Bob's Words of Wisdom

A Letter to President Donald J. Trump

1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington D.C. 20500-0001

I’m writing this letter because I’m quite concerned about your recent praise for our Governor Brad Little in regard to the School Choice bill in our legislature. I assure you that it was not Brad Little who sponsored this bill. I can recall during our last gubernatorial primary election you backed Janice McGeachin who was running against Governor Little in the primary. Unfortunately, Janice did not win the election as we have a political machine here in Idaho that has been run by Idaho’s elitists and big corporations for several decades who backed Brad Little. I realize that you cannot know everything about every one of our 50 governors but I pray that you listen to me about Governor Little. Since he is in the sheep ranching business it appears he has pulled the preverbal wool over your eyes into thinking he is conservative.

Your praise for Governor Little was undeserved because it is conservatives in our legislature who proposed the legislation for a School Choice Bill. Let me tell you a little about how much that will affect our educational system here in Idaho. Idaho’s budget for education is currently over 4 billion dollars and this bill that will give a limited number of students school choice will only be allocated $50 million covering less than 3% of our current student population. This is no more than a rounding error in Idaho’s education budget which exceeds $4 billion. I must confess it a start but the governor must still sign the bill and we know from past history that he is known for going back on his promises.

Let me fill you in on what has been going on here in our supposedly conservative state so that you can carefully weigh any support you might be considering for Governor Littles reelection. Starting with the Covid fiasco in 2020 our conservative governor called for a state of emergency after one Covid case was discovered. He issued a statewide stay at home order closed restaurants. nonessential businesses and schools. This closure order also included bars, nightclubs, gyms, recreational facilities, entertainment venues, convention centers, hair and nail salons, and others not included in the “essential” category. This statewide stay-home order was effective immediately and was to remain in effect for 21 days. Idaho remained under that emergency order for close to two years as it was all about the money.

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While the governor has signed into law a number of conservative bills like limiting abortions and keeping boys from participating in girls’ sports this is not the Real Brad Little Idahoans know. Although he is astute enough to make sure he signs any bills that will draw national attention and make him look like a real conservative you have never seen the left side of our governor. For instance, he has allowed our state budget to double in 9 years from $7 to $14 billion and while our constitution limits us to have 20 state agencies, we have 189 agencies and sub-agencies. (Does this sound a little like Washington?)

We also take 42% of our state budget from the federal government which is all borrowed money. Little promised to repeal a state grocery tax that hurts those on the lowest end of the economic scale but reneged on that promise. He touted that Idaho was the least regulated state but that was another lie as we did our homework and found that all he did was change the wording in the regulations. Because of the huge amount of federal money, we take we have had to add over 58,000 new rules, regulations, and memorandums of understanding on our books from the Federal Government.

We have had hundreds of thousands of people who have moved to Idaho from other states thinking that we were very conservative only to find out that our state government has been turning blue for the past 10 years. Most of these new arrivals don’t realize we are no longer the Reddest of the Red states. Here is a real kicker that you will just love. Recently our speaker of the House Representative Mike Moyle, who professes to be a conservative, has introduced a bill that will restrict our First Amendment rights. Here is its statement of purpose.


In the age of the internet and social media, malicious lies are increasingly capable of destroying the life and reputation of innocent people. To help prevent this problem from growing further, this legislation CREATES A FELONY CRIME OF CRIMINAL LIBEL. This would apply when a person publishes false statements about another person, knowing that the statements are false, or with reckless disregard as to whether they are true or false.


Based on Wisconsin’s experience with a similar law, Idaho could expect approximately one prosecution per year and one conviction for this crime every three years. As a non-violent felony, a suspended sentence and probation is the most likely sentencing outcome for a conviction, Probation costs would likely be $2,700 per year, starting in FY27. As a very low frequency criminal prosecution, no additional prosecution staffing should be required.

Representative Mike Moyle or Representative Brent Crane

I would recommend that all Idahoans who believe in our constitution and first amendment rights of free speech give Mike and Brent a call and let them know just what you think of this proposal.

Mr. President, I hope after reading this you would please save your accolades for our Governor as we are not as conservative as you might think and I hope this letter has been informative and helpful in any future decisions you might make regarding our Governor.

Bob Neugebauer

A Tea Party Patriot and defender of our Constitution. “We Get the Government We Deserve”.

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3 replies on “A Letter to President Donald J. Trump”

I thought Trump comment was genius. he knows very well that little is a Democrat, owned and controlled by out of state money, so he checkmated him by making that statement. I think little would have vetoed the bill, but now he can’t, with the spotlight trump put on Idaho. instead he will let it sit until it becomes law, which means he didn’t betray his owners by signing it. Trump is showing this term that he should not be underestimated

Good analysis. You may be on to something. Yesterday, 02/23/2025, THE DAILY FISH WRAP (aka THE POST FALLS/CDA PRESS) published a long, whining screed begging the Grinning Idiot (Little) not to sign the bill. It was signed by several “administrators” from government schools throughout the Gem State.
I have seen firsthand the fraud and waste in government schools. When I worked as a Teacher’s Aide at a high school here in Kootenai County, I thought I had landed on another planet. These “educators” need “butts in the seats” – their exact words to keep the grift going. The elephant in the room is the continued growth of Charter Schools, STEM Academies, religious schools, and home-schooling co-ops. Follow the money.

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