then man becomes his own god. For the Christian and for every other religion in the history of man, the moral standard is external. For the Christian God takes the place of man in making the standard. We are given “free will”, and a conscience that allows us to freely make choices in life. It is in fact the choice of following the moral standard (created by God), that creates our “liberty” That is why we say that our rights and liberties come from God—not from ourselves or from other men or governments.

The basis of the lack of self-awareness that we are seeing today from the political left is the fact that if you make yourself your own ”god”, you cannot possibly be wrong or misdirected. Knowing that we all make mistakes, knowing we are all naturally sinful, allows us to confront those mistakes and sins and adjust—after asking forgiveness. The great businessmen military leaders and surgeons that have crossed my life have all been incredibly introspective and were always accepting of criticism from without and within. Not being able to adjust during the execution of an engineering project, a business transaction, an athletic event or in the operating room leads to failure. The best technical surgeon I ever operated with, couldn’t bring himself to adjust during the course of a long operation—confidence and humility are unfortunately difficult to reconcile sometimes. My own father once said to me not seriously I hope that his biggest problem in life was to decide if he should be “hypocritically humble or honestly arrogant”—he always chose the latter.

Starting about 0200 on election counting night the pundits on the left started pointing fingers—not at themselves but at others. First it was so “disappointing to think” that racism, misogyny, and bigotry are still alive in our country and world. They are and will ever be present, but today we are more inclusive and accepting of others that are different than us than at any other time in history. The stories they can tell without the perspective of what has come before our time is incredible. “Fascism and totalitarianism are alive and well in the Republican Party”. What a lie, and it is exactly that type of hyperbole that turned off the American people to their faux narrative. “White patriarchy and supremacy” caused women who were afraid of their husbands to vote for Trump. Talk about misogyny and a lack of respect for the intellect and character of women

People like David Axelrod, David Pluff, Al Sharpton. Barak and Michelle Obama, Rachelle Maddow, Susan Rice, Joe Scarborough and Mia are all blaming others and each other for what happened this election. Joe Biden thinks he could have won. They don’t see the logs in their own eyes—but the American people did. The promised post-election “autopsy” has become a political “vivisection”

The problem was their policies. Open borders and the strife that it caused on our cities, schools and hospitals. Inflation and free money and pandering by polls for votes. Plumbers, electricians, those in the building trades and people who worked assembly lines understood that taxes were being taken out of their paychecks and resources were being reallocated away from their families, in order to pay off college loans of doctors and lawyers and others in the professional student class. Transfer payments will be a big issue for Mr. Trump. Security—military and the policing of our communities was a big issue that the left marginalized.

The problem with the Dems this time around was simple. They had a candidate that was not up to the scrutiny of WE THE PEOPLE. They had policies that were not only wrong but, in some cases, evil. Transgenderism and abortion are evil. Blaming the right for their allegiance to their beliefs in God and Constitutional Principles wasn’t the cause of their defeat.

Look into the mirror.

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