John Livingston

A Time for Prayer

This may be my last post at the Gem State Patriot before the November Presidential Election. I have attempted to present reasons for voting for President Trump based on political philosophy and Biblical and Natural Law Principles, but today I want to present a very practical and very real reason for supporting DJT—MILITARY READINESS is at a level that we have not seen since the days of Jimmy Carter.

Our military has been compromised by a WOKE culture of elitist ideologues who have risen to positions of leadership after The Obamas “rifted” out thousands of senior officers and senior enlisted men and women who did not share their progressive political philosophy. Hence, we have people like Generals Milley, Kelly, or Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin leading our soldiers’ sailors and airmen. Just look at the record of these “soldier politicians”. Afghanistan withdrawal, Ukraine Quagmire, Iranian adventurism and the resurrection of terror all over the world since Obama—Biden—Harris and The CCP threatening Nationalist China—Taiwan.

Reenlistments are at historical lows. Enlistment quotas in all branches of our military have not been met for two consecutive years. Material readiness audits have identified the fact that we have less than half our planes ready to fly. Squadrons are scavenging planes on the flight lines for parts so routine operations at land and sea can continue. Last Sunday my nephew was deployed on the USS Gerald Ford for a pre-deployment exercise that was several months earlier than originally scheduled. The personal stress on individual service members and their families and their overall morale is significant.

We have only 3-4 million active duty and National Guard members currently up to date on their qualifications and ready to be deployed at a moment’s notice. Only 25 million citizens have been deployed and are retired. Counting their spouses and families—we should always count their families, only about 50-60 million citizens have had any direct contact with the military. Only 20% of our people have ever experienced firsthand the emotional trauma of a deployment.

Most of us take for granted the pain and sacrifices that are being made today by those serving us including their families. The strongest part of the leadership structure in our military today is the senior enlisted community who are more concerned with their mission and their people than the political elites sitting on their backsides at the Pentagon waiting for another star or a Board job at Raytheon or Boeing. Very few of “the best of the best” in the officer’s corps stay past their second tour—10 years. The few that do, must negotiate a labyrinth of political correctness. I heard one recently retired Admiral opine two weeks ago that the quality of officers graduating from our Military Academies and Officer Candidate Schools hasn’t changed, but the pressures placed upon them in the “new Woke Culture” are so great that with few exceptions the “best of the best” never reach senior leadership positions. This change of culture all started with The Obamas and continues with Biden—Harris idealogues.

A short poem by Rudyard Kipling entitled A TIME FOR PRAYER captures my feelings accurately and precisely:

 “In time of war, and not before, God and soldiers, we adore. But in times of peace, and all things righted. God is forgotten and the soldier slighted'”

My question for every mother and father and for every citizen on the eve of our Presidential Election is this:

Who do you want calling the shots in “the war room” at the White House or at the Pentagon? Politicians or Patriots? Who do you want when the CCP throws a blockade around Formosa or even invades our ally? Who has always been a great friend of our great ally Israel? Who designed the Abraham Accords and created a “Stalemate of Peace” in the Middle East? Who subsidized on two separate occasions the Shia regime in Tehran? Ans.—The Obama—Susan Rice—Biden—Harris deep state. Remember $250 billion in a suitcase during the final months of the BHO administration or the lifting of sanctions against the Iranian Mullahs?

Military preparedness is a “sanctity of life” issue. Each person—body and soul. Is a unique creature deserving of our love and respect. It is the first job of our commander-in-chief to protect and defend the citizens of the United States. To not equip or prepare our men at the tip of the spear and to then send them in harm’s way, is in my opinion the same “sin” as to not protect the life of an unborn child. The “duty to protect” is the same in each case.

Who should the American People choose to protect our sovereignty? Who is most able to discharge their “duty to protect”. If you were a mother or a father, who would you want to be commander in chief if there was a war to fight or a country to defend? Who do you believe would be most likely to invoke the guidance of “Divine Providence” as they discern the most difficult decision to put our cherished treasure in harms way in order to defend our way of life.

Let’s never forget that the primary job of President of The United States is to be Commander in Chief. For that reason alone, Donald Trump has a proven track record of “Peace through Strength”.

Anything else that the progressive liberal “fake news” media and political elites throw up against the wall and hopes to stick, in the next week will be just “noise”. The only people the “deep state” has chosen to protect and defend are those courting terrorists or those who have rioted in our streets. The difference in the priorities of the two candidates and the two political philosophies that they represent is vastly different. The choice should be easy—especially if you are a mother or a father.

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